Japan? WTF?!

17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
I was over this house yesterday sorting some stuff out and I saw on the tv in the front room something about Japanese fishermen... I went in to have a better look and it shows these Japense fishermen hacking dolphins to bits.... I mean... wtf........ Makes me want to go give someone a serious ass, kicking......

ITN - Japanese fishermen clash with protesters


It's sick man. I saw a video clip once of Tuna fisherman slaughtering a whole mass of dolphins just because they had got trapped in the nets. Vegetarianism is the only answer - put these guys out of business!

Good on Hayden for making it a news event.

... Neemai :)
Yes terrible. I hear something similar happens in places called "abattoirs."

I hear something similar happens in places called "abattoirs."

Abattoirs? Good one Snoopy, made me look it up. Carnages de Boucheries, eh?

The mere act of being human seems to be inhumane at times. Vegetables still have feelings, still communicate, still are alive. Vegetarians are not immune to the carnage humans inflict upon the life around us, killing to live is still killing to live. The distinction in my opinion is in taking the life only of that you require to sustain your life, and no more, and being grateful for the life given.

Of course, even that can get fuzzy around the edges. What do we do with the rats that threaten our food stores, or the other vermin like roaches and flies that threaten the health of our children? What about the rattlesnake that surprises us in the garden? What do we do with the rabid raccoon or dog wandering the neighborhood?

Do we read the daily newspaper, or wipe our fannies with toilet tissue? Some tree somewhere died to provide those conveniences, and the processing plants are every bit as vulger and repulsive as any slaughterhouse, and even more polluting. Seems to me an attitude of callous smugness that settles over some because they eat creatures that have no eyes nor utter sounds that can be heard by human ears, that they are in some manner ethically superior to those who eat animal flesh, is quite misguided. Life sustains life, life feeds life. Life cannot survive eating anything that was not first alive, and life is life, death is death.

Killing unnecessarily, for sport, for simple convenience, is just plain wrong. But not having seen this video, I can reserve my harsh judgement because I do not know the context (and I do know very well how Hollywood exaggerates, and people are prone to emotionalism and sensationalism).
Seems to me an attitude of callous smugness that settles over some because they eat creatures that have no eyes nor utter sounds that can be heard by human ears, that they are in some manner ethically superior to those who eat animal flesh, is quite misguided. Life sustains life, life feeds life. Life cannot survive eating anything that was not first alive, and life is life, death is death.

Yes it's impossible not to kill other living beings (we kill bacteria etc... all the time), but that doesn't excuse widespread slaughter of advanced sentient life. It's got nothing to do with moral "smugness", we have to draw the line somewhere it's just practical - the debate is simply where we draw the line? Otherwise if we took the above argument to it's extreme it could used to excuse cannibalism. "Heck it's just another life form, someone's gotta die, life feeds life". Sounds stupid to us now, but in future, who knows?

... N
Kindest Regards, Neemai!
we have to draw the line somewhere it's just practical - the debate is simply where we draw the line? Otherwise if we took the above argument to it's extreme it could used to excuse cannibalism. "Heck it's just another life form, someone's gotta die, life feeds life". Sounds stupid to us now, but in future, who knows?
Yes, I agree, a line must be drawn somewhere. Culturally that line and mileage may vary. In the west we tend to cringe at the thought of eating dog, or monkey, or dolphin. In the east some cringe at the thought of eating Bambi, or Bossey, or Wilbur.

Just got done with a brief in the news...seems those dolphins were being killed for food. It is sad the Hollywood showgirl conveniently had cameras with her to film, but what would she have a poor fishing family eat instead? I imagine they are just as appalled at her (and others) when she eats at McDonalds. Now, is she ready to carry her cameras into a slaughterhouse in Kansas or Texas and film how all that beef, pork and chicken under cellophane are taken from living breathing creatures, herded and killed in a model of factory scale efficiency that would boggle a person's mind, and then packaged into neat little bags so the consumer can bypass the guilty conscience stage?
Abattoirs? Good one Snoopy, made me look it up. Carnages de Boucheries, eh?

Such places are called abattoirs in the UK, juan.

Maybe it's like the French not having a word for "entrepreneur" ?:p

I once met a guy who had two really big snakes. He would get free kittens and feed them to his snakes, which struck me as a really horrible thing to do. But then I thought: what's the difference in feeding the snakes a rat or a kitten? One is cut and adorable, and one isn't so much.

about 20 minutes drive form where I live, is the natural beauty of Platypus Bay. Each spring the Humpback whales visit us to frolic in these waters on their way up the coast. We have a thriving tourism industry for all the Whale Watching visitors and sometimes it really is a question of Who is watching Who.???? These magnificent giants approach the vessels and emerge out of the water to check us out as we are doing the same.. INCREDIBLE. The mothers let their calves come close to the boats and gently nudge them away when they feel its enough.
Now the Japanese have declare war on these gentle creatures and will be hunting them as well as the other whale species they can find. The whales have developed a kind of trust with us.
Did you know that they (japanese) arent killing them for scientific purposes and they arent even killing them for food. On a documentary here it was revealed from a Japanese Embassy Official that hunting whale isnt necessary because they have a surplus of whale meat stored in their country, an oversupply. When the interviewer ask why then, were they still hunting Whale when it was clearly not necessary, the official did not reply. When he was asked was it because the west didnt want them to do it??? He walked out of the interview.
I rest my case....
Jack Handey had a joke:

Would we still chop down trees, if they screamed?

Sure we would, if they screamed all the time, for no particular reason.
i know we've had the vegetarian debate.... but thereis a BIG difference in the destruction of a wild creatures existence just because we can and beef/lamb/pork/chicken production for the omnivours (?) out there. Of course, beef abbotoirs(?) are a grisly place. Seriously, if you dont want to eat meat, then dont. I do. My family are cattle graziers, my country was built on it. If animals (any kind) are being killed for meat. well, then thats survival of the fitest, Killing isnt a sport and killing for anything other than survival is not only morally wrong but shows just how stupid mankind really is.
Life isn't life in the world of law..... Cattle indeed is life... but is it endangered? No? then there is no law being broken.... Dolphins are a totally different freaking level... :| Right?

In your eyes then. Didn't know we were discussing law. A cow and a dolphin are both intelligent mammals, like humans. Cows are bred for food so they're unlikely to be endangered as a species.

My eyes aren't the law.... They are just influenced by the norms and values of the law.... A cow is in my beef burger, it's in my stake... It's even here in my "Cow&Gate scrummy spaghetti bolognese" I have become a customed to cow being used for food, clothing and what not.... I am not a customed to seeing dolphins circled and surrounded then hacked to **** while they are still alive lol.... That isn't a norm of my society so increased shock is created.... Quite, I'm sure....
A cow is a lot dumber than a human. A dolphin is not. I don't know whether that should make a difference to our moral reactions, but it does.
i know we've had the vegetarian debate.... but thereis a BIG difference in the destruction of a wild creatures existence just because we can and beef/lamb/pork/chicken production for the omnivours (?) out there. Of course, beef abbotoirs(?) are a grisly place. Seriously, if you dont want to eat meat, then dont. I do. My family are cattle graziers, my country was built on it. If animals (any kind) are being killed for meat. well, then thats survival of the fitest, Killing isnt a sport and killing for anything other than survival is not only morally wrong but shows just how stupid mankind really is.
Namaste greymare,

I track and agree with our sentiment right up till the last line.

It seems to disagree completely with all the lines above it.

We don't eat meat today for survival, no agrarian society has for thousands of years. Billions of vegetarians have proved we can live without meat. Not only that we can feed more people per acre healthier with crops than with meat. Now I'm not denying there are places in this world where meat is still part and parcel of a survival diet, but that does not include any densely populated area.

Do you see what your final line says about your family operations?