
It's not a bad thing. I've been unemployed and out of school for a couple of years learning a lot about myself. Now I'm getting my life back on track and so, until I'm able to move closer to my school and continue my studies, I'm looking for work in my area. Today I am meeting with my life coach to discuss some of my options and the best approach to finding something suitable.

Did you get laid off? I'm sorry to hear that, if that's the case. If it exists in the UK you might try posting your resume at

-- Dauer
No not laid off, but.... Pretty much nothing to do... like I've said before six/7 hours of my eight hour day I sit here doing nothing... Not because I am a lazy ass... Simply there is nothing -to do- I want to feel that feeling you know? When you get a new job! The change! The challenge! The new faces, something new, something unknown... Something with a purpose.... Perhaps if I were laid off... That would be more motivation.

Wow... (if not too personal, totally understand if it is.) How do you get by when you haven't had a job for two years? I seriously with all my heart hope your meeting with the 'life coach' (nice title) is a sucess(sp) and you get what you need from it.
My dad used to say, "If you spend as much time looking for a job as you will when you have a job you'll quickly find a job" Indicating that nobody spends 8 hours a day looking, and if they did in any economy they'd discover something.

If you've got 6 hours a day...make it productive. Seems like you could have a second job whilst you are working on your first.

For me when I was a carpenter it was stopping on jobsites, calling contractors. For me now if I were to look it would be a combination of sending out resumes and following up with phone calls; making cold calls to ascertain if they are hiring and following up with resumes; networking with other contractors to see what they know is going on where.

I live in subsidized housing on disability. I'm very good at managing my finances -- yes, I'm Jewish -- so I live comfortably enough from month to month.

The life coach I've been seeing since around when I was diagnosed with Asperger's. Most of what she helps me with is common sense, which is not to say I know everything she tells me ahead of time. She's a friend of the family so she helps me pro bono. Mostly she helps me to find ways to fit into neurotypical society without feeling like I have to compromise who I am. Lately I've started putting some focus into breaking down non-verbal communication so that it's more understandable. Meditation seems to help me with that because it helps me to stay aware in the moment. Once I notice a gesture or posture or facial expression that I don't understand I can analyze it based on the situation and learn what's being communicated.

-- Dauer
My dad used to say, "If you spend as much time looking for a job as you will when you have a job you'll quickly find a job" Indicating that nobody spends 8 hours a day looking, and if they did in any economy they'd discover something.

If you've got 6 hours a day...make it productive. Seems like you could have a second job whilst you are working on your first.

For me when I was a carpenter it was stopping on jobsites, calling contractors. For me now if I were to look it would be a combination of sending out resumes and following up with phone calls; making cold calls to ascertain if they are hiring and following up with resumes; networking with other contractors to see what they know is going on where.

Thanks for the reply... Been looking online, I can't seem to find anything there I can do, the more I look the heavier the weight gets if you know what I mean? lol...

Done a few cold calls and sent out CVs (resumes) Not sure I'll hear back from most... I could have a second job, if I could leave the small dull office... lol. But as I am here stuck in the office I cannot really take on another job. Sometimes I think, well perhaps I should be as efficient... Perhaps I should draw out my work... But you can only prolong it a certain period of time... And I am not one for having work lying around, if it is there, it is done.

I shall continue to search!
Don't forget craigslist if you have that in the UK.

I live in subsidized housing on disability. I'm very good at managing my finances -- yes, I'm Jewish -- so I live comfortably enough from month to month.

lol, glad it was you who said it ;)

The life coach I've been seeing since around when I was diagnosed with Asperger's. Most of what she helps me with is common sense, which is not to say I know everything she tells me ahead of time. She's a friend of the family so she helps me pro bono. Mostly she helps me to find ways to fit into neurotypical society without feeling like I have to compromise who I am. Lately I've started putting some focus into breaking down non-verbal communication so that it's more understandable. Meditation seems to help me with that because it helps me to stay aware in the moment. Once I notice a gesture or posture or facial expression that I don't understand I can analyze it based on the situation and learn what's being communicated.

-- Dauer

Well that is great to hear and sounds like a very good friend to the family! Hope it goes well!

Alex, does your local paper offer a job vacancy email alert service?

(also, monster, totaljobs, fish4jobs...)


Jobs UK - Job centre plus recruitment agency search

Recruitment agencies & job sites directory - Agency Central


Thanks Snoopy!

I'll try those links, yes I have tried monster/total and fish4. See my issue is I live out in zee sticks... I have no transport... So I am ideally looking at a certain area for employment... So yeah I am slightly restricted.
I could have a second job, if I could leave the small dull office... lol. But as I am here stuck in the office I cannot really take on another job.

I used to work a full 5 day week but my employer agreed to my request to do 4 long(ish) days. I only lost a relatively little pay but it was worth it to gain the day: 3 days of the week are now "mine" and I can use the extra day for whatever; you know....I've done part time work in it... voluntary work to gain new experience...

Could you do something similar?

I haven't the b****cks to make my own company lol.

No, I don't mean that; I mean work that you do for a company via your PC at home. I work in an office but it's all PC based; most of what I do could actually be emailed to me and the way the price of diesel is going I think I may be going that way!

Generally I rent a flat across from the bank and sit there for several weeks just watching. Usually the big "deliveries" are made on a Thursday or Friday if thats any use?

You're gonna need a muscle for a job like that.

And when I throw all 130 lbs (that's 58.96kg ) of myself into something, watch out! xD