Mindless violence

What really needs to happen is for these kids to get out of these gangs and get into something more positive, like sports clubs or some youth group. As long as they feel the need to hang out with the dregs of society, thus being integrated into such, they won't have the motivation to break out. They need alternatives.
What really needs to happen is for these kids to get out of these gangs and get into something more positive, like sports clubs or some youth group. As long as they feel the need to hang out with the dregs of society, thus being integrated into such, they won't have the motivation to break out. They need alternatives.

Is that the root of the problem though Dondi? Gangs have always existed but where has the level of violence come from? My brother used to hang about with some very unsavoury people in his teens but they never carried guns, they used to threaten to beat the other gangs up but not kill them (even if they did, they couldn't get hold of a gun to actually do it).

This past week we had an 11 year old shot dead in a gang related incident. Where did that come from? When did our kids become so violent? How do teenagers get hold of guns? I think that is the fourth child to be killed in gang related incidents in less than a month over here - I am just so shocked and saddened.
Muslimwoman said:
Is that the root of the problem though Dondi?

I'm not attempting to extrapolate on the root problem, but suggesting possible solutions. Where kids are being taught violence and kicks to relive bordom in the streets, why not provide a place where they can be influenced to do something meaningful, like play sports?

Gangs are generational. That's why they have been around so long. Your older gang members will indocrinate young kids into the wiles of gangland life. Sometimes the older one is a brother or sister. Like it or not, that will be their role model, unless something is done to break the cycle.

More to the point would be what drives kids to gangs. My feeling is that much of the problems begins at home. If there little discipline and love in the home, no stable environment in the family, no sense of belonging, kids will seek such somewhere else.

I was never in a gang, but there was a time I wanted to fit in somewhere, but I tried to fit in with the partying, rowdy crowd and while I got my kicks out of it (sometimes doing some stupid sh!t, like stealing ceramic deers off of lawns or stealing flowers from a greenhouse) I seem to distance myself from my family. Maybe part of it was to exert my own sense of independence, maybe I liked being accepted as part of a group (though no one told me about the backstabbing). Yet there were times I felt depressed and lonely, sometimes not knowing why. The odd thing is all while I was doing that, I spent summers at a Christian camp. And I've gotta tell you that I felt the most happy when I was at camp, around a Christian environment that seemed way more accepting and uncritical than my secular friends were. There was a kindred spirit especially from my camp counselors and older camper. There was a greater sense of trust there.

Everyone wants to fit in. But once you step into a group like a gang, you're going to fit in alright. But it's not like one day you can wake up and say, "I think I'll quit the gang". There is a sense of being trapped there. You think that you can just walk out on a gang and not have repercussions? There's no easy way out, and if you show cowardness, you'll be ridiculed. So you've gotta constantly prove yourself.
If there is full blown gang activity in an area....you gotta be a member. You can't cross into other territories without your crew for protection...you may not be able to go to the corner store, or go see your grandmother or aunt without the gang.

It is a protection racket....it grows because kids see they can flip burgers for $ 5 an hour and give much of that to the Gov't or they can make a $25 in five minutes by delivering this bag to that corner... They see folks eeking out a living and folks driving fine cars...they emulate those driving fine cars.

They watch movies and videos glorifying sexist behavior and violence. They watch commercials where sex sells on wallstreet. They see the nerd get his assed kicked by the ruffians...what are you gonna be a nerd or protect yourself?

We don't all live or travel in the areas where this thought is bred, where it thrives, and while some do find a way out...for many they can't see the way out.

Everybody does the best with the knowledge they currently have...

We are all works in progress...none of us finished.

We need to hold them in, raise them in the light.
More to the point would be what drives kids to gangs. My feeling is that much of the problems begins at home. If there little discipline and love in the home, no stable environment in the family, no sense of belonging, kids will seek such somewhere else.

Ah well, I am afraid that is where I go back to my rather old fashioned view that mothers need to stay at home and look after their children.

Everyone wants to fit in. But once you step into a group like a gang, you're going to fit in alright. But it's not like one day you can wake up and say, "I think I'll quit the gang". There is a sense of being trapped there. You think that you can just walk out on a gang and not have repercussions? There's no easy way out, and if you show cowardness, you'll be ridiculed. So you've gotta constantly prove yourself.

Does anyone know if this is a 'coming of age' testosterone thing? I can only think of one girl killed in a reported gang attack and it was a boy that killed her I believe. I don't mean to sound sexist but I haven't heard of female gangs in the media.
Does anyone know if this is a 'coming of age' testosterone thing? I can only think of one girl killed in a reported gang attack and it was a boy that killed her I believe. I don't mean to sound sexist but I haven't heard of female gangs in the media.
Plenty of girls are active in gangs and wear colors, whether they are in the gangs or involved with gang members their association to one or another is clear. There are some girl gangs and some girls even end up leaders of primarily male gangs...I believe females make up a larger percentage of the new gang members now than they ever have. When it comes to the behavior that creates and keeps a gang...it wouldn't be out of the question to see this trend continue.

Of course if a study were done to reveal what eventually got a guy out of a gang I'd say the largest influence would probably be some female using her wiles to get him to quit....hope there as well.
I will have to do some research Wil because I haven't heard of this girl gang culture in the UK. Will get back to you if I find anything.
Muslimwoman said:
Does anyone know if this is a 'coming of age' testosterone thing? I can only think of one girl killed in a reported gang attack and it was a boy that killed her I believe. I don't mean to sound sexist but I haven't heard of female gangs in the media.

One of the news programs, I believe it was "The O'Reilly Factor" reently reported on the upsurge of "lesbian gangs". Here's one link:

Claim That Lesbian Gangs Raping Young Girls, Some Attacked in School Washrooms

One of the news programs, I believe it was "The O'Reilly Factor" reently reported on the upsurge of "lesbian gangs". Here's one link:

Claim That Lesbian Gangs Raping Young Girls, Some Attacked in School Washrooms
Dondi, you and I are in the DC, MD, VA area....they claim 150 gangs....I've heard nothing on local news or street scuttlebutt in this regard...have you? It sounds like rampant homophobia. I can't find any other corroboration....So much for no spin...
Dondi, you and I are in the DC, MD, VA area....they claim 150 gangs....I've heard nothing on local news or street scuttlebutt in this regard...have you? It sounds like rampant homophobia. I can't find any other corroboration....So much for no spin...

Oh, I'm not trying to collaborate the report, I am simply stating that there has been media coverage on female gangs. I admit I did not investigate the validity of it. It's just when Muslimwoman said she never heard of female gangs in the media, I wondered how she didn't hear mention of this. Forgive me if this story isn't true.
Oh, I'm not trying to collaborate the report, I am simply stating that there has been media coverage on female gangs. I admit I did not investigate the validity of it. It's just when Muslimwoman said she never heard of female gangs in the media, I wondered how she didn't hear mention of this. Forgive me if this story isn't true.
Oh, nothing to forgive, I know there are female gangs but I thought the number was less than 1% of the total, and females probably amounted to 10-20% of total gang members...

I'm not shooting the messenger...the 150 local gangs blew me away...especially since this is the first I've heard of it seems like sensationalist info and detracts from Bill's credibility if not true.
Oh, I'm not trying to collaborate the report, I am simply stating that there has been media coverage on female gangs. I admit I did not investigate the validity of it. It's just when Muslimwoman said she never heard of female gangs in the media, I wondered how she didn't hear mention of this. Forgive me if this story isn't true.

Hi Dondi,

We tend not to get too much media reporting on issues like this unless it is within the UK.

I had a look around the net but can find nothing that suggests this cultural problem has hit the UK ...... Yet but I feel sure it will arrive sooner rather than later. We still seem to have mainly male gangs, with girls being the 'supporters' of the male gangs. This is an awful example:

Girls chant ‘kill him’ as gang chases schoolboy then stabs him to death - Times Online

O'Reilly's "lesbian gang" report was one of the more vicious pieces of outright falsehood that he has perpetrated.