What time(zone) is it?


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Just curious.

I'm PST. (Behind the Redwood Curtain)

What about you?
I get the impression that a lot of you folks are from there.
EDT. (I would have said EST if I had replied before SG. :/ )
She's such a stickler.

Thank God for people like her, or I would be running an hour late.
...i think I'm ADD... not sure though...

hey! Seinfeld's on.. sweet! :)
AEST, which means all you lot, (except the kiwi) are behind the times. lol.
we are about 14hrs infront of the the east coast of usa. ( i think).
I'm on PDT. And now my position of first to see each day in the US is eclipsed by Greymare's first to see each day in the world. Bah.
Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Time (has come today)
-The Chambers Brothers

Time has come today
Young hearts can go their way
Can't put it off another day
I don't care what others say
They say we don't listen anyway
Time has come today

The rules have changed today (Hey)
I have no place to stay (Hey)
I'm thinking about the subway (Hey)
My love has flown away (Hey)
My tears have come and gone (Hey)
Oh my Lord, I have to roam (Hey)
I have no home (Hey)
I have no home (Hey)

Now the time has come (Time)
There's no place to run (Time)
I might get burned up by the sun (Time)
But I had my fun (Time)
I've been loved and put aside (Time)
I've been crushed by the tumbling tide (Time)
And my soul has been psychedelicized (Time)

Now the time has come (Time)
There are things to realize (Time)
Time has come today (Time)
Time has come today (Time)

Time [x11]

Now the time has come (Time)
There's no place to run (Time)
I might get burned up by the sun (Time)
But I had my fun (Time)
I've been loved and put aside (Time)
I've been crushed by tumbling tide (Time)
And my soul has been psychedelicized (Time)

Now the time has come (Time)
There are things to realize (Time)
Time has come today (Time)
Time has come today (Time)

Time [x4]
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