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Does anyone have any suggestions for simple workout to do at home. I'm a college student who spends most of his time in his room writing papers and such and I really don't want to balloon out of control. Any suggestions??

just a hint for you brian. when you are eating, dont do anything else. dont watch tv orthe computer. yuor mind concentrates on those things that are visual. it wont register that you are eating and so ;y;ou will consume more. This is why sitting down at meal time with others is best. also, count how many times you chew. (10 is good) jsut try it for one meal ok. generally meals should fit on a breadand butter plate, not the big dinner plate we are all used to. dont pile it high. unlesss you are doing work after dinner time, you last meal of the day should be relatively small. I know we all have big meals last, but our bodies werent designed to be shoved full of food and then we fall asleep for 8 hours. (hence we store fat).
as far as exercise is concerned, the best i know of is just plain walking. I understand that might be difficult for you to get out, but when you do.... concentrate on it. while you are sitting at the computer etc try to do muscle tightening exercises. start by holding your stomach muscles in for a count of 3 etc and then release. do this to all of them that you can feel. try it. thats all that i can think of. now, if only i would take my own advise. lol.
I work on a computer about 10-11 hours a day. Sometimes 12-14. I have for a long time. What helps?

  • Snack. Healthy snacks, but eat something small about every 2 hours rather than waiting a long time, getting starved, and then eating a giant pile of food. Some of my favorites are hummus with baby carrots, whole grain toast, shredded wheat, pretzels, and fruit leather. There are lots of yummy snacks that don't have a ton of fat, refined carbs, and other junk.
  • Do the tightening exercises that greymare recommends.
  • I'm a high-energy person so I naturally move while typing (jiggling my leg, etc.) It seems to burn carbs well.
  • Take a break at least once during a long (7-8 hour) stretch and go for a 1/2 hour to one hour walk. I just go in my regular business attire- you don't have to get sweaty or anything to reap the benefits. Just walk briskly and try to get out into some sunlight. It helps protect against depression and vitamin D deficiency as well as being good for your heart and weight.
  • Buy an exercise ball and use it sometimes as an office chair. It works your back and abs to stay stable. You can also sit on an office chair with it in front of you and use it to squeeze with your thighs to work your upper legs. I use it for 20-30 min. and then go back to my chair, back and forth throughout the day.
Many Yoga DVD's are good for something if you want to stay at home.
the best way to burn off excess calories is not to consume them in the first place...

a sedentary man needs around 2000 calories a day... any more than that, and regularly, and you'll end up a bloater... AHH...!

if you do eat to excess, or eat rubbish- snacks, chips, burgers, etc, then the best and quickest way to burn off fat is to do aerobic activity...

things like, running on the spot, star jumps, boxing, skipping with a rope, high energy stuff... you should do at least 30 minutes every day...
That is the most creative idea I've heard for exercise in a long time. LOL :D

Seriously let's market it, Man likes to do many shocking tests on rodents before mankind to find accurate data... My rats, and hamsters used to hide their food give them fun and suprises and keep them fit so if it was good enough for them, let's do this, someone bring me some paperwork... Sign this up, Call it the Hammy hamster diet.
the best way to burn off excess calories is not to consume them in the first place...

a sedentary man needs around 2000 calories a day... any more than that, and regularly, and you'll end up a bloater... AHH...!

if you do eat to excess, or eat rubbish- snacks, chips, burgers, etc, then the best and quickest way to burn off fat is to do aerobic activity...

things like, running on the spot, star jumps, boxing, skipping with a rope, high energy stuff... you should do at least 30 minutes every day...

You mean, gasp, overeating leads to obesity? That's so un PC. It must be metabolism or something...

Exercise has many irreplaceable benefits and it is self-limiting to tailor all of one's goals to just managing body fat. I have much professional experience in the field and can say that people who exercise regularly are the ones who found out that they enjoy doing it and who discovered these many benefits.
eclectic mystic has much experience in the field...


The internal martial arts can take many years to master, and without a good working knowledge of why things work in the form, the benefit is limited. However, as a general workout the Yang form isn't bad at all.
For a simpler workout the Russian physical fitness trainer Pavel has some good things to teach. Simple body weight exercises, no equipment really needed. Try browsing through a copy of The Naked Warrior, or Power to the People.

I have trained in several styles of Tai chi but for regular workouts simple bodyweight exercises are a great stress reliever for a student who spends a lot of time using their mind. Jogging, pushups, squats crunches that sort of thing is pretty mindless and feels good as a change of pace away from your desk.