Thank You

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Wil, I never told you that I find your creative approach to spirituality inspiring. Thank you!

Ya know Chris it is a wonderful feeling when someone that you've admired reading for years and whose insights and thought process I find so interesting honors one with a compliment.

Twice today an indcation that I need to get my ego in check as it sure enjoys it.
Well, I'm not sure what the thanks are for, but you are very welcome Chris. Thank you too for your great insights and well-written, honest posts. I've learned a lot from what you have written here, and I fondly remember some of the fun threads we've had.

This sounds suspiciously like a good-bye. I certainly hope I am wrong!

BTW, I played golf today, only about the fourth or fifth time in eight years (since we first adopted Grace). One of the most humorous things (besides my swing of course) was how odd my clubs look compared to what seems popular on the course now...all these big-birthas and hybrids...while I scraped it around with my 17-year-old John Jacobs teaching set. :D

Well, it was an executive course with not too much trouble on it and I got away with just a 48. I was pretty happy!
And Thank You Chris,

Your economy of words has often impressed me. I'm with Luna though, this post makes me worry... and it better not be some kind of goodbye!!
better not be some kind of goodbye!!

Well, China posted something particularly abusive about another member, which was removed and he was infracted for it.

He reposted it in a slightly reworded way and claimed as "opinion" it therefore didn't count as a personal attack - so it was removed and he infracted again.

So he sent a PM telling my I'm a "pansy ass" and thinks I'm going to ban him for it.

While I don't want to allow abuse of other members, I'm expected to show a larger degree of tolerance and self-control to abuse directed at myself.
Well, China posted something particularly abusive about another member, which was removed and he was infracted for it.

He reposted it in a slightly reworded way and claimed as "opinion" it therefore didn't count as a personal attack - so it was removed and he infracted again.

So he sent a PM telling my I'm a "pansy ass" and thinks I'm going to ban him for it.

While I don't want to allow abuse of other members, I'm expected to show a larger degree of tolerance and self-control to abuse directed at myself.
I saw what I presume to be the original infracted post. He made a valid comment in my opinion. Chris cannot be accused of being in the habit of attacking individuals and as I have come to respect his opinions on a variety of subjects I feel he would only make a valid point on this one too. I cannot know his past dialgue with Bruce but if they are anything like mine I wholeheartedly agree.

As for "Pansy Ass"....well thats kind of sweet aint it ;)
Theres no reason why anyone should resort to violence and hostility.

Were in an interfaith forum for goodness sake.

Chris cannot be accused of being in the habit of attacking individuals and as I have come to respect his opinions on a variety of subjects I feel he would only make a valid point on this one too.

Theres no reason why anyone should resort to violance and hostility.

Were in an interfaith forum for goodness sake.

Last first, what is that logo from? Looks similar to Jain?

I don't believe anyone is intimating CCS has a habit of attacking, quite the opposite. Infractions are just what they are..."Hey, there is a line, we are trying to establish the line, your toe just went over...just so you know"

Sort of like a speed limit and getting a ticket. Why do we get upset at the officer of the law when we know there was a law, know we went beyond the requirements of the law?

Everyone who has been here any length of time knows full well the breadth and depth of contributions provided by Chris and many other respected members like him. As a community, a great community, one that both delves into thought and discusses touchy subjects and has its moments of extended this community evolves and grows it is encumbent on us fully participatory folks to set the example, hold the bar and refrain from personal attacks and less than admirable behaviour.

I've been called on the carpet more than once and will most likely again. I hope you all as my friends and fellow travelors on this path called growth love me enough to tell me when I step off my path, and are willing to give me a gentle nudge or the occasional wack upside the head to get back on.

peace, wil
Yes well done it’s a Jain symbol.. Eastern religions are known for their passive outlook on life. Jainism is the most passive world religion in existence. The hand symbolizes the Jain vow of non-violence. It is a religion orientated on non violence. Puts all other religions to shame.
Yes well done it’s a Jain symbol.. Eastern religions are known for their passive outlook on life. Jainism is the most passive world religion in existence. The hand symbolizes the Jain vow of non-violence. It is a religion orientated on non violence...
You got that, walking with a broom to gently sweep the bugs away so you don't step on them. Eating only food that doesn't kill the plant, and preferably when the plant gives it up.

For some reason feeling this slight derailment isn't a derailment at all.
still a derailment never the less.

You have a point about Janism but it still get my respect for effort.
Anyhoo, thanks for the compliment, Chris. I've enjoyed your posts over the years as well. I'm afraid I'm rather wordy and never could get to a short but sweet style... but I have often appreciated yours. :) I hope you stick around.

As for Jainism, it's long been one of the religions I've most admired for its difficulty and gentleness. There is a commitment there that is above and beyond nearly anything else I've seen... often the last act before dying is to refuse food and sometimes water so as to not harm anything as one dies...
Amazing what the mind can do though when you put effort into it though? Jains put full orientation on what should be the most fundemental principle of every single religion.

Sure they take it alittle too far, theres millions of bacteria living on us that we simply can't avoid but kill, but they still manage to live fullfilled lives even if it means causing non violence towards anyother life form.

I've heard you say before that we humans think were better then animals but were not or something along them lines, I totally agree with that.

Just because something has no value to us doesn't mean we should treat it any differently, I think this philosophy should extend to animals that feel pysichal and emotional pain aswell, we cant even do this towards ourselves. I at the very least agree with the religious prinicples behind Jainism.
I totally agree with janism.... I by accident killed a green fly the other day, I cried lol... I was upset for hours. And I agree with them that a life is a life no matter how small, and yes how you said I quote we're an animal that got too big for our own boots, and if we could only live like other animals..... Sorry I wasn't meaning to take a dig.... Just you know every footstep we take we kill thousands and even our own immune system is a designed killing machine. Just we need to realise it is impossible not to kill. But I guess we can be forgiven(by ourselves) for those lives we take and don't mean to.

Maybe their brooms(dead trees!) and masks are not taking it too far, striving not to kill is good just we need to understand it is inevitible that we will kill many.
I've heard you say before that we humans think were better then animals but were not or something along them lines, I totally agree with that.

In your thread "Can Gays be Cured?" in post no.8 you said "Theres alot of things animals do that we shouldn't.. I rest my case"

These two sentiments do not seem consistent to me. Can you explain please?

Janisim.... You can't live without killing something. So.... To kill is survival. To kill is instinct.

I totally agree with janism.... Sorry I wasn't meaning to take a dig.... ...we need to understand it is inevitible that we will kill many.
I think their thinking is that whatever they can feasibly stop (killing) they will. They make the attempt.

Like the story of the boy and the starfish...

I'm always intrigued at the speed of your growth...

a. knee jerk reaction
b. immediately googles and reads voracoiusly
c. posts retraction

In your thread "Can Gays be Cured?" in post no.8 you said "Theres alot of things animals do that we shouldn't.. I rest my case"

These two sentiments do not seem consistent to me. Can you explain please?

again...absolutely lovely to see growth in an individual yes?