Eat less meat, save the planet?

Or if the selfish perspective is more enticing: I've just had my bad/good cholesterol and blood glucose levels tested for the first ever time (veggie for 25 years and counting). Both results were about as low (and therefore good) as possible; prompting the tester to say "Well whatever your diet is, it's clearly an excellent one." Which was nice. :)

Wonderful Snoopy! Since I added some dairy to my diet I wonder if I shouldn't get tested too.
Wonderful Snoopy! Since I added some dairy to my diet I wonder if I shouldn't get tested too.

I know I should have a vegan diet...maybe I shall manage it...

why have you added dairy?

and...did I notice you do distance running? me too!

I dunno. I'm a vegan and I probably produce as much methane as all of the animals that would be killed on my behalf. xD Seriously though the meat industry is so terrible for the environment. I don't have as much of a problem eating an animal that was killed in the wild. It doesn't support factory farming to do so and the animal got to live out its life and die at the hands of a predator. I just wish animals weren't so cute.

I've been trying to kill a mouse in my house by smashing it with things. It's been ineffective and now the little bugger is starting to warm on me. He hid behind a bookshelf but only his head was hidden. His bum and his tail were sticking out. So cute. Then one time I think I woke him up while he was napping behind the microwave. I was cutting up some food. He ran and I tried to smash him with a dust buster. Then he hid under the microwave with his head sticking out. I just can't smash him. He's too cute. I'm getting a humane trap that looks really fun: Smart Mouse Trap - Live Trap: Kitchen & Dining

Apparently it's very effective and when you release them you get to see em eat through the cracker. Safer that way too since your fingers are away. I saw some really cute pictures on their site of mice caught in it. When I catch it I'll go release it in one of the fields at the park a couple blocks away, probably near a dumpster or trash can so it can find food.

That was mostly OT I think. Oh well.

I think it depends on the meat and the veggies. I eat only free range, organic, hormone free, antibiotic free meat. Ditto for dairy and eggs. So, basically- no feedlots, no gross stuff in my food, humane life. By the way, I worked on ranches for nearly a year for my dissertation, and the cattle on western ranches really have good lives, even if the calves' lives are a bit short. So long as you avoid the feedlot, it's a great life and they pretty much just graze on wild plants. Good ranchers actually give benefits to the environment rather than harm, but the problem is who is good and who isn't, and the feedlot and packing system. I'm writing a book on it, hopefully to be published next year.

But suffice it to say, I've seen beef ranches, and I've seen dairies. The dairies are WAY worse. Unless you buy dairy products from one that has free range practices (pasture-fed cattle), the cows are kept in disgusting conditions. Same goes for chickens/eggs, and while white meat in chicken may be more healthy than fatty red meat, a lean steak is nearly comparable and you don't avoid all the nasty hormones and antibiotics unless you buy free range.

I don't eat nearly as much meat as the average American, though, because our average eating habits in the US are very unhealthy. We don't need that much protein. I eat meat nearly every day, but only as a garnish or flavoring. For example, I'll cook a stir-fry that is about a pound of veggies and brown rice, with just one chicken strip chopped up fine for flavoring, or a couple scrambled eggs, or a very small piece of beef. Or a pound of veggies and pasta in olive oil with about four pieces of bacon chopped fine. That way, my husband and I can get the taste of meat but without eating much of it.

Also, in terms of veggies and grains, unless these are produced organically, it's still contributing to major environmental damage. Pesticides, petroleum use, etc. Ick.

ETA: I totally agree with you about the mice and things Dauer. We lived in an old and unrenovated house for a while years back and had many cute tiny field mice. Some my cat would catch, and I always took them away because she'd play with them until they died more or less of fright. She never bit or clawed them, just carried them around and tossed them in the air. It was too sad to watch. Other times, she ignored them because she wasn't in the mood to play. We couldn't bear to set out traps or kill them. I'd just leave them alone. Of course, in our case we lived in a 30 acre field, and you just released them and back they came. I just kept all food in the fridge and all dishes in the cupboards. They'd still come in for water and warmth, but man, they were just so cute with their tiny black eyes and gray fur.
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I know I should have a vegan diet...maybe I shall manage it...

why have you added dairy?

and...did I notice you do distance running? me too!


I really like pizza:D

Been running every other day, on off days I just warm up with a mile on the treadmill and spend the rest of the workout on weights. During the summer I try to get out and do at least 5 to 7 miles. Any further and I start to lose too much mass.

Have you ever tried using "screw shoes?" I got the tip from a club here in Colorado that runs up and down the incline on Pikes Peak. Using 1/4 inch screws in the bottom of your running shoes to give traction on the ice and snow. Works wonders!

I really like good cheddar cheese too and the ocassional egg sandwich. I love vegan foods, but it sure is hard to eat out anywhere. Luckily, the vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more mainstream and local eateries are offering more vegetarian fare.
Have you ever tried using "screw shoes?" I got the tip from a club here in Colorado that runs up and down the incline on Pikes Peak. Using 1/4 inch screws in the bottom of your running shoes to give traction on the ice and snow. Works wonders!

Hardly had ice and snow to speak of for years. Just plenty of rain.

Shame about the Atlantic ocean. We could meet up at a race; I'm building up to my favourite distance - half marathon.

Geez haven't done that in years. Might be a nice goal though, maybe for my 50th birthday I could do a half marathon, that gives me two years to train :)
....... now the little bugger is starting to warm on me. He hid behind a bookshelf but only his head was hidden. His bum and his tail were sticking out. So cute.


Many years ago just after I first went to Greece I was staying in a tiny farmhouse a couple of kilometres outside of Argos. It had no electricity and one evening while I was reading by the light of a hurricane lamp I caught sight of the cutest little mouse. I watched him as he moved across the floor toward my bed and he stopped and looked directly at me. He seemed unafraid, perhaps because I had been so still and quiet he hadn't actually noticed me. I thought him too cute to warrant killing, and after all 1 mouse was not going to do any harm.
A few days later it was almost a repeat scenario except this time I saw 3 mice and next day I got some traps. The very next night tho I awoke in the night and switching on the torch about 20 mice scurried off my bed and shining the beam across the floor there were literally 100's of mice. It was not "cute". There was a grain store adjacent to my room and obviously they had found that and with the bounty of food had been multiplying like crazy. And when there are so many they seem to lose their timidity.
Since then I have always on finding a mouse set out to get rid of it asap.

Geez haven't done that in years. Might be a nice goal though, maybe for my 50th birthday I could do a half marathon, that gives me two years to train :)

If you're already capable of doing what you do, then a half can be a comfortable distance in about 3 months I'd say. :)

I made the mistake of taking a short break after a race 18 months ago. It turned into a longer and longer break and once I tried to get back into it, it's been really hard work. I won't make that mistake again. :rolleyes:

1. I eat meat and vegetables almost every day. Just the regular old supermarket and butcher shop variety. A lot of the organic things here are at least double the price of the regualr stuff. I am healthyand have had my cholesterol checked(3) Pretty good for a omnivour.
2. Mice are cute to a degree but I wouldnt recommend sharing a house with them, they are not all like Mr Jangle (green mile) ( I think that was his name)
I like meat. I'm sorry I can't resist, in fact I'm about to eat some chicken right now...
Anyone that wants to look seriously at this issue should read Diet for a New America

John Robbins basically gave up his BaskinRobbins IceCream inheritance when he wrote it.

Charts, graphs and plenty of info as to how our health and environment would improve.
The mouse trap I mentioned in my first post finally arrived. I've had it out for a few days now. My girlfriend was cooking and got really excited. She called me over and there was a cute little mouse inside. We went out and dropped it in a park a ways away. It gave me a strong sense of stewardship, the act of humanely trapping it and then releasing it back out in the wild. It got a tortilla chip with peanut butter out of it too!

-- Dauer
The mouse trap I mentioned in my first post finally arrived. I've had it out for a few days now. My girlfriend was cooking and got really excited. She called me over and there was a cute little mouse inside. We went out and dropped it in a park a ways away. It gave me a strong sense of stewardship, the act of humanely trapping it and then releasing it back out in the wild. It got a tortilla chip with peanut butter out of it too!

-- Dauer

Seen Bee Movie? ;) Suggest you watch it.... Good film/animation.