
You're gonna need a muscle for a job like that.

And when I throw all 130 lbs (that's 58.96kg ) of myself into something, watch out! xD

lol! If we had a team and made a "job"..... all I could say is... They would make an awesome movie about it.... Quite a few funny movie titles coming to mind too.

Dauer: "Yeah I've been bulking up. I eat a lot of vegan jerky, walk to the supermarket once in a while. That's a [messing] big hill!"


Tao: "What we've got is a plan, so don't any of you [mess] it up!


Alex: "Get the [mess] down! Someone's coming! Oops my bad it was just a pigeon."

"An Englishman, a Scotsman and an American Walk into a bank...." ;)

Dauer! We need a 4th member!

"CR Finance are looking to employ a motivated dedicated member to their small group.... Driving skills essential."
I'll need a per diem and travel expenses portal to portal.

do you need to see my resume or is my reputation sufficient?

I've got some stories...
It may be backwards, but I tend to think: Where do I want to work? And then try to find out if they are hiring. Rather than where is hiring. It seems to work OK for me.

I'm heading out into a short-term teaching contract next year, so I know I'll have to job hunt again next year, but the allure of a 3-day-a-week schedule was too great. Not to mention that I get students again, which I *love.* Yay.
me, im retail, so i can get a job anywhere. Its not what i want to do, but its what i have always done. Once i sought myself out, ill attempt to do what i really want to do. (wildlife carer) but the mortgage has to be paid first. LOL.

"An Englishman, a Scotsman and an American Walk into a bank...." ;)

Dauer! We need a 4th member!

"CR Finance are looking to employ a motivated dedicated member to their small group.... Driving skills essential."

What 'cha want driven? If it's got four wheels I can drive it.

The faster, the better.

Although, if I might make a recommendation, perhaps it would be better to take the armored "delivery"'s probably fuelled, bulletproof, and already loaded. The down side is it can be outrun, but it's big enough to plow through the average roadblock...
What 'cha want driven? If it's got four wheels I can drive it.

The faster, the better.

Although, if I might make a recommendation, perhaps it would be better to take the armored "delivery"'s probably fuelled, bulletproof, and already loaded. The down side is it can be outrun, but it's big enough to plow through the average roadblock...

Unfortunately they are all GPS tagged.

Interesting to see how much interest the idea is generating though :p
Of course, we could tunnel under....

That is kinda like my idea of blagging a place... I would be stealth ninj0r... You'd wake up in the morning and weep because your bank was empty.... "oh noes!!! my monies :("

High speed "woooo look at me!" Chases wouldn't be the way I'd do business...

Unfortunately they are all GPS tagged.

Interesting to see how much interest the idea is generating though :p

I think it isn't just the fantasy and adventure of it... It's the feeling of freaking over those that freak you over daily.... :)
Unfortunately they are all GPS tagged.

Funny thing about electronics...they can be unplugged.

Used to have GPS on "my" 18 wheel lorry (company truck, not actually mine). If I wanted to be left alone, I parked under a metal canopy.

One guy I met went so far as to use a metal paint can to put over top of the antenna to achieve the same results.

Like Chief Engineer Mongomery Scott said: "The more plumbing there is, the easier it is to foul up the works..."

Or something like that. :D
South America?

Ummm, the closest I've been to SA is Teijuana (sp?), Mexico. I still haven't even made it to Acupulco.

Oh, there was that day off some Carribean island, but I have no idea where...
y'makin' funna my drawl?

Like, it's akwired, y'know.

I was born in the South, I'm proud to say. The South of California. Which is why that gnarly ol' surfer / stoner lingo creeps in ever' now an' agin.

Like, totally.

But this audience isn't even ready for the trucker jargon. Very elite group, them truckers.