BNP at the EU


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OK, so I watched the EU election votes come in on BBC News the other night. I did the same with Obama vs McCain and undoubtedly that was more exciting. Somehow, that night was thrilling for me (I'm not a politics nerd, I promise lol). The BNP have won two seats at the EU.

Now there might be some supporters on here, I dont know. But I really don't like the party. I agree that some immigration needs to be controlled iin Britain but they are hiding behind a veil and putting out all those buzz words in their political speeches to try and fool the public.

Most of the BNP members I have talked to are rude, judgemental and racist. Some are more open about their racism, some aren't. I have yet to meet a nice BNP member or supporter... maybe I will....

I've seen the persona they've put out, and I've seen the other one (which I believe is their true face) where Nick Griffin talks to the KKK.

Whatever they have in mind, I seriously doubt it will be for the good of Britain. They see Islam as a huge threat to the world when most of them don't even know about it. They pick bad parts out of the religion and put that to the front.

I am genuinely scared of what Britain will turn into with them in a position of power.

Any thoughts??
Ah. My bad.... super sorry. Should have gone through that one first. Typical newbie error lol
No worries - but I doubt there are many BNP fans here.

The main concern I have is that by way of protests against them, their media profile is repeatedly raised, and in doing so, they are repeatedly normalised in the national psyche.
Yeah, it's not good. It's disturbing that they are getting so much profile and I wish people could see through the public persona they are projecting. Alot of neo-nazis and white supremacists LOVE them... says alot doesn't it?

Hmmm... time to make some chocolate toast... (totally unrelated to the post lol)
Yeah, although the protests were not something to be proud of... the BNP are quite despicable.

It's not Nutella... it's some cheapy but yummy brand.... I make sure I properly smother the toast... it's lushious!!!
Namaste all,

BNP is British National Party? i'm just guessing... i could search it up i suppose :)

i think that you certainly see cycles in politics just like in everything else and the rise of nationalist parties isn't particularly new or interesting in and of itself. it is, to me, far more interesting which nations these parties arise in what they attribute as their reason for arising.

i would imagine that the BNP isn't all that keen on the EU even though the OP says that they have won two seats there... i'm not sure of the composition of the EU.. i was under the impression that individual political parties from member nations were not given seats rather it was representatives from the member nations which could be of any particular party.

in any event there seems to be a rise in nationalist parties in Europe recently for a whole host of reasons, i'm sure, but with immigration certainly featured in all of them.

of course that discussion tends to get all muddled up and confused about illegal and legal immigration...but i digress.

is there a broader trend within European society that is responding to a perceived cultural infiltration? i would tend to think that there is but i have no idea how prevalent such movements would be. that a group or party gets alot of press coverage does not indicate how large or well supported such a movement may be.

does the BNP have general social acceptance or is it more of a fringe political party?


BNP is British National Party? i'm just guessing... i could search it up i suppose :)


i think that you certainly see cycles in politics just like in everything else and the rise of nationalist parties isn't particularly new or interesting in and of itself.
White members only. "Voluntary repatriation" of non-indigenous Caucasian. British jobs for British (ie white) people. Rather than just nationalist think national socialist and you're getting a more accurate picture.

Bill will ban 'white-only' BNP | News

i would imagine that the BNP isn't all that keen on the EU even though the OP says that they have won two seats there...
The collapse of the Labour Party vote let the BNP in under PR. The BNP %age of the vote was about the same. The turnout was (as ever) low at a European election. The election was the electorate punishing Labour, it had nothing to do with "Europe" in that sense; although I would say many British are anti-EU (another party for you Vaj - UKIP - did relatively well and they are essentially a protest party against the EU).

i'm not sure of the composition of the EU.. i was under the impression that individual political parties from member nations were not given seats
They do get "individual" seats and then the parties team up into groupings to form voting blocs I think under general headings like "liberal".

I find the protesters way more disturbing than the BNP :eek:
A bigot has been defined as a person who is overly attached to views that you're unlikely to agree with. Implicltly, a bigot is always somebody else. Would you call yourself a bigot who espouses political intolerance in a public forum and that your doing this s potentially just as offensive as the protesters you evidently have a problem with? Of course not. I wouldn't either.

Personal pride is such that very few of us would admit that most of the views we hold are pretty much baseless and that we'd have a tough time of it if we were asked to elaborate our opinions (or justify them even).

In actual fact, it's not at all that hard to to see people's stated opinions as primitive forms of self enhancement involving definitions of Others as deviant, morally defective, spiritually inferior, or whatever.

I used to think that bigotry was defensiveness or mental rigidity of soe kind. Maybe it is, but I also suspect a kind of intense smugness. It short, bigotry may be a kind of petty form of narcissistic self-indulgence (Buddhists might call it "afflicted self-esteem") that sometimes gets out of hand.
does the BNP have general social acceptance or is it more of a fringe political party?

Good question, unfortunately. They are a racist organisation, their share of the vote is currently in single figures but they have councillors (local government) in various pockets of the UK (and now 2 MEPs). I would say that the "main" parties are disconnected from much of the electorate and smaller parties are stepping into this void. Personally I think a panic over them is an over-reaction but one shouldn't be complacent against such evil. In a liberal democracy, in the privacy of the voting booth, people can put an X anywhere...

As you're in the US, have you seen this?

Man who killed guard at Holocaust museum has links to BNP | World news | The Guardian


White members only. "Voluntary repatriation" of non-indigenous Caucasian. British jobs for British (ie white) people. Rather than just nationalist think national socialist and you're getting a more accurate picture.

Bill will ban 'white-only' BNP | News

The collapse of the Labour Party vote let the BNP in under PR. The BNP %age of the vote was about the same. The turnout was (as ever) low at a European election. The election was the electorate punishing Labour, it had nothing to do with "Europe" in that sense; although I would say many British are anti-EU (another party for you Vaj - UKIP - did relatively well and they are essentially a protest party against the EU).

They do get "individual" seats and then the parties team up into groupings to form voting blocs I think under general headings like "liberal".


How does the BNP consider White British? Im Cypriot decent but Iam white British aswell.. I have widows peak on my forehead which is a white man trait. Lets face it they basically want a land with people who are genetically as similar to themselves as possible, thats errrrrrr.
How does the BNP define White British? Although Im Cypriot decent Iam white British aswell..

If you want it from the horse's @rse maybe have a look at their website, I'm certainly not going to go to it. This is on the slippery slope to blond, blue-eyed Aryan racial purity so you are probably best being white, born in the UK and with a family tree that ties you to the UK back till at least 1066.

Being born in the UK isn't good enough on its own and being white isn't good enough on its own. Basically I'd say you need to be a white racist (and sure of your parentage).


As others have indicated this was a European Parliamentary Election where turnout is traditionally very low. This one was the lowest ever and the BNP actually had fewer votes than it did for the last one. It was singularly the failure of Labour Party voters to turn out that allowed the BNP to gain these 2 seats. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) that wants seperation from the EU actually came in second, pushing labour into third position. In essence it was not the activism of the BNP or UKIP that allowed and increased representation of anti-Europeanism in the EU parliament but the apathy and dissilusionment of the general population.

The UK was not alone. The picture was repeated across Europe and probably does represent a growing frustration over the amount of imigration that is taking place. But again that is nothing new and the election of racist parties has always been a feature of European politics. Looking over the long term however this voting block has not increased in size except in Holland. Economic downturns traditionally cause an increase in support to anti-imigration parties and this one is no exception. As economies recover I assume the declining support the BNP has will continue that trend. There will always be racist bigots, just as there will always be masogynists. But I do not believe there is a shift to fascism in Europe.
Namaste all,

thanks for the replies Snoopy and Tao.

that is an interesting feature of the EU i.e. that political parties get seats and such.

if i'm understanding the explanation correctly, this election cycle was an interim election with the national elections still to come, correct?

as a general sort of thing i'm not opposed to nationalist political parties, i completely understand the idea of Chile First! politics. i am completely opposed to political parties which view ethnic qualities as inclusive or exclusive features. given the rather recent political turmoil such parties have created in Europe i'm rather surprised to see you folks suggesting that some of these parties are actually gaining political power.

as an aside.. i find the EU concept to be intriguing however given my understanding of European history it seems to be rather naievely optimistic to think that the bulk of Europeans would be keen for it. of course that will change as the older generations die off leaving the generations that were not at odds with eachother with the decision making power.

