Prayer and Changing Daipers



Traditionally, within religion there have been two categories or types of religious memberships. The contemplative and the religious layman (having a family). The role of the contemplative has been separated from the role of one that raises a family.
The "highest" role of spiritual practitioner was afforded to the celibate monk, priest etc.. while the layperson with a family was typically a follower of such a religious person..
We may also individually go and do "religious" church work or do "spiritual practice" at home but then we see our other activities as "wordly" and "mundane".
I suggest that we sould not divide the sacred from any aspect of our lives
When we breathe, when we walk, when we listen to a bird'song or when "potty train" our child, we should transform it to be a serious and authentic "religious", spiritual experience.
We should expand the definition of "spiritual, religious practice" and live in complete union and communion with God by experiencing the presence of God in all our daily activities.

What do you think ?
Traditionally, within religion there have been two categories or types of religious memberships. The contemplative and the religious layman (having a family). The role of the contemplative has been separated from the role of one that raises a family.
The "highest" role of spiritual practitioner was afforded to the celibate monk, priest etc.. while the layperson with a family was typically a follower of such a religious person..
We may also individually go and do "religious" church work or do "spiritual practice" at home but then we see our other activities as "wordly" and "mundane".
I suggest that we sould not divide the sacred from any aspect of our lives
When we breathe, when we walk, when we listen to a bird'song or when "potty train" our child, we should transform it to be a serious and authentic "religious", spiritual experience.
We should expand the definition of "spiritual, religious practice" and live in complete union and communion with God by experiencing the presence of God in all our daily activities.

What do you think ?
When I powdered my babies' butts after cleaning them up, the look on their faces was rather "religious" in relief and comfort that a good thing happened. My "olfactory nerves" on the other hand begged to differ...;)

On the other hand, I was grateful that "everything" came out alright...:eek::eek:

so I suppose something could be said of considering such a blessing and a reason to say thanks.
I think the point is to find every moment sacred, if we possibly can. Or at least to try.

That said, every person is different and every person's calling is different. I don't think either the monk and the family-man are better than another; each fulfills his purpose. Not everyone was meant to have a family, and not everyone was meant to be celibate. Whether we have a family or remain celibate (or, like me so far, marry and don't have children) is not so important as how we live our lives.
I think that is a marvelous idea. Every moment is filled with God and his work. Might as well acknowledge that to the best of our ability.

Even poopy diapers. Babies are just so adorable from moment to moment that I never really minded changing my lil brother or sister's diaper. And I was like 5 when my little brother was born. I was his little mommy. But with boys there's always that extra surprise sometimes...never really liked that...

Live life to the fullest and relish in every moment of it.
I think that is a marvelous idea. Every moment is filled with God and his work. Might as well acknowledge that to the best of our ability.

Even poopy diapers. Babies are just so adorable from moment to moment that I never really minded changing my lil brother or sister's diaper. And I was like 5 when my little brother was born. I was his little mommy. But with boys there's always that extra surprise sometimes...never really liked that...

Live life to the fullest and relish in every moment of it.
Wait a minute. That little boy's "surprise" becomes a hoped for thing on a regular basis, as time goes on and he grows "up" at least that is what i have been told...but I could have been lied to...
I kinda meant being peed on. It's purely a little boy thing as it's aiming straight at you when you go to change the diaper... You hope for that as you get older?

Lol, j/k I know what you meant *snicker*

That was like the first thing my brother did when he came into the world. Peed on the doctor. Twas hilarious. Ah, babies do the funniest things. Things that if they did them later in life would get them arrested or something, lol.
I think there are plenty of ministers/preachers with husbands and wives and families that have a spiritual understanding that surpasses some that have not had that experience.

G!d to the Pope at the pearly gates, "Celibate, NO....I said 'Celebrate'"
I kinda meant being peed on. It's purely a little boy thing as it's aiming straight at you when you go to change the diaper... You hope for that as you get older?

Lol, j/k I know what you meant *snicker*

That was like the first thing my brother did when he came into the world. Peed on the doctor. Twas hilarious. Ah, babies do the funniest things. Things that if they did them later in life would get them arrested or something, lol.
Well, at least it was known that the basic plumbing worked just fine...another BLESSING to be thankful for! :rolleyes::D
I think there are plenty of ministers/preachers with husbands and wives and families that have a spiritual understanding that surpasses some that have not had that experience.

G!d to the Pope at the pearly gates, "Celibate, NO....I said 'Celebrate'"
I'm going to remember that one LOL :D