Can Gays be Cured?

Homosexuality is as chosen as heterosexuality is.

I'm really tempted to start a thread on people that practice bestiality. Because it just so happens that every single argument used to the validification of homosexuality can be used towards bestiality as well.

Some people are sexuality attracted to animals! Hang on I think if we look hard enough we will find "scientific evidence" that people are born attracted to animals because we too are animals! We need to tolerate this behavior and allow people to marry animals!

Seriously though how far can you take this political correctness until its stupidity is blatantly obvious?

It’s a fact that the main reasons people turn to homosexuality are social and psychological. As much as Iam tolerant towards homosexuality to the point I would argue for more gay rights, I would never encourage it. And being against a legitimate cognitive therapy is politically incorrect so God knows how anyone that’s homophilic has the cheek to be against it.
That's a very good point Brian, I would never like to see another apartheid again.

I'll vote for gays to have the right to get married but I'm never going to accept that homosexual sex is physically natural and no amount of political correctness will change my mind.

I think that's a good outcome - thanks for that. :)

I certainly can't expect everyone to agree with homosexuality, especially not on a religious discussion board. That would be unfair as its a distinctly liberal outlook.

However, to disagree with something, but support the right for individuals to express their view, is certainly quite progressive.

I'm really tempted to start a thread on people that practice bestiality. Because it just so happens that every single argument used to the validification of homosexuality can be used towards bestiality as well.

Seriously though how far can you take this political correctness until its stupidity is blatantly obvious?

It’s a fact that the main reasons people turn to homosexuality are social and psychological.

I don't think it's as simple as that - I think you're looking at homosexuality as a choice, when there are clear studies that show it to be a hardwired biological drive - and one that is significantly present in any normal human population.

I know some people will experiment with sexuality, among other things, especially when young.

However, those men I know who call themselves "homosexual" have always been gay, and shown no drive for heterosexual relationships - in fact, reacting with physical disgust at the thought.

Also, it's interesting to note that a lot of the objections to homosexuality always seem focused on male homosexuality. It's difficult to read objections in this thread to woman-woman relationships. I suspect that it is not considered anywhere near as bad as others. I wonder why?
Also, it's interesting to note that a lot of the objections to homosexuality always seem focused on male homosexuality. It's difficult to read objections in this thread to woman-woman relationships. I suspect that it is not considered anywhere near as bad as others. I wonder why?
[satire] Because men who see women as mere sex objects for men don't like the idea of they themselves being viewed as mere sex objects for men? [/satire]
I think that's a good outcome - thanks for that. :)

I certainly can't expect everyone to agree with homosexuality, especially not on a religious discussion board. That would be unfair as its a distinctly liberal outlook.

However, to disagree with something, but support the right for individuals to express their view, is certainly quite progressive.

I don't think it's as simple as that - I think you're looking at homosexuality as a choice, when there are clear studies that show it to be a hardwired biological drive - and one that is significantly present in any normal human population.

I know some people will experiment with sexuality, among other things, especially when young.

However, those men I know who call themselves "homosexual" have always been gay, and shown no drive for heterosexual relationships - in fact, reacting with physical disgust at the thought.

Also, it's interesting to note that a lot of the objections to homosexuality always seem focused on male homosexuality. It's difficult to read objections in this thread to woman-woman relationships. I suspect that it is not considered anywhere near as bad as others. I wonder why?

it is a well known popular fantasy among men to see 2 women together sexually [not that l have perused the top shelf in the magazine rack!
who knows, if it was a matriarchal [in the hard line sense of women being seen as superior as historically developed and concretised] then maybe women would have culturally evolved a predilection towards being turned on by 2 men together:eek:

probably just seen as more benign and innocent and receptive since that is what women have been portrayed as [generally] rather than the more primitive dominant and penetrating symbolism of the phallic, see men??
I don't think it's as simple as that - I think you're looking at homosexuality as a choice, when there are clear studies that show it to be a hardwired biological drive - and one that is significantly present in any normal human population.

It all depending what you've been reading.. I've read articles that either state that homosexuality is hardwired and go as far to say that there is no such thing as bisexuality that means Casanova, Alexander great or Lindsey Lohan would be considered 100% gay by these studies. Or the other studies that give alot of weight to homosexuality being a social pyscholoigcal issue and both arguments are backed by scientific research and professionals.
There is no similarity between bestiality and homosexuality. In bestiality an animal is used to fulfill a human fantasy or simply as a sex object, it cannot concur with this use of itself and has no ability to approve or deny such usage. However, homosexuals are human-beings capable of deciding to enter into a relationship built on attraction or mutuality, they can EACH approve or deny such a relationship.
You would be mistaken to think that there is no mutuality in bestiality. This would be particularly obvious when females (human) practise this, and before anyone asks no I’ve never watched bestiality porn and never will.
Heterosexuality is closer to bestiality IMO. :)

I mean, seriously, women - you are art. And yet men seem to have barely left the trees.

When they saw that man's closest relatives are the chimpanzee and gorilla, you can really see it.

Women must be more closely related to angels. :)
[satire] Because men who see women as mere sex objects for men don't like the idea of they themselves being viewed as mere sex objects for men? [/satire]

Hmmm... got to wiggle my ass when I walk past "Planet Out" this afternoon just to prove you wrong :D
You would be mistaken to think that there is no mutuality in bestiality. This would be particularly obvious when females (human) practise this, and before anyone asks no I’ve never watched bestiality porn and never will.

Most actors hate watching themselves I hear. :cool:
I'm really tempted to start a thread on people that practice bestiality. Because it just so happens that every single argument used to the validification of homosexuality can be used towards bestiality as well.


PM, animals cannot legally consent to sexual intercourse. Minors cannot legally consent to sexual intercourse. No matter how much either of these parties may seem to enjoy it, it is still considered abuse to involve them in carnal activities.

That would be at least one point that makes your comparison invalid.
nativeastral said:
it is a well known popular fantasy among men to see 2 women together sexually [not that l have perused the top shelf in the magazine rack!
well, you probably need to hear uncle bananabrain's theory on that one, namely that we men are simple creatures, the thought process goes something like:

one beer good.
two beers twice as good.
one woman good.
two women twice as good.

you get the general picture, this isn't about female homosexuality at all. this is about portion control. women are far more interested in dieting than men are!

