

The announcement of Jesus' birth set the stage for
his future role as God's chosen King

Through the angels' declaration to the shepherds, we learn that the opportunity for salvation is open to all who are willing to hear the message of the good news. Those who gain the favor of God become "men of goodwill." There are marvelous prospects for peace in all the world under the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, but people must be willing to do God's will.

Jesus is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom and he has been given great aurthority. we are now well along in the time of the end , and looking to Jesus and Gods kingdom is the way to go Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 things have moved along a lot since that announcement back when Jesus was born ,and now in this time of the end Jesus is nolonger a babe, he is a reigning king .do you look to Gods kingdom and the one with the legal right to kingship or do you dissmiss this newly crowded king? there is no salvation in any one else.

I, for one, am perfectly aware that December 25 is not Jesus' birthday. But since we don't know when Jesus was born, any day to celebrate it is as good as any. We celebrate Easter for the same reason, to commemorate the death burial and resurrection.

Should we celebrate Christmas? Maybe we should ask, does it honor God in doing so? Does it bring focus to our Savior who was born to die for our sins? In fact, maybe it would be good to celebrate all the aspects of Jesus' life throughout the year. Maybe we ought to have a day set aside to celebrate His Baptism, or the Transfiguration, or the time Jesus walked on the water, or when He fed the 5000, or when He taught in the synagogues, or when he was twelve and confounded the scribes and priests, or how about that time when He took his disciples out fishing and they caught a boatload of fish. Ahhh, good times....
I, for one, am perfectly aware that December 25 is not Jesus' birthday. But since we don't know when Jesus was born, any day to celebrate it is as good as any. We celebrate Easter for the same reason, to commemorate the death burial and resurrection.

Should we celebrate Christmas? Maybe we should ask, does it honor God in doing so? Does it bring focus to our Savior who was born to die for our sins? In fact, maybe it would be good to celebrate all the aspects of Jesus' life throughout the year. Maybe we ought to have a day set aside to celebrate His Baptism, or the Transfiguration, or the time Jesus walked on the water, or when He fed the 5000, or when He taught in the synagogues, or when he was twelve and confounded the scribes and priests, or how about that time when He took his disciples out fishing and they caught a boatload of fish. Ahhh, good times....

what is important is recognizing that Jesus is no longer a babe in a manger, but he is NOW a reigning king and he is directing a global goodnews advirtizing MATTHEW 24;14 Things are well along in the times we live in NOW
Haven't read it? You plagiarized it.

Copying and pasting... Isn't reading Wil... Remember that... ;) It just makes you look like you know alot, and from copying and pasting we get a lack of knowledge because we ourselves cannot define why we are what we are, for what we stand for... If you met Mee in the street and asked him something of faith, he would have to go with you to an online cafe and show you a website lol....
Seriously what is the point in posting? You might as well make one thread and call it place a link to it and then you never have to paste again.... :)
why do that i am having lots of fun focusing on the bible . and bringing it to the for.
we ourselves cannot define why we are what we are, for what we stand for...

this is what i stand for ,GODS KINGDOM with Jesus as reigning king ,and putting myself on the side of the reigning king will lead to salvation ,and i know how to get everlasting life , listening to Jesus is the thing to do , and Jesus said in JOHN17;3 the following thing

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. JOHN 17;3

“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; Daniel 2;44

Yes its all happening inline with bible prophecy ,i know just where things are going .thrilling times indeed
I, for one, am perfectly aware that December 25 is not Jesus' birthday. But since we don't know when Jesus was born, any day to celebrate it is as good as any. We celebrate Easter for the same reason, to commemorate the death burial and resurrection.

Should we celebrate Christmas? Maybe we should ask, does it honor God in doing so? Does it bring focus to our Savior who was born to die for our sins? In fact, maybe it would be good to celebrate all the aspects of Jesus' life throughout the year. Maybe we ought to have a day set aside to celebrate His Baptism, or the Transfiguration, or the time Jesus walked on the water, or when He fed the 5000, or when He taught in the synagogues, or when he was twelve and confounded the scribes and priests, or how about that time when He took his disciples out fishing and they caught a boatload of fish. Ahhh, good times....

Oh, we have a pretty good idea. Either October or March. Most likely fact there is a thread around here somewhere (back in 2004 I think), that went into great detail on how this was determined. But (and I hate to put another feather in Mee's hat), December was decided in order to help convert the pagans who celebrated the winter fest, as the beginnings of new life and a new world to the new life Jesus was to offer man.

Some would say the church convoluted the nativity by blending pagan hope for rebirth of the world with it, but I personally think, a better and greater thing happened. More pagans came to know Christ, and more Christians came to appreciate the "magic" or aura of the birth of their savior...

just a thought.

I love christmas, and always think of Christ more around this time...

unfortunately what I think of Christ means that at this time of year I notice other things, too- for instance... yesterday on the news I saw a man, who was raised in a tin shack, with no running water, no sewerage system, no education, no healthcare, no welfare state, in a slum, in africa... he was rooting through the rubbish tip looking for something to maybe sell, and he finds a prospectus for Manchester University... there is a course listed on International Development, and he decides to apply... He has just graduated with a masters... he said he wanted to be an inspiration to the others in his place of birth, and he also wanted to use what he knew to try and better the circumstances of those in that same position he once was, stuck in the slum...

now yes, we know that the 25th of december probably isnt the real "birthday" of Christ, yet let's forget that...

let's instead take the opportunity to remember that man, Jesus, and his message of hope, and peace, and joy to the world, and let's endeavour to be more decent and charitable next year, in rememberance of Christ...

merry christmas, peeps
I might not be a christian, in the conventional sense, but I believe the historical jesus was a fact, and believe in the holy spirit, so...

i am a christian, but I am also a buddhist... I know that doesn't make sense, to most, yet...

i don't view either buddha or jesus to be anything more than men with messages, both messages have some merit, in my eyes, and wish to support both! for different reasons...

maybe that makes me a pagan? lol

still, tis the season to be jolly...