Youth distrust Christians?


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a figment of your imagination
I posted this made up quote in another thread
Sensibilities 13:6 "It is not wise to berate, cajole, continually beat folks who are already quite spiritual and G!d loving about the head with the same scriptures, while ignoring the rest of the books. This has been shown repeatedly to turn folks who were on the path, and turned them away"
And then I heard this morning that a repeat of the same poll completed only 10 years ago, showed a dramatic drop in the acceptance of Christianity amongst youth 16-29 years old. This poll included those who were raised Christian, those who consider themselves Christian, and those who were not. In ten years time the thought of Christians changed dramatically. Today they are viewed as hypocritical, arrogant, homophobic, not to be trusted, and not very Christian. YIKES.

I believe those like the Westboro Baptists, and other in your face bible thumpers and Evangelists and door knockers, are those that are out there proving Sensibilities 13:6 to be correct.

Christians get chastised for having a goal of bringing folks to Christ. And now they appear to be failing miserably at it.

Any number of articles to discuss, or be disgusted with...
16-29 poll christian - Google Search

I love the bible, learning its stories, learning to follow Jesus, and working with youth in this regard, it is really a shame we are turning them away.
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?


You said,
"Today they are viewed as hypocritical, arrogant, homophobic, not to be trusted, and not very Christian."
--> It is sad, but it is important for Christians to know what non-Christians think of them.
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?


You said,
"Today they are viewed as hypocritical, arrogant, homophobic, not to be trusted, and not very Christian."
--> It is sad, but it is important for Christians to know what non-Christians think of them.
this is also the thinking of younger Christians!!:eek:
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?


Then younger Christians are becoming aware of what is going on around them. Progress is being made!
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?

I love the bible, learning its stories, learning to follow Jesus, and working with youth in this regard, it is really a shame we are turning them away.

In all honesty... Do you think "youth" really cares? Some places I know you'd come out in a body bag.... There are those that just cannot be reached.. And for the majority of "youth" religion? lol what's in it for them?
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?

I love the bible, learning its stories, learning to follow Jesus, and working with youth in this regard, it is really a shame we are turning them away.

It needs to happen!!! The people who are turning away are doing the right thing. Christians need to learn the hard lesson of humility . . . and if we develop the humility that we so desperately need, then there is no problem if people still ignore us. The important thing is that we are happy with what we have and happy with ourselves.:)

We wanted to rule the world, but maybe the world just isn't ours to rule. So let's just be who we want to be. You can't take what isn't your's. . . . You can't take the world if the world isn't your's, and for us especially, nobody is going to take away our freedom.

We just have to stop playing God.

Moreover, is the world not already being baptised by the Spirit, even if not by the Christian message? What do you say of B'nei Noah? The Great Commission is being carried out under another name . . .

Who said we had a monopoly on the Spirit? Does the Great Commission depend on us only? Are we the only ones who baptise? It may be that at this time in human history, Judaism is discovering its destiny in terms of its mission for the entire human race. Maimonides recognised our contribution, but he never said his people would just sit around and do nothing.
If the youth distrust Christians, then it is the adults' fault. Not Christian adults alone, but all adults. Same with any other faith. Adults set the stage, for youth to learn on.

There is a warning in the New Testament, and I don't think Jesus gave a damn as to whether one believed in Him or not. He said woe is to he who causes one of these little ones to stumble...

Make sure you aren't cinching a rope attached to a millstone around your neck, while you pat yourself on the back showing the youth that a form of God can't be trusted, according to your view on things... lol.

That is a warning I wouldn't want to cross.


I didnt instruct my children in god or jesus. I taught themselves to trust their instincts of good and bad. believe in themselves etc. They are a good bunch of boys(so far) and havent gotten into any trouble(so far). They know the 10 commandments (more or less) and follow societys rules. my question is.... In your eyes(directed at you all) am I remiss because of the quote Q brought to my attention.. "woe is he who causes one of the little ones to stumble..." is that what I have done?
"According to you? "
According to the kids surveyed in the study. Your posts are prime examples of what they found repugnant in the Christianity of your generation.
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?

In all honesty... Do you think "youth" really cares? Some places I know you'd come out in a body bag.... There are those that just cannot be reached.. And for the majority of "youth" religion? lol what's in it for them?
i would say that the bible offers everlasting life on a paradise earth , :)

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. JOHN 17;3

“Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. MATTHEW 5;5

But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.PSALM 37;11

(Revelation 21:3) With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them.

(Isaiah 45:18) For this is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: “I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.

they could have PEACE in abundance , nicccccccccccce:)

(Habakkuk 2:14) For the earth will be filled with the knowing of the glory of Jehovah as the waters themselves cover over [the] sea.
Re: Youth distrusts Christians?

Saltmeister;132162 We wanted to rule the world said:
true indeed ,

I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. JEREMIAH 10;23
I didnt instruct my children in god or jesus. I taught themselves to trust their instincts of good and bad. believe in themselves etc. They are a good bunch of boys(so far) and havent gotten into any trouble(so far). They know the 10 commandments (more or less) and follow societys rules. my question is.... In your eyes(directed at you all) am I remiss because of the quote Q brought to my attention.. "woe is he who causes one of the little ones to stumble..." is that what I have done?
Namaste greymare,

In my opinon, NO! Of course I am probably not in the majority on this. I think one of the major problems in our world is kids being raised Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, to the nth degree, being told/taught at an impressionable age that this is the only way, and everyone else is wrong. I'm raising my kids in Christianity, but I am consciously exposing them to other thought/belief systems. Above all else I want them to think for themselves.

10 commandments, good stuff, no matter what belief system. I'd say woe is he who causes one of the little ones to stumble but not woe is he who allows the little ones to stumble, learn and grow from it.
10 commandments, good stuff, no matter what belief system. I'd say woe is he who causes one of the little ones to stumble but not woe is he who allows the little ones to stumble, learn and grow from it.

Indeed!! It is not knowledge and awareness that causes people to stumble. Quite the opposite. It is ignorance that causes people to stumble. If you are so fearful of other religions that you keep your kids away from it, saying they're evil (and whatever else), it's going to come back and hit you in the face when they discover the truth.

If you keep saying, "No, no. Stay away from that religion. Jesus died for your sins, you should not have to align yourself to it because if you do, you are giving up your salvation," then what do you think will happen when they find liberation, freedom, peace and emancipation in that other religion? Well, you probably know how the story ends . . . You made them a slave of your beliefs. But when they find real freedom, your beliefs cease to have any value. The freedom you advertised wasn't as real as what they have just discovered . . .

It's a kind of reverse psychology. If you believe you have freedom because you're a Christian, but treat people like they have to be pounded into submission with regards to their beliefs, that they must believe as you do and see everything else in the world as evil, and then they discover that that is not the case, people are going to feel enslaved by your beliefs. You practically blow them away. Your beliefs to them are just a form of slavery.

Christianity is a form of slavery because people make it look that way. If one wants others to see and feel the freedom you see and feel, you must allow them to independently come to the same conclusion as you. You can't tell them that you're in a holy war against the forces of evil and that if they don't believe as you do they are anti-Christ and therefore must join you in your eschatological mission. The reality you describe is likely to be incompatible with the one they see, and they would see no reason to see it the same way as you.

Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on liberation, freedom, peace and emancipation. Anyone who insists that his children believe that it does have a monopoly is causing his children to stumble.