
How Many Hours of TV do You Watch on Average Each Day?

  • None. No TV for me.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Less than one hour.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Between one and two hours.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • More than two hours, less than three hours and one minute.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Three hours and one minute to four hours per day.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • More than four, less than five and a half.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Five minutes and thirty one seconds to seven hours per day.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than seven hours, baby! I can't get enough!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Special Option: More than three hours per day AND I have the TV on right now.

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Fiercely Interdependent
Reaction score
In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
OOPS. The poll should read five hours and thirty one minutes... not five minutes and thirty one seconds. :D

Let's talk about television. Some questions:
  • How much teevee do you watch a day, on average?
  • How does television affect you? Do you feel nervous, agitated, anxious, hyper after watching; or do you feel content, happy, relaxed, inspired?
  • What do you think about the kinds of programs that are available on teevee? Do you have a favorite program or kind of program? Can you think of different kinds of programs that you would enjoy that aren't currently being produced?
  • What do you think of the pervasive advertising on teevee?
  • If you get your news from teevee, do you also check other sources? If not, how accessible do you feel other sources of news are, compared to television news?
I put more than three hours. I often have the television on in the background to cover up the noise from neighbors, but I also keep earbuds in to muffle the noise of the television. Different shows effect me differently. For example, I can't watch Judge Judy because she's so confrontational but I enjoy a lot of other court shows. I don't really watch the news. I really like the show Heroes and a lot of what plays on public broadcasting. I dislike the advertisement in television but consider it a necessary evil.
Let's talk about television. Some questions:
  • How much teevee do you watch a day, on average?
Tough question I'll be working this out as I think about it. M, W, Th none-one, tuesday maybe two or three, F, S, S it depends if I get in a movie mode it could be five hours a day...say that is once a month. so on our average week we get 6 during the week times 4.33 is 26, plus lets add 20 for the weekend splurges and divide by 30 I get 1.54 per day.
  • How does television affect you? Do you feel nervous, agitated, anxious, hyper after watching; or do you feel content, happy, relaxed, inspired?
I'm fine, I watch zero news I get that off the net, mostly intrigued as I tend to watch things that are knew to me.
  • What do you think about the kinds of programs that are available on teevee? Do you have a favorite program or kind of program? Can you think of different kinds of programs that you would enjoy that aren't currently being produced?
History channel, discovery channel, old reruns of Andy Griffith, Beverly Hillbillies, MMA, WEC, and texas hold-em.
  • What do you think of the pervasive advertising on teevee?
I change the channel. When I watch I tend to watch three shows at once and no commercials.
  • If you get your news from teevee, do you also check other sources? If not, how accessible do you feel other sources of news are, compared to television news?
zero news from tv unless it is an election night, and then I watch the game, ie the pundits predicting the weather...
I watch little during the week, maybe 2 h;ours a day. on the weekend probably up to 5 a day. depends what ive got happenng. generally, im on this computer because the conversations i have here are far more interesting than whatson telly. however i do enjoy all the "Law and Order" shows, NCIS, The Bill, (see, cop shows). Funiest home videos. I wish they would put back on F Troop and The Ghost and Mrs Muir. (I loved those shows). I like to watch the rally cars when they are on........... just the highlights. LOL.
I hate reality shows. all of em. big brother, idol. so you think you can dance........................ dont like em at all..oh, and i watch the local/national news generally of a night time.
When it comes to wasting time, the internet is my drug of choice. I would say that I'm glad I don't watch TV, but all the mindless things I do on my computer aren't any better. There is also some overlap between the two (I watch south park online :) )
How much teevee do you watch a day, on average?

Some days, none. Most weekdays, maybe a half hour while we eat dinner. Sometimes I will catch some marathon series of Nova or Anthony Bourdain and be mesmerized for hours on end, but it's a rarity. LOL

How does television affect you? Do you feel nervous, agitated, anxious, hyper after watching; or do you feel content, happy, relaxed, inspired?

Normally, I feel bored while watching, so I multi-task and read an article or discuss the show or embroider or something at the same time. I'm too hyper for just sitting still. I try to watch shows that will inform me, mostly stuff that will be inspiring or will satisfy curiosity about some area of science or society. I almost exclusively watch PBS and Discovery Channel and those geeky shows. Though sometimes I find the pull of stupid comedies irresistable. News makes me anxious and depressed, so I don't watch it. Nothing really relaxes me, per se. Though hanging out on the couch with my husband is relaxing.

What do you think about the kinds of programs that are available on teevee? Do you have a favorite program or kind of program? Can you think of different kinds of programs that you would enjoy that aren't currently being produced?

I think I answered this above. I like science shows, and historical information and stuff. I mostly like shows based on facts and information. I also like watching factory tours and travel shows. Why factory tours I have no idea, but my husband and I are both fascinated by how stuff gets made- guess it satisfies our curiosity. Programs that aren't produced... I'd love to see a series on religion in America, with interviews and lots of documentary stuff on basic beliefs and practices. Also something on subcultures in America.

What do you think of the pervasive advertising on teevee?

It's a nuisance, but I totally ignore it. I generally use commercial breaks as convenient times to go to the bathroom, get food, grab more embroidery floss, sort mail, whatever... I'm surprised advertising gets people to buy stuff, to be honest.

If you get your news from teevee, do you also check other sources? If not, how accessible do you feel other sources of news are, compared to television news?

I never watch the news on TV. My news sources are NPR, internet, and trusted colleagues who keep up on international and domestic politics. NPR is great and comes in clear in my town, but when traveling it's sometimes hard to get it. Internet is easily accessible but normally short sound-bite info like TV and hard to judge accuracy. Colleagues are really reliable, if they have the info. It's hit or miss insider information into politics.
I change the channel. When I watch I tend to watch three shows at once and no commercials.

LOL- I totally didn't think to put down that I did this! I almost always have two or three shows going at once. My husband used to complain and now he can't help doing it either. Neither of us have any patience for commercials, and plus, it's better brain exercise to figure out what you're missing in 2-3 shows at once. LOL Too funny... Most people hate watching TV with us, but sounds like we'd all get along fine!
I usually don't watch TV, but it is on in the background during my weekly Scrabble game with my mother and my brother. (Usually playing a show called Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?)
I confess: I watch movies all the time with surround sound while rolling down the highway... or I'm posting here on CR. Usually someone else is doing the driving though. :D
I think it strange when someone thinks it's "weird" in some way to spend all those hours in front of a computer (reading, watching, listening...) but then when you ask them how many hours they spend in front of a TV...:rolleyes:

If I had been asked this a year ago, (which we were in a previous poll....hmmm is someone doing an annual market research thingy? ), then I would have confidently said that my average was well below 1 hour a day. But since then I packed up my TV set in its box and stored it away in a cupboard. I now watch 1 to 2 hours TV a day. All online streaming of what I want to watch.

It effects me by entertaining or educating me.

Online streaming there are no adverts.

My fav shows are first documentaries and investigative journalism, followed by comedy. I love QI and Have I got News for You for example. I usually watch TV for the last hour or so before I go to sleep.

I confess: I watch movies all the time with surround sound while rolling down the highway... or I'm posting here on CR. Usually someone else is doing the driving though. :D

Now I think I understand! You're a truck driver!

I watch too much TV and I have varied tastes.. I love documentaries of all kinds... I adore travel shows also.. pretty much everything on Animal Planet, the Travel Channel. I watch corny stuff like Ghost Hunters lol and several different reality shows.

The trick to avoid the commercials is having and knowing how to use your DVR!