Obama's DNC Acceptance Speech


Reaction score
Wild, Wild West
OK, when I decided to watch this I did not feel like I was going to be watching history being made...that seemed kind of like hype to me.

But, by mid-way through that speech I had chills running down my spine...man, that guy can orate! That was by far the best speech I've ever personally heard, and you can just tell that this guy is for real.

(Unlike his running mate, who is probably fine but comes off like a used-car saleman).

So, I feel like I did witness history last night. I hope we see history made again in November.
OK, when I decided to watch this I did not feel like I was going to be watching history being made...that seemed kind of like hype to me.

But, by mid-way through that speech I had chills running down my spine...man, that guy can orate! That was by far the best speech I've ever personally heard, and you can just tell that this guy is for real.

(Unlike his running mate, who is probably fine but comes off like a used-car saleman).

So, I feel like I did witness history last night. I hope we see history made again in November.
I think sincerely, that the man has what it takes, but does not have the experience needed to sit in that seat...yet. He's not ready for the office he is running for. And his choice of VP, only confirmed that thought. Unlike other government offices, the president must be able to step in and run the office with his own "experiences" backing him. Not the power behind the throne. I also think his wife needs to settle down. She detracts from the man, not enhances the man. Quiet power, goes a long, long way with Americans. (imo)



Quiet power: Eleanor Roosevelt..."Quiet power"...
People who attended were thrilled. A very powerful event unlike any they had been to. Worth waiting in a 2-mile line! :)

. I also think his wife needs to settle down. She detracts from the man, not enhances the man. Quiet power, goes a long, long way with Americans. (imo)
Huh? She is one amazing lady. Did you hear her speak earlier this week? Out of the ballpark.

Quiet power: Eleanor Roosevelt..."Quiet power"...
That was another era, bro.
I watched a couple of the debates with Hillary and I liked him then, too. I've checked out his webpage...yup, yup, yup. I like what I read.

But, I've not paid much attention to any other media and don't know of any controversy about his wife. Thought he handled the brau-haa-haa about his minister well. I think it's fair to examine all aspects of his life, and if his wife is smart, strong and confident in herself...I think that's a plus. I always liked Hillary too and would have voted for her if she was the candidate. I like Obama better though.

Not as enthused with McCain's VP choice from what little I know of her. If he chose a woman just to try to get the women's vote...blah on that.

Looking forward to the debates.
I watched a couple of the debates with Hillary and I liked him then, too. I've checked out his webpage...yup, yup, yup. I like what I read.

But, I've not paid much attention to any other media and don't know of any controversy about his wife. Thought he handled the brau-haa-haa about his minister well. I think it's fair to examine all aspects of his life, and if his wife is smart, strong and confident in herself...I think that's a plus. I always liked Hillary too and would have voted for her if she was the candidate. I like Obama better though.

Not as enthused with McCain's VP choice from what little I know of her. If he chose a woman just to try to get the women's vote...blah on that.

Looking forward to the debates.
No, those are your thoughts. I think he (Obama) will one day, make a fine president for this country, just not right now.



(sticking to the OP) :D
People who attended were thrilled. A very powerful event unlike any they had been to. Worth waiting in a 2-mile line! :)

Huh? She is one amazing lady. Did you hear her speak earlier this week? Out of the ballpark.

That was another era, bro.

Indeed, out of the ball park. And no that "era" affects us to this day, and is our "era". She did so much to create what you and I take for granted today (as if the stuf has been around forever). But I digress, this is about Mr. Obama, and no one else. He will make a fine president one day. I truly believe that.


I think we will. It'll be the first time a woman has been elected to Vice President.
In track and field, it is called "the outside smoker", the one who comes from behind everyone to take the lead. (sixth lane runner).

It is going to be interesting...these next couple of months...
So what does Obama need to have happen to make him 'ready' for the Presidency?
Same thing it took another young man as a 4 year (slick arm) first class petty officer, to make Chief...a few years of practiceunder the belt as a first class petty officer (experience had to catch up with the intelligence). No shame in that, but perhaps a bit of impatience...:D
All I can say is that he has about the same qualifications as Lincoln did when he took office. I'm not sure that what I want is someone who has been in Washington a long time. The track record of long-time Washington-ers renders me quite cynical about the ethical fibre of anyone who has played that game very long.

The speech was amazing. He's one of the best orators I've ever heard.

The content was pretty good. There were a few things here and there I was a bit... "meh" about. I'm kind of a stickler for details, and quite frankly neither McCain nor Obama have (in my mind) shown any details about how they both claim to be reducing taxes, increasing programs, and decreasing the deficit. These things seem mutually exclusive unless they have some really ingenious plan (which I'd like to see) or plan to grow money trees. I want to know the "how" behind Obama's plan to cut taxes for 95% of working families, eliminate foreign oil dependency in 10 years, and offer health care to everyone. Anyone know if he's posted a plan?

I kinda feel like all presidents make great promises before they're in office. I wish they were forced to draw up elaborate 4-year plans and sign on the dotted line. It's one of the only jobs I know of that carries so much responsibility and yet has no contractual agreement on what will happen. But I digress.

McCain is simply not an option to me for a plethora of reasons, and while I want to believe in Obama and I will vote for him (because I'm voting against the alternative), his recent decisions about the phone companies and his plan to continue to use Blackwater are alarms to me that he's just not my ideal candidate.

But, man, the guy can talk- there's no doubt about that. He's a phenomenal, inspirational speaker. And he truly cares about the average American person. I don't really buy that McCain does. Something about McCain makes me think the guy has long been out of touch with the concerns and fortunes of the average lower class to middle class American. During a time of economic distress, I hope we get a president that cares something about the increased stress on families since real wages have decreased. I'd like to see someone who recognizes national security must include health care for everyone, or a pandemic would devastate us. We have a crumbling infrastructure, a stretched thin military, a poorly looked after group of veterans facing serious long-term health care issues (why am I meeting so many homeless recent veterans?), and a very squeezed middle and lower class. Aside from the long term issues of war, sustainability, and fuel and food dependency (no one talks about food, but trust me people- it's a real issue in the long term)... we have those immediate concerns.
Well I just luv about eveyrone who can speak pretty.......y'know?


And sorry POO, if you can put Mcain and Obama in the same sentance I know the future.........no change
Well I just luv about eveyrone who can speak pretty.......y'know?


And sorry POO, if you can put Mcain and Obama in the same sentance I know the future.........no change
McCaine/Obama...oops lol :eek:
And sorry POO, if you can put Mcain and Obama in the same sentance I know the future.........no change

I'm a little lost what you mean, but if you mean you expect no change because I don't expect that much change out of either of them... remember I can be quite cynical about politics. I do think Obama cares. That's hopeful. I'm just realistic about what a president can do unless he has full support of the Congress, and about the problems of having more social programs with less money...

You know... the devil is in the details.

But I do believe Obama cares and I *want* to back a leader really badly. Though I'm not a real authority-lovin' person, I would love a leader I can really stand behind. But after an entire lifetime (granted, not the longest lifetime) of seeing promise and then nothing delivered in my government... well, I'm not exactly hopeful anymore when I hear a promise. I'll believe it when I see a plan to get to the promise.
Not as enthused with McCain's VP choice from what little I know of her. If he chose a woman just to try to get the women's vote...blah on that.
Attempts to find some redeeming value in McCain's choice for VP strike me as quite silly. This observation from arch conservative Michael Savage seems realistic and to the point:
McCain has thrown the election. It is clear now with his choice for Vice President that he has no desire to win in November. Why else would he chose an inexperienced woman, whose only apparent qualification is that she won a beauty pageant in the 1980s? ....If McCain had chosen Mitt Romney, a man with real leadership ability, real charisma, and real experience, he might have stood a chance.

McCain has dropped the ball, thrown in the towel, and raised the white flag.
Attempts to find some redeeming value in McCain's choice for VP strike me as quite silly. This observation from arch conservative Michael Savage seems realistic and to the point:
McCain has thrown the election. It is clear now with his choice for Vice President that he has no desire to win in November. Why else would he chose an inexperienced woman, whose only apparent qualification is that she won a beauty pageant in the 1980s? ....If McCain had chosen Mitt Romney, a man with real leadership ability, real charisma, and real experience, he might have stood a chance.

McCain has dropped the ball, thrown in the towel, and raised the white flag.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]1948[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] - Truman runs against Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican nominee in the 1948 presidential election. The scientific pollsters, including George Gallup, all predicted that Dewey would beat Truman. (Gallup had won a dramatic bet by correctly predicting the outcome of the 1936 election.) Newspapers were so sure the pollsters were right that they printed the headline, "Dewey Beats Truman." But they were wrong. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Truman beat Dewey and the race wasn't even that close (Truman won by 3.5 percentage points). What had gone wrong? The pollsters had stopped polling a week before the election. They thought that people's votes would not change before the election. But in 1948 there were two strong independent candidates whose support eroded away in the last week. By stopping their polling too soon, the pollsters missed this shift away from the third party candidates back to the major parties. Since most of the votes shifted to Truman, he won the election. [/FONT]​

moral of the story...don't count the chickens...;)
I think all people who vote for McCain should be concerned that the dude's 72 and had melanoma (which recurs with alarming frequency) and his VP, who would be president if he dies, is a person who had 2 years being governor of a relatively unpopulated state and has *no foreign policy experience*.

Yeah, because that's what we need in times like these.

And McCain gets on Obama's case for lacking experience? But then picks that person as a VP? :confused:

McCain had some respect (though not a lot of agreement) from me before:
1. Resorting to playground tactics with those stupid and sophomoric "celebrity" ads against Obama. Does he think we're all that stupid? I found the ads insulting to my intelligence.
2. Basically picking a chick for VP to try to get some votes from Hillary supporters.

Personally, I think (and hope) that move will backfire. Most religious right don't like women in power and if they don't imagine that scenario due to a McCain medical issue, they're being extremely short-sighted. Much of the conservative religious right believe a woman with 5 kids should be at home taking care of the kids, not running the country. Conversely, I can't imagine any Hillary supporting feminist voting for a woman who is pro-life. Period. Every feminist I know who wanted Clinton is strongly pro-choice. I think McCain misunderstands the feminist agenda, but who knows.

I'm a total cynic. After seeing the Bush/Gore thing, I think McCain will win somehow because that decision is made behind closed doors, more or less. I don't trust my government as far as I can toss them. I think we're run by corporations and private interest groups, and I think many of the elite want to screw over the American middle class as long as they possibly can eek money out of us. Who knows? Maybe there will be A Great Change. Maybe Obama will be elected and the world will be all rosy. Maybe by some stretch of the imagination McCain will be elected and not continue to line the pockets of Halliburton and Blackwater.

But I doubt it. Recent history indicates we are rapidly becoming a country owned by business, with a strong leaning toward taking away civil liberties and a disappearing middle class. Yikes.