OK, so...

  • Thread starter Eclectic Mystic
  • Start date
So. Uh.

Very astute, and I think you are exactly correct. I admire your ability to sum up a thought so all encompassing in such a minimalistic manner. Your utilization of the language is incredible, without a wasted alpha character as far as I can see. The only argument or debate I can offer and it really isn't either, more of an observation, constructive criticism if you will, and it is surely open for interpretation. I think you've, I hesitate to say it as it is so inconsequential but it appears you've over punctuated unnecessarily. In some instances I could see where it would be required, but unless I am missing something it is really simply redundant and takes away from the beauty and simplicity of both the title and the original post. Well, now that I've looked at it all, rescind my previous comments. I disagree with you completely as I now see the meaning in your punctuation and think you quite obtuse and forward to put forth such a statement without any form of back up, you do realize you are in jeopardy of a civil libel suit and a criminal assault.

I would have never thought it of you.
Very astute, and I think you are exactly correct. I admire your ability to sum up a thought so all encompassing in such a minimalistic manner. Your utilization of the language is incredible, without a wasted alpha character as far as I can see. The only argument or debate I can offer and it really isn't either, more of an observation, constructive criticism if you will, and it is surely open for interpretation. I think you've, I hesitate to say it as it is so inconsequential but it appears you've over punctuated unnecessarily. In some instances I could see where it would be required, but unless I am missing something it is really simply redundant and takes away from the beauty and simplicity of both the title and the original post. Well, now that I've looked at it all, rescind my previous comments. I disagree with you completely as I now see the meaning in your punctuation and think you quite obtuse and forward to put forth such a statement without any form of back up, you do realize you are in jeopardy of a civil libel suit and a criminal assault.

I would have never thought it of you.

Translation: "I think you believe you understand exactly what I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not, what I meant..." :D

And the point in this entire freaking thread..... would, be?
Nothing of any benefit , :)i know lets see what is for our benefit . wait for it ................................yes you have guessed....................
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.2 TIMOTHY 3;16-17
So. Uh.

Nothing of any benefit , :)i know lets see what is for our benefit . wait for it ................................yes you have guessed....................
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely and equipped for every good work.2 TIMOTHY 3;16-17
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely and equipped for every good work.2 TIMOTHY 3;16-17
Moved to the Lounge as this is basically a chat thread, not spiritual discussion thread.
My honest opinion is that the starter of this malicious and mendacious thread, and all of those who have so willfully and willingly contributed to and cooperated in the spreading of the subersive subject matter thereof shall heretofore be summarily placed upon double supertopsecret monitored withoutcourtorderdapprovalsofinternationalsecuritymeasures probation.

But waterboarding to determine the alleged truthiness of the accused is heretofore to be allowed at the interrogator's individual discretion. Interrogators are all qualified members of the authoritarian social structure, and are all retired former linemen of the American National Football League with at least ten year's experience and three arthroscopic knee surgeries. In Japan, only retired Sumo masters weighing more than 200 kilos shall be allowed to be the interrogators

Oops I am on probation :eek:

I had a shower today, does that count as waterboarding?
Salaam my dear...I beileve that "waterboarding" and being "waterbored" are two entirely different concepts. Daily showering would, IMHO, fall under the second rubric.

Here's how to tell if you are on probatoon or not. If you get into your shower and there is already an athletic-minded 400 pound male in there, then you're on probation.

Not to worry my sweet. Doing the same sorts of things with water each day (scrubbing, rinsing, flushing, etc.) constitutes "waterbored" behaviors. The malicious use of water to evoke hidden, subversive, and concealed information from you would be "waterboarding".

pssst...So. Uh. Yea...we are going over the wall tonight, pass the word.

I have my balaclava ready but of course it has a silly headband with arabic writing on and that explosive belt is so itchy.
Here's how to tell if you are on probatoon or not. If you get into your shower and there is already an athletic-minded 400 pound male in there, then you're on probation.

:eek: I am not going to look just in case. I'll get my daddy to do it and if there is there is gonna be trouble. ;)

evoke hidden, subversive, and concealed information from you would be "waterboarding".

:eek::eek: Forewarned is forearmed. My lips are sealed. :p

BTW what is waterboarding? A sport I assume.