LGBTQ Rights and Society

To give a more on topic answer;

If you are gay I think there is something wrong with you, but we all have our flaws and you aren't harming anyone so live and let live = Tolerance.

There is nothing wrong with homosexuality and a same sex relationship is just as legitimate as the more traditional coupling = acceptance.

IMO you can expect even demand tolerance when that which you are seeking tolerance for is not harmful to others. However it is wrong to expect/demand acceptance. Demanding acceptance is pretty much saying "you must see things the way I do".

This forum is also a good example. We all tolerate each others beliefs but none of us accept the others beliefs as true, otherwise we would also adopt them.
IMO you can expect even demand tolerance when that which you are seeking tolerance for is not harmful to others. However it is wrong to expect/demand acceptance.
This is all very logical and simple to understand, but it get easily more complicated. My personal opinion is that your statement "I think there is something wrong with you" is harmful, which, according to your logic, is neither acceptable nor tolerable. Not much I can do about this though so all I can do is point it out and move on.
That just means the wording has to get more complicated. How about we change it to "demonstrably harmful to society"?
Lol, maybe notches is the wring word.

But if I just tolerate my lower back pain is tolerable...

I get what you mean but tolerance doesn't have to be negative.

Let's say your partner loves a certain music that you are not a fan of. You could tolerate the music they love, and be happy because you know it makes them happy... but still feel deep down that Chinese pop music sucks.
I get what you mean but tolerance doesn't have to be negative.

Let's say your partner loves a certain music that you are not a fan of. You could tolerate the music they love, and be happy because you know it makes them happy... but still feel deep down that Chinese pop music sucks.

Or, say Person A likes to wear skirts with a hemline just above the knee, yet Person B likes her skirts to have a hemline just below the knee. They could tolerate each other's skirts, yet personally still not like the skirts. Ditto sleeve length (one likes cap sleeves, while the other likes French cuffs.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I get what you mean but tolerance doesn't have to be negative.

Let's say your partner loves a certain music that you are not a fan of. You could tolerate the music they love, and be happy because you know it makes them happy... but still feel deep down that Chinese pop music sucks.
So I put up with your music to make you happy? And that isn't negative? It sure ain't positive.

Yes my progeny, I understand you are gay and I will tolerate it.

That just means the wording has to get more complicated. How about we change it to "demonstrably harmful to society"?
We are going to disagree on this, we come from very different perspectives.
I am of the opinion there is nothing wrong with being in the skin you are in, gay or straight. I wouldn't have had a problem if any of our children were gay.
Kim Davis might be sued!

"Who?" you ask?

She's the (former) Rowan County, Kentucky county clerk who refused to allow same-sex marriages in her county because it "goes against my religion".

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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