Where to draw the line?

well, thinking is not a crime, neither is being a member of a dubious political party (after all, there's plenty of Conservatives about...lol...) and nor should owning specific literature. so far, that is all she is guilty of.

Of all the laws of the land, incitement has to be one of the most contentious.

If we follow the incitement line of reasoning, then williams burroughs, writing about sex with children and rape of women, incites paedophiles and rapists to commit such acts by upholding such themes and making them fit for our recreation...

the counterarguement usually runs- we all have free will, we can read and write about these things without it making us paedo's and rapists...

we can't have it both ways.

If I, here, on this site, proclaim a hatred of, snugglewuzzles, and exhort others to give them a good slapping should they chance upon them, and a snugglewuzzle gets hurt, should I be responsible for the slappers action?

Why? I am here, over 1000 miles away. I did not work on u, befriend u, ensnare u, reel u in, make u my "bff", I didn't cause u to despise snugglewuzzles, did I? And unless I do, I'm enciting nothing... I am simply owning my own opinions, which I am supposedly entitled to, in a free world.

I dislike the idea that I can be held accountable for anothers actions. If my brother kills a man, it would be wrong for me to be charged for it. But, if I give him a knife or help him dispose of the body- then I am guilty. Not before.

Unless I have deliberately coerced a person to behave in a certain way, unless I have willfully and considerately moulded them, why should I be responsible for their actions and activities, whether or not I support or don't support such practises personally? We are, technically, at least, entitled to hold whatever opinions we like about whatever we like. A person only becomes a criminal by his actions... not by his thoughts...

so, for me, yes, unless you have semtex residue on your fingers, in your bag, house, or car, unless you have a pipe bomb in your false leg, unless we find your workshop with a half made bomb on the counter, or unless we have actual hard evidence of you plotting to commit crimes, then you are, supposedly, innocent...

if you cannot prove someone is a criminal, then you can't send them to jail...

unfortunately, that happens more often than the state will admit...

i think of the Birmingham Six, the Guilford Four, etc... the state needed to be seen to do something about this manic panic sweeping the nation... it doesn't matter if ppl are actually guilty of anything at all...

a bad man commits a crime, they get punished, the story ends in the minds of the ppl, they move on to fresher news,, their ire spent... its a just world, after all... we can sleep easy in our beds, and dream away that we are safe, and life is good...

when instead, we should try to address the reasons why people feel alienated by their societies, why people feel that killing others is a good thing, why one man can kill but another can't... but we won't do that, because that means the arms industry and the military wankers and the politicians and directors and captains of industry won't get their big bonuses...

it might mean that we, society, is responsible for all this misery, mindless violence, school yard killings, and wars, simply because of the way our society is structured, and until society changes, these things will continue.

Thinking of evil is not a crime- it is a symptom of a greater sickness. Thoughts only become criminal acts when they result in criminal activity, however unpalatable that might seem, surely?
well, thinking is not a crime, neither is being a member of a dubious political party (after all, there's plenty of Conservatives about...lol...) and nor should owning specific literature. so far, that is all she is guilty of.

But surely she has done more than that, in that she didn't keep it to herself but decided to share her hatred with the world? Could she have been arrested or gone to trial if she had kept this to herself or within her close circle? Me thinks not.

If we follow the incitement line of reasoning, then williams burroughs, writing about sex with children and rape of women, incites paedophiles and rapists to commit such acts by upholding such themes and making them fit for our recreation...

Did he ask/instruct others to go out and have sex with children or rape women? If so then he belongs in jail imo.

If I, here, on this site, proclaim a hatred of, snugglewuzzles, and exhort others to give them a good slapping should they chance upon them, and a snugglewuzzle gets hurt, should I be responsible for the slappers action?

This is where I believe you would cross over the line, by exhorting others to commit violence. The fact that you hate snugglewuzzles makes you a racist (you nasty snugglewuzzle hating bitch :p) and a rather unpleasant person I wouldn't invite to dinner but is not a criminal offence. When you then encourage me to go and slap them then you have committed a crime (okay it is a thin line and it does tend to move as often as the goalposts do) however if you know it is a crime and you commit it, then can you complain when action is taken against you?

Would you agree with someone being allowed to write a blog on how to groom children for a paedophile ring?

We are, technically, at least, entitled to hold whatever opinions we like about whatever we like. A person only becomes a criminal by his actions... not by his thoughts...

But she wasn't arrested for her thoughts but for her actions. She had been posting such stuff for about 3 years I believe, her comments becoming more radical, violent and 'instructional'.

if you cannot prove someone is a criminal, then you can't send them to jail...

But she has been proved, in a court of law by a jury of her peers, to be a criminal. There is a law against incitment to violence and she broke that law.

i think of the Birmingham Six, the Guilford Four, etc... the state needed to be seen to do something about this manic panic sweeping the nation... it doesn't matter if ppl are actually guilty of anything at all...

Yes you have a good point here, she is being used as an example but we certainly need one these days. Young Muslims must understand that this is not a road they should take, it is so easy for young Muslims to get sucked in by these people and we must nip it in the bud.

when instead, we should try to address the reasons why people feel alienated by their societies, why people feel that killing others is a good thing, why one man can kill but another can't...

As I said I would really like her to receive re-education by non radical scholars. I do not believe she is evil or a natural killer but I think she has been drawn into some very dangerous thinking. In the same way we would send a drug addict to rehab, we should have a place for these young people to go and be re-educated in the real teachings of Islam.

Thinking of evil is not a crime- it is a symptom of a greater sickness. Thoughts only become criminal acts when they result in criminal activity, however unpalatable that might seem, surely?

I do not believe thinking evil thoughts is a crime but when you start to teach those evil thoughts to others you step over a thin line.
yes, I agree with u that if I exhort ppl to slap snugglewuzzles I am then committing an offence, technically, under current UK law, at least, but my own feeling is that this exhortation should not consititute a crime, and only u, as the potential slapper, (lol), should be in trouble...

I would have expected u to be more liberal than to suggest re-education, Muslimwoman! it sounds so... well... commie!
my own feeling is that this exhortation should not consititute a crime, and only u, as the potential slapper, (lol), should be in trouble...
How about "I'll give you $10,000 to kill my wife"? Is that "free speech"? Most legal systems think not....
How about "I'll give you $10,000 to kill my wife"? Is that "free speech"? Most legal systems think not....

Ahhhh!! So now you advertise publicly!! Well I stick to my original quote. $50k...no less. :cool:

I would have expected u to be more liberal than to suggest re-education, Muslimwoman! it sounds so... well... commie!

Sorry gang I am really interested in this discussion but my website is ready to launch so just no time to have long discussions at the moment.

OMG I am a commie :eek:

To be honest before I started to look into the way radical Islamists 'develop' I would have scoffed at the idea of re-education as a waste of time. Certainly with Islam a lot of the ideology is based on incorret teaching/understanding of the Quran, so surely the only way to couner their thinking is to show them where their thinking deviates from the true teachings of the faith?

If you look at most of the radical Islamist groups they are not led by scholars with a deep understanding of our faith but by laypeople with an axe to grind. The UK took in many of these groups under the 'political asylum' banner, because these groups were outlawed as radical in the Middle East and members would have been jailed there for incitment to violence. :eek: You have to ask yourself how far we want freedom of speech to go, if something is seen as so 'radical' and potentially dangerous in the ME then why on earth did we welcome them with open arms and allow them to openly recruit in the UK for almost two decades? Of course now we are paying the price and having to invent new laws left, right and centre to deal with the problem.