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Being a Christian I don't delve into other religions too much, but it seems to be that Christianity as a whole is scoffed at a whole lot (I've been accused of being "closed minded" because I stand on the authority of God's word).

I was just wondering what you guys think is the most scoffed at religion in the world?
Being a Christian I don't delve into other religions too much, but it seems to be that Christianity as a whole is scoffed at a whole lot (I've been accused of being "closed minded" because I stand on the authority of God's word).

I was just wondering what you guys think is the most scoffed at religion in the world?
It appears to me whatever religion you are.

ie whatever religion you are you hear more negativity about than because you are in it and have a defensive posture and two because you'll notice it more, and remember it more than when hear detractors of other thought.

You must remember that the Jew's view their books as G!d's word, as do the Muslim's, the Hindu's, etc... so isn't it understandable if that you would be also backing one in a corner if you claim your G!d is better than their G!d? or His word is better than their words...what would you expect them to do in this case? Isn't deeming you close minded or scoffing a fairly natural reaction??

'nother you not scoff at other religions...or think them close minded if they don't understand the good news?
Being a Christian I don't delve into other religions too much, but it seems to be that Christianity as a whole is scoffed at a whole lot (I've been accused of being "closed minded" because I stand on the authority of God's word).

I was just wondering what you guys think is the most scoffed at religion in the world?

The bible said it would happen
People whose arguments are based on "because I said so", or "because it says so" shouldn't be surprised or offended when others don't just close their eyes and open their mouth. American Christians are so used to taking for granted a special status that when the playing field is leveled they think they're being persecuted. Playing the victim is such a wormy way to be.

Scoff, scoff...

... could we have an explanation of the difference, if any, between a "scoffer" and a "scofflaw" ? Inquiring minds want to know.


From Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: scoff·law
Function: noun
: a contemptuous law violator

Function: verb
intransitive verb : to show contempt by derisive acts or language <scoffed at the idea>
transitive verb : to treat or address with derision :
- scoff·er noun

They both are nouns and you asked.
People whose arguments are based on "because I said so", or "because it says so" shouldn't be surprised or offended when others don't just close their eyes and open their mouth. American Christians are so used to taking for granted a special status that when the playing field is leveled they think they're being persecuted. Playing the victim is such a wormy way to be.

Scoff, scoff...


Hebrews 12:14-17

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.

Dont be so bitter, Chris. Its a soul-eating affliction and its not just hurtful to other people its mostly hurtful to yourself. God loves you and He desires you to come to Him!
I find that any faith that believes in G-d is now scoffed at. We believe in something we cannot see or prove to exist, so people will always scoff. All religious argument is circular, which frustrates discussion, so again shall be scoffed at.
I find all religions are scoffed at by someone, and Christianity at least has a majority population so it is not scoffed at nearly so much as others that are much smaller religions.

Also depends on where you go- people will scoff at whatever the religion is that is least like their own.

85% of the U.S. self-identifies as some sort of Christian, it's hardly reasonable to think the remaining 15% is really able to persecute the majority effectively. Sure, atheists may scoff at all religions, but then religious people scoff at atheists.

I think it's just a human thing. People scoff at what they don't relate to or understand.
Being a Christian I don't delve into other religions too much, but it seems to be that Christianity as a whole is scoffed at a whole lot (I've been accused of being "closed minded" because I stand on the authority of God's word).

Perhaps what is perceived by others as a closed mind is due to a confidence in the veracity of one’s own view. The greatest potential may lie with the beginner’s mind; the least with the expert’s.

I was just wondering what you guys think is the most scoffed at religion in the world?

(Would this question not have been better placed in Comparative or B&S, assuming you want to get the viewpoints from people of other faiths?)

Scoffing is at the mild end of the spectrum that leads through ultimately to persecution, which through the centuries has of course resulted in ruined lives and untold numbers of deaths of peoples of all religions (often at the hands of people of other religions…). Tolerance is the key...

Personally, I think all religions should be scoffed at. Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. :D

Does this not make it difficult for one to be friendly towards those who do hold religious beliefs? Would you be scornful towards such a person?

(Christianity, like all religions, is indeed a way of life - when it is authentically expressed in one's day-to-day life as opposed to lip-service).

American Christians are so used to taking for granted a special status that when the playing field is leveled they think they're being persecuted.

It seems you are suggesting that there’s a world outside of America, Chris. Get real.:rolleyes::p

All religious argument is circular, which frustrates discussion, so again shall be scoffed at.

The classic "religious" tautology:

Is there a God?

How do you know?
Because the holy book says so.

How do you know that the holy book is correct?
Because it comes from God.

(Back to the beginning....)

Also, I thought this thread was going to be about a great new restaurant.:eek:

Does this not make it difficult for one to be friendly towards those who do hold religious beliefs? Would you be scornful towards such a person?

(Christianity, like all religions, is indeed a way of life - when it is authentically expressed in one's day-to-day life as opposed to lip-service).


Friendly? Not a problem, but in the mean time I can also point the way to GOD'S SON, ETERNAL LIFE, MERCY, AND FORGIVENESS!

Probably the ultimate in "wormy-ness" is trying to convince Christians that the playing field is indeed level. It's not.

I can't be scornful of people - I like them too much. As for belief systems, if you were headed off a cliff and I knew it and didn't tell you, would that be intolerant? As you're crashing on the rocks, belief systems will matter not.