


Many authorities recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water—two quarts—every day.

i know it is good for us but i would be running to the loo every five mins,

still , it is supposed to flush out the impurities so i am going to put eight glasses in a jug and try my best.
I know it is good for us but i would be running to the loo every five mins,

still , it is supposed to flush out the impurities so i am going to put eight glasses in a jug and try my best.
your body adjusts to the flow, current recommendation I've heard is 1/2 ounce of water per pound of weight. and if you drink coffee or soda it counts as a negative so replace that with an equal amount of water to make up for it. (in addition to the 1/2 oz/lb.)
they(the state government) have just informed us that they will be adding flouride to our drinking water in the next few years. I dont know if this is good or bad. aparently the rest of the states have it and we are the only one that doesnt. does anyone know more on this subject?
they(the state government) have just informed us that they will be adding flouride to our drinking water in the next few years. I dont know if this is good or bad. aparently the rest of the states have it and we are the only one that doesnt. does anyone know more on this subject?
i think in England we have had it for years

is that the same as chlorine ? i know our water tastes yuck and chemically
Flouride isn't same as chlorine. Chlorine is occasionally flushed through water systems to cleanse and disenfect (kill bacteria, blah blah blah), although there seems to be evidence that it can cause various cancers. The flourination of water is a ridiculous state scheme to keep the subjected people's teeth healthy, and there is also some controversy over whether this practice is also raising people's risks for certain cancers.

Gotta love the gov'ment.

Back to the main topic, I drink water all day long, probably around 200 ounces a day. I'm a thirsty person, what can I say?

Mee, if your water tastes yuck and chemically, you may want to filter it.
putting flouride in the water is a unique way of disposing of what would be classified as hazardous waste if they had to dispose of it otherwise.
Im going to get a rainwater tank. that'll show em. LOL
I have got 3 water butts but i dont fancy drinking it LOL i keep that for the plants as we have just gone on to water meter so i am trying to save on bills . my friend halfed her water bill by going on to meter. if it does not work out cheaper i can go back to a standard bill . its suprising how much water i used to waste but now i am more into saving it .
yes i think i will get a water filter , or drink bottled ,but is bottled good stuff or just as bad ?
Well a chemist buddy told me, that anyone that studies the stuff won't drink anything out of plastic, nor store food in or heat any plastic (even microwave safe). As they know what it deteriorates to and at what rate.

If your plastic water bottle sees sunshine synthetic estrogens are released into the water. I've also heard that children born in the US today have teflon traces in them from that safe commodity.

So the question is, do we have fluoride, teflon, and plastic deficiencies to the point where we need to supplement?

I remember once when I smelled chlorine in my tap water, I had a pool so I tested it. The level of chlorine was higher than allowed in a public pool for swimming!
We've got a filter jug and keep it in the fridge. Can't be sure exactly what it removes but it's infinitely preferable to straight from the tap (visibly so when you make a cup of black tea) and cheaper and probably healthier than buying bottled. Although Pellegrino with an Italian meal is a must!

I remember once when I smelled chlorine in my tap water, I had a pool so I tested it. The level of chlorine was higher than allowed in a public pool for swimming!

yes it makes me wonder just what we are drinking , nothing is clean in this world now, even the water we drink. makes me think of the last part of the verse 11;18 in REVELATION

and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”

Nature’s self-purification system worked well without any problems for thousands of years. But gradually people began to come together in ever-expanding cities, causing problems with the balance of nature.
chlorine is horrible for you.. it kills all kinds of good bacteria in your stomach and digestive tract not to mention on the surface of your skin.. I would strongly suggest drinking bottled water. I had to eat a bunch of plant vitamins for the enzymes to grow back I just walked in from Christmas shopping so I cant remember what they are called! But thank God they worked.. I had a very acidic stomach and suffered from GERD and its completely gone now.

Another thing.. I drink over 100ozs a day and your body does adjust to the amount you're drinking.. Wil is right its your weight divided by 2 in ounces per day. If you do not drink enough water your liver begins producing enzymes and it will not process the fat your eat.. it turns into toxic fat that sits around your intestines.. It makes you fatter to not drink water. When you are dehydrated your body begins taking water from organs including your brain which explains headaches and takes moisture from your muscles which explains a lot of aches and pains we get every day. If you are feeling thirsty you are already dehydrated.

Fluroide is HORRIBLE!! Its a bi-product of plutonium.. like wil said.. they had a surplus of a toxic waste and found that it made teeth and bones stronger but what they dont tell you is what it is exactly and the harmful effects.. they didnt do a case study on it before they threw it at us in the 60's and 70's.

Read this article please!
Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb
It makes you fatter to not drink water. When you are dehydrated your body begins taking water from organs including your brain which explains headaches and takes moisture from your muscles which explains a lot of aches and pains we get every day. If you are feeling thirsty you are already dehydrated.
yes i think that is correct , because if i dont drink very much over a couple of days i always get a headache

i must drink more but i do keep forgetting,
i did start to put a pint glass of water on the breakfast bar and everytime i walked past it i take a mouthful . i must start it up again .
hi mee et al, i hope ur all awap,

i have a deep interest and fascination with water, i don't know if thats sounds strange. even stranger i once asked a glass of h2o what it was thinking or feeling and it replied "i'm a spaceship!":confused:

as for the best water to drink ; i've tried in line filters, distillation, brita jugs, bottled and collecting from a spring. out of these i suppose that collecting from a "safe" spring and storing in glass for upto a week to 10 days is probably the best water you can drink imo, but of course not always easy or available. i am aware of the plastic issue with buying bottled water but as long as its kept in a cool dark place i feel its still better than filtered water. also softly mineralised water is preferrable imo, i.e. with a low calcium content. i think a descent in-line filter is good for cooking.

but there is another problem with making water good to drink and that comes from the fact that water likes to move freely. when it is kept still or forced to flow in straight lines it "dies" or becomes stale. the taste is bland and the minerals clump together becoming less usable. i've experimented quite alot with levitated water. for those that don't know, this involves using various subtle energy devices to enliven the water so that it again tastes great, as if it is has just come out of a spring. i tested it on my brother and cousin by taking two glasses of water from an identical source, i levitated one of them and 10 times out of 10 they chose this one for taste.

the ways of levitating water i have used are the vortex energiser and pulsor microcrystals. i believe magnets can also be used and also machines that spin the water very rapidly creating a vortex. i think the idea is that as water flows down a stream it swirls and stretches the hydrogen and oxygen bonds and so like a stretched elastic band has a higher inherent energy. also it takes on oxygen, light energy from the sun and gravitational energy. levitated water not only taste better it has been shown (apparently) to be a powerful curer of many ills. oh yes levitation is also said to erase the "lower" frequency vibrational information water picks up. apparently it has also been shown that filtered water still contains the frequencies or informatin of the impurities that have been removed.

all that said i do believe that you can drink the right amount of water that is of an excellent quality and still be dehydrated. i know people who have diabetes pass alot of water and the reason i believe is that the water doesn't circulate the body very well and literally goes straight in and out. i have pancreatic insufficiency and the 2 times i have recoverd i've gone from 15 times a day to 3-4 on the same amount of water. i've heard it estimated that a large portion of the populus may have subclinical diabetes and so good water though necessary is not enough. i believe in chinese medicine they see the pancreas as being involved with the flow of water around the body via the lymph. therefore a hi gi diet, amongst other factors, could lead to dehydration regardless of water intake because of pancreatic exhaustion and hence an inablity to circulate water.

bit brainfoggy tonight don't know if any of that is relevant, interesting or on topic, best wishes jase...
as for the best water to drink ; i've tried in line filters, distillation, brita jugs, bottled and collecting from a spring. out of these i suppose that collecting from a "safe" spring and storing in glass for upto a week to 10 days is probably the best water you can drink imo, but of course not always easy or available.

Hi Jase,
The purest is distilled by humidification.


Sebastian Kniepp after being rejected for priesthood due to tuberculosis cured himself with hydrotherapy techniques he discovered in the Vatican archives.
He lived from 1827-1897.

As a young man, the doctors pronounced him terminally ill with a lung disease. But he wouldn’t accept their prognosis. Sebastian Kneipp wanted to live, and when he found, by chance, a booklet in the Munich library call Cold Water Treatments by Sigmund Hahn, he decided to try it.

The treatments worked. His health stabilized. He got well, well enough that he in turn cured other people. Poor and rich alike flocked to receive the water cure and advice of the not too friendly, but warmhearted healer-priest who never asked for any payment.

All water is Holy.

Hi Jase,
The purest is distilled by humidification.

hi bruce,
its cool to read someone who has a passion for water and also recognises its "holy" quality. on the subject of distillation being the best to drink, i do have to disagree, somewhat reluctantly. firstly, from personal experience, i would say there is a big difference between distilled tapwater and say distilled water from a stream. there are many chemicals in tap water, including chlorine, that evaporate and condense with the water, hence the inclusion of post activated carbon filtration added to these systems. i can say that without this activated carbon addition the water, as you may know, tastes many times more chlorinated than ordinary tap as it is without the alkaline minerals that "neutralise" to some degree the acidity. i believe that the activated carbon does still not remove all the impurities as was tested out by myself when distilling mineral water for comparison. it tasted substantially better. though the amount of impurities is reduced significantly by distilling tapwater there lies an important difference with what remains, 1)there is no longer alkaline minerals to neutralise them and 2) there is a greater ability to penetrate deeper into the bodies tissues and expose the bodies cells to these impurities. of course distilled waters' ability to penetrate deep due to the absence of bulky minerals is why its a great short term detoxer, provided imo this is not from a municapal source. for me the spring seems to be natures way, though distillation copies rain where impurities are absent, i think this would of been, at most, only ever been an occassional supply.

having multiple chemical sensitivity its unfortunately very important for me to avoid all chemical contact but as well as this i can be a measuring stick for what is pure and what is not. after giving up distilled tap water (by chance) i had a significant and even dramatic improvement in my health. of course others may not notice this as much but i still feel that chlorine deep into the tissues even in smaller doses is not preferable.

also testing for impurities in watere can be, i believe, somewhat ambiguous. some figures may relate to the reduction of totally dissolved solids which include non-toxic minerals. as well as this i think i'm right in guessing that that some imputities undergo changes when they come into contact with alkaline minerals i.e. become less harmful (by degree) and that this is not possible with the impurites that remain in distilled tapwater, which become more significant because of this factor. that said, although distilled water from a natural source tastes much better than distilled municipal water i still would not drink it on its own. viktor schauberger calls it a "juvenile" water that has a nascent quality. i am aware of the growing belief of the apparent health benefits of distilled water but have come to the conclusion that they are incorrect imo, though it is still probably better than straight tapwater.

i found this page which is hugely informative on the subject: Viktor Schauberger; the power of water

here's an excerpt:

So, lets take a look at what Viktor Schauberger reckons, when it comes to determining what kind of water is good to drink:

Distilled water - Distilled water is evaporated to steam then condensed as a pure fluid; it appears chemically clean. In this state, water by it's intrinsic nature, will draw to it's self anything it can dissolve in order to fulfill a basic function...that of a carrier of substances. Distilled water will only remain so, as long as it is not given the opportunity to make contact with soluble materials.
Drinking distilled water as a regular routine is dangerous!! It acts as a purgative and will strip trace elements and minerals from your body!! Don't buy too much of this stuff at the shops and don't use a distiller to drink from...you have been warned!

Rain water - With an unpolluted atmosphere, rainwater is the purest naturally occurring water in nature, but unfortunately much of our globe no longer has this occur as acid rain is a direct consequence of our ignorant ways. Like distilled water, rainwater is unsuitable as drinking water and should also be avoided over a long term basis. Rainwater could be seen as a young adolescent that has yet to go through the maturing process the earth provides.

Juvenile water - This water comes from the ground, often from great depths and forced upwards (maybe appearing as a geyser) or pumped to the surface as from a deep bore. It is still lacking it's quota of minerals and is deficient in dissolved carbons. As drinking water goes, it's marginal at best.

Surface water - It has contact with the earth so the opportunity of it to dissolve materials is present. Keep in mind that pollutants with in a particular area are definite minus points. Surface water is also generally exposed to direct sunlight, and when collected into and stored in an open dam, the water's energy value becomes damaged by the influences of the heat and light. Note: drinking water should never be exposed to direct sunlight...!!

Groundwater - Retrieved from the ground, this water is getting pretty good as it generally has a high dissolved mineral content. In it's journey above the impervious sub stratum it may appear as seepage springs in gullies, or as shallow wells.

Spring water - The prime source of vitalizing drinking water. It is ripe in minerals, trace elements and dissolved carbons. It's high state of vitality is seen in it's shimmering energetic bluish color, no other water looks like this. The water rises from the earth with the qualities of levitation, it is very cool and will approach the anomaly point of +4 C. The streams they create are collection points for drinking water, and provided the stream is not contaminated by agriculture and human habitation, it remains very drinkable, well worth the finding...

Viktor invented a machine that could use most any unpolluted water and process it into spring water. With this machine he acquired the name "The Water Wizard" because the water he produced had powerful healing qualities. Viktor was able to achieve the remission of cancer for many people, but he soon came into opposition with the authorities who accused him of charlatanism and being unqualified to practice healing. His machine was confiscated and destroyed...!!!

how much water you need if your taking medication or drinking coffee (shes a a bit of a starchild and fun to watch:
YouTube - Holistic Secrets with Rachel Avalon

on the topic of revitalising water:

All living organisms emit ultra weak light known as biophoton light emission. Dr. David Schweitzer's research of the Original Water Revitalizer shows a dramatic increase in biophoton light emission in revitalized water as well as a profound change in the structure of water. This research documents the amazing abilities of the Original Water Revitalizer to both re-structure and energize water. See the photo documentation below!
Biophoton Light Emission Microscope Pictures of Revitalized Water
(1,200 X magnification)


regular tap water from london, before and after revitalisation using a vortex energiser device.​

there was a cool video on youtube that showed how blessing water caused it to form complex and beautiful patterns but alas....

j krishnamurti referring to himself: "water can not know what water is."

best wishes to all, jase...​
Thanks for the insight Jase.
What if you leave the water exposed before distilling? Won't that get rid of the chlorine?

John Wilkes has done a lot of work with his flowforms to energise water.

Search for Hans Jenny Cymatics on Youtube. You'll see the effects of sounds on water.

Dr. Emoto has done a lot of work showing the effects of prayer and thought on water.

Water is the heavenly ego manifest. And, it is the heavenly ego that negotiates and contains all other egos within, that we can come together and mix and mingle as we do in a landscape of differing yet corresponding being. It is because of our combining affiliate with our all-encompassing heavenly ego that we do not simply repel each other out into the reaches of an infinite distance; and because of this egoic binding that influences may harmonise, some amongst may gratify, and the lives of all do obey the greater laws.

-The Brothers


Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air
Theodor Schwenk- a great book:

Man's relationship to water has changed completely during the last few centuries. Men gradually lost the knowledge and experience of the spiritual nature of water, until at last they came to treat it merely a a substance and a means of transmitting energy. At the beginning of the technical age, a few people in their inspired consciousness were still able to feel that the elements were filled with spiritual beings. People experienced the fluid element to be the universal element, not yet solidified but remaining open to outside influences, the unformed, indeterminate element, ready to receive definite form; they knew it as the "sensitive chaos" (Novalis, Fragmente). This book is intended as a contribution towards this kind of recognition of the nature of fluid elements. It is concerned mainly with water, the representative of all that is liquid in animate and inanimate nature, and also with streaming air. This book is based on scientific observations of water and air but above all on the spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner.

The Mandeans held to the sanctity of water and had an elaborate water ritual. The Mandeans revered John the Baptist over Jesus.

Watery Regards,
I haven't that much to add about water, except that bottled water is not only problematic in terms of keeping it in plastic, but also it is not good for the environment. Even recycling uses energy, and to drink enough water I used to go through one or two flats of bottled water a week. That's a lot of bottles.

Also, not sure how it is in the rest of the world, but the US recently had reports that found most of the bottled water out there is simply... filtered tap water, that is then bottled. And then after doing some investigation and finding the plastic to be a problem (remember, you don't know if it sat in heat, sunlight, etc. before you bought it) for health, too, I switched to simply filtering my water. I have a filter at home and one at work. It works OK.

Never thought much about it, but I have had natural spring water direct from springs, as well as some wonderful water from streams that were not polluted in back country, and it was great stuff.

I don't think the filters strip out the chlorine sufficiently. It's just a hunch based on knowing how sensitive I am to chlorine (it and a bunch of other chemicals cause my body to become really acidic to the point where I am in a lot of pain). Filtering the water helped but it isn't perfect and I still have to take Tums to combat the acidity (about two a day on average, though I have more Tums-free days since moving out of the smog). I can't tell, though, how much of my health issues with acidity are due to water issues, and how much are due to other environmental pollutants, stress hormones, and stuff in my food. I try to go as organic as possible, because that improved things a lot too.

Before they finally figured out I had various chemical sensitivities (which stress hormones magnify), I was in so much pain at times I went to the ER about three or four times a year to be completely flushed with a saline drip. Once I got it figured out and cut out most non-organics, filtered my water, and avoided air pollution as much as possible, I have occasional pain but haven't needed the ER in about two years! So it did make a big difference for me. I know it wasn't just the placebo effect, either, because I dealt with tons of medications (various antibiotics, pain relievers, etc.) for years and none of them helped. In fact, I later found out it made things worse because it was simply increasing my chemical load. :( It took me six years to get my insurance to get me to specialists and a lot of personal research, but I'm grateful I eventually got it figured out and at least I know how to reduce the problem.