Inside Outside USA



The USA is still erroneously called the only superpower but without contest can still be regarded as the "biggest noise" on the international stage.

If you are from the US what do you think your country is on the international political level and from a national psyche perspective in relation to foreign affairs.

Outside the USA? What does the USA mean to you in your country? How do you see your country people influenced culturally by the USA?

I'm on the inside and have been contemplating what you ask here ever since you made the statement that when I vote it affects you.

I do vote to put folks in office that will consider the world stage when making decisions. Regarding, society, poverty, economics, environment, health, etc.

As for what the world thinks of us, I think not much. For one because we've been making some pretty good international blunders. For two because we seem to pick and choose who we help and how. And for three because whoever is on a pedestal all those around will take pot shots at, tis just nature.

Reality is as this insider sees it we actually do a hell of a lot for those outside our country and folks are waiting by the millions to join us inside our country. We do so much we make a lot of mistakes. (sort of like the person that has the homerun record also has the strikeout record, but that would only be understood by those inside the country as it ain't cricket) Now percentage wise, I know we are not close to the top of the totem pole, but as far as total $$$ assisting the world in food, aids, poverty, education, protection, etc. We are the bottom of the totem pole, supporting the rest of ya.
I'm on the inside and have been contemplating what you ask here ever since you made the statement that when I vote it affects you.

I do vote to put folks in office that will consider the world stage when making decisions. Regarding, society, poverty, economics, environment, health, etc.

As for what the world thinks of us, I think not much. For one because we've been making some pretty good international blunders. For two because we seem to pick and choose who we help and how. And for three because whoever is on a pedestal all those around will take pot shots at, tis just nature.

Reality is as this insider sees it we actually do a hell of a lot for those outside our country and folks are waiting by the millions to join us inside our country. We do so much we make a lot of mistakes. (sort of like the person that has the homerun record also has the strikeout record, but that would only be understood by those inside the country as it ain't cricket) Now percentage wise, I know we are not close to the top of the totem pole, but as far as total $$$ assisting the world in food, aids, poverty, education, protection, etc. We are the bottom of the totem pole, supporting the rest of ya.

Can I ask you what you think the implications globally when the average American consumes 4 times more resources than the nearest competitor and 20 times more than the average Indian for example? I think that question relates to the truth in what America thinks giving is. Its not a lot different over here.

Can I ask you what you think the implications globally when the average American consumes 4 times more resources than the nearest competitor and 20 times more than the average Indian for example? I think that question relates to the truth in what America thinks giving is. Its not a lot different over here.

I don't know exactly how does your fine country rank in this regard (ie comparisons to India, not to US). Any of us who have electricity and cars are abused on this ranking. Highly industrialized nations consume resources it is clear. If I were to live in India in any house at random odds are 90% chance of not having any electricity or owning a car. Those that do have electricity have either regular brown outs or occasional electricity (ie electricity 2-20 hours per day). Hence they all consume much less energy.

No question in general we Americans live in the lap of luxury, and if we quit buying our cars (mostly from foriegn companies) quit buying gas and oil (mostly from other countries) quit consuming exotic foodstuffs from around the world, many economies would collapse instantly. India's current surge in the industrial world is largely due to our excess, they file our taxes, answer our computer and tech support, make products for our consumption, as does China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Phillipines, and on and on....

I'm not saying that is a good thing, that we've raised the employment and incomes in those nations, or that if we quit buying or our economy collapsed it would affect them more than us...but it is a fact.
Not saying this is an accurate way to look either, or beneficial overall but take a look at charts that show GDP or GNP compared to resource use. I'll bet you find the Americans on the more prodcutive end. ie yes we use a lot of resources but we produce a lot of goods used by the world.

I'll also toss in that our opulence over here and I assume over where you are includes indoor plumbing, and the prerequisite water supply to the plumbing, the waste leaving, the waste water treatment plant, and purification before said effluent is deposited back in the river or aquife for use by others downstream.

Now I haven't been to India, but I'll bet 99% of the households don't have that luxury, and I'll bet their effluent ends up in the drinking water and rivers with very little filtration. I'll bet there is more than a modecum of energy use here to accomplish this and more than a modecum of pollution problems over there due to their standard systems. I could be wrong.
If you are from the US what do you think your country is on the international political level and from a national psyche perspective in relation to foreign affairs.


I can't speak about our national pscyhe perspective, except to say that I think we're probably divided about 50/50 between seeing ourselves as a savior to the world and seeing ourselves as a bully.

I'm in the seeing US as a bully camp.

I'd say the international perspective depends on which nation a person comes from and whether we brought something they like or something they don't like. Seems like we have no problems with having lots of people want to come here, despite our problems.
The USA is still erroneously called the only superpower but without contest can still be regarded as the "biggest noise" on the international stage.

If you are from the US what do you think your country is on the international political level and from a national psyche perspective in relation to foreign affairs.

Outside the USA? What does the USA mean to you in your country? How do you see your country people influenced culturally by the USA?


RAP quotes. to sum it up.
If you are from the US what do you think your country is on the international political level
"If I can’t do it, homie, it can’t be done Now I’ma let the champagne bottle pop I’ma take it to the top" -If I Can’t, 50 Cent
from a national psyche perspective in relation to foreign affairs.
"The world is yours and everything in it, its out there get on your grind and get it" -Let’s Get It, Young Jeezy
I am not into Rap as it is difficult to sort out the words from the background most especially with the varient known as "Gangster Rap"

RAP quotes. to sum it up.

"If I can’t do it, homie, it can’t be done Now I’ma let the champagne bottle pop I’ma take it to the top" -If I Can’t, 50 Cent

see Montrose toast, taking it to the limit, just do it, etc. Go for the gold, go for the gusto.

RAP quotes. to sum it up.
"The world is yours and everything in it, its out there get on your grind and get it" -Let’s Get It, Young Jeezy

"The world is yours for the taking", "the world is your oyster", "keep on trucking", ride it for all its worth, etc.

Fine sentiments, all in all, YO-ELEVEN. Do not impose limits upon what you may achieve, do not be held back by the nay-sayers of this world. Dare to dream and, once having had that insight, dare also to make of that dream a reality.
Namaste Tao,

thank you for the post.

The USA is still erroneously called the only superpower but without contest can still be regarded as the "biggest noise" on the international stage.

perhaps no country ever deserved the appellation yet both the USSR and the USA were given it, now that the USSR is gone the USA remains. as it stands, there will soon be three 'powers' in the world in that regard, India, China and the United States.

i would, of course, suggest that China is making more noise but we tend not to hear about most of the things going on in China due to the control of the media. then again i suspect that it is more related to what a being chooses to focus their attention on more than anything else.

If you are from the US what do you think your country is on the international political level and from a national psyche perspective in relation to foreign affairs.

i'm not sure that i follow the intent of the question all that well... are you asking how i think that other nations view the United States?

by and large i have a feeling that most foreign beings don't really understand the United States all that well which, of course, is not saying much. i suspect that most beings understanding their own nations to rather less than the full degree thus understanding other nations isn't high on the priority list.

one of the most difficult aspects for non Americans to understand is how the War of Northern Aggression changed the United States and that the Federalists do not represent the totality of the American people. the Southern United States are, literally, a people under occupation.

by and large i have the impression that most beings have an unusual view of the United States depending upon the precise situation they find themselves in. when the Chinese were being invaded by Japan, for instance, the Flying Tigers (American military Aviation) went to China and fought against the invaders. China was very pro-America at that point in history. during the Revolution and the subsequent Cultural Revolution of the 1960's and 1970's China wanted nothing to do with the United States and, much like Iran, viewed the United States as its', to borrow a phrase from the USSR, "chief adversary." Today, once again, things are shifting around and China and the United States find themselves friendly and cooperative yet in competition and at odds over political and religious freedoms, for instance.

the Aid workers in Dafur and other places continually report that the local populaces beseech the United States to come and save them and whilst many would think that such actions should be done many would condemn the United States for them just as quickly.

all in all there are two pithy statements which come to mind:

"you can't please all of the people all of the time."

"America is anything anyone wants it to be, hero or villain."


This is kinda random, but I just read this article and, rather than post a new thread for it, I thought I'd resurrect this older thread to which the article is relevant.

A New Year’s Greeting from Mohammed Ajmal Kasab Iman

It's one of those things that is funny because it's true. This satire is also remarkable, I think, because it subtly articulates something that is hardly ever addressed in America, which is how America, simply by being the country that it is, gives rise to terrorism.
I`m from the inside and outside. And don`t know what to say.

I sometimes refer to America as the country with multiple personality disorder whether intentional or not. The only reason why it has to be muscle bound IMO is because of China now. Without China and Russia aiming to be the next superpower to bully us into Stalin submission, America can finally become a normal country.

But I have mixed feelings about Americans holding the power to single handedly elect a president like Bush who`s never been outside of the US, thats one mistake too many. So, and also considering my personal circumstances, I wish that foreign political funds be regularly accepted in the US without secrets of course, so that American politics may become more transparent to the world (I`ve thought this out and there`s little danger as long as Americans are Americans). Better than country folks deciding the fate of the world. Of course many would disagree, and by no means would I agree to foreign funds interfering with American national politics. But hey, Bush??! Never again, but can happen..

I live outside the US and see the US mostly as a dangerous imperialist entity that has ruined European culture and that's trying to do the same with the Middle-East.
If you are from the US what do you think your country is on the international political level and from a national psyche perspective in relation to foreign affairs.

The Good Old U.S.A. spends nearly the same amount each year on defense as the rest of the world combined. My country is one of the only western nations to not provide universal health care to its citizens and its social safety net consists of providing plenty of garbage for homeless people to rummage through for food and shelter.

This country is an obscene combination of violence, consumption and ignorance and I plan on doing everything I can to change that. I think I mentioned in another thread the likelihood of pushing against a glacier in the hopes of moving it in the other direction. But I think a cold, wet shoulder is a small price to pay.

Get your back into it boys (and gurls)!!!
The Good Old U.S.A. spends nearly the same amount each year on defense as the rest of the world combined. My country is one of the only western nations to not provide universal health care to its citizens and its social safety net consists of providing plenty of garbage for homeless people to rummage through for food and shelter.

This country is an obscene combination of violence, consumption and ignorance and I plan on doing everything I can to change that. I think I mentioned in another thread the likelihood of pushing against a glacier in the hopes of moving it in the other direction. But I think a cold, wet shoulder is a small price to pay.

Get your back into it boys (and gurls)!!!

I'm with you. Just to nitpick, I don't think that calling it "defense" is really accurate. Department of Defense is a euphemism at best, but really it's Orwellian.

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Power.

I didnt notice this thread before.

From the outside of the Usa and given the current economic conditions the western world is experiencing.........yeah, its tough.
But there are many here who say..."bloody americans... if they didnt give out all those ridiculous loans........we wouldnt be in the mess we are in....."

But you know what??? Most of us today, in our society suffer from a big problem that has contributed to this........ "blame everyone else syndrome"..
Yes, i know things are tough,,, tougher than they have been in a long time....... Our parents (or grandparents) went through the depression, of the 1900's and a few world wars to boot.... And they survived long enough to bring us into the world..
So, all Im saying is perhaps we should look closer to home, change our own lifes and lifestyles, influence those around us, be more community suit our budgets or our incomes.
I am aware many are on low incomes, or "benefits" and they have always done it tough... maybe the more "priveledged" can learn a thing or two from them.
Buy locally, support your local primary producer where you can, who in turn can support local business,,, etc..
It has to start from here,,, at the bottom,,, where we all are..

Just a thought.

As for governments and their spending??? I do not have any expertise or experience to comment on these, but i do know how to live on a shoesstring.
I didnt notice this thread before.

From the outside of the Usa and given the current economic conditions the western world is experiencing.........yeah, its tough.
But there are many here who say..."bloody americans... if they didnt give out all those ridiculous loans........we wouldnt be in the mess we are in....."

But you know what??? Most of us today, in our society suffer from a big problem that has contributed to this........ "blame everyone else syndrome"..
Yes, i know things are tough,,, tougher than they have been in a long time....... Our parents (or grandparents) went through the depression, of the 1900's and a few world wars to boot.... And they survived long enough to bring us into the world..
So, all Im saying is perhaps we should look closer to home, change our own lifes and lifestyles, influence those around us, be more community suit our budgets or our incomes.
I am aware many are on low incomes, or "benefits" and they have always done it tough... maybe the more "priveledged" can learn a thing or two from them.
Buy locally, support your local primary producer where you can, who in turn can support local business,,, etc..
It has to start from here,,, at the bottom,,, where we all are..

Just a thought.

As for governments and their spending??? I do not have any expertise or experience to comment on these, but i do know how to live on a shoesstring.

I agree with 99.9% of what you say. Really, all of it. But I think what is not being said here is also important. Yes, people can make do with a lot less, and our technological civilization as a whole sure could stand to consume much, much less. People should also cooperate with each other and work to be interdependent and, to some extent, self-reliant as well.

But I also think that society needs to hold the people who are perpetuating the excesses, manipulating the financial markets, and preying upon the general public to swell their own bank accounts, accountable. Until this happens, this ponzi-scheme trend of soulless greedy jerkheads* sucking up all the financial capital through a giant straw of PR stunts and hoodwinks--outright theft, really--is going to continue. Governments can continue to bandage their hemorrhaging economies, but until there is some public accountability for this robbery under the guise of "capitalism" and "free trade," the problem is going continue to be there. The symptoms might go away for some time, but even so they will come back with greater force and virulence.

So we need to place responsibility on those who are draining society for their own individual benefit and hold them accountable. This is not "blaming" them for "our" problems--it is justice. It is holding law-defying criminals accountable for their own actions.

*That's right, jerkheads. I had originally written *******s, but it was censored. Let me spell it out: b-a-s-t-a-r-d-s. :p
ahem.//// that "b" word. is actually a family tradition for me.
so, if you please, dont label me as one of those economic leeches..(LOL)
Thanks Pathless, although, i will be breaking tradition soon enough... oh how the ancestors will turn in their graves. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.