Corona virus vs religious tradition..

Here in Ft Worth they've brought in refrigerated trucks to store the dead bodies - shutting down businesses again - people struggling everywhere - stressed
It' real where I live. The hospital around the corner from my house is running out of ICU beds to treat acute patients.

They've been making claims about mass hospital bed/ice lack of space, hospitals being filled up too much...since the beginning of this whole thing. I've heard reports from people...including nurses and doctors saying that the media and govt claimed their hospitals were over run...and these individuals have said ...this is a load of baloney.
To be fair, even before this covid1984 thing, every flu/pneumonia season some hospitals or ICUs get over run...sometimes. and even during other seasons some sometimes get over run for other reasons.
Your hospital is probably just temporarily over run from flu/pneumonia infections and/or other illnesses and injuries(combined)...perhaps also a few genuine *covid* cases as well(IF the virus even exists).
Another problem that in the last several months that had caused occasional temporary influx/over run is the fact that some hospitals have been not having enough(as many as they usually would)hospital staff on least at certain times(this is done intentionally to create an illusion and false narrative).
You have 6.5 million active cases in US as compared to 360,000 in India, for example. You should fear Corona more than Allah. We have two of our people in US.
You have 6.5 million active cases in US as compared to 360,000 in India, for example. You should fear Corona more than Allah. We have two of our people in US.

Where did you get those numbers from?
The MSM? Other ESTABLISHMENT sources?
You're missing the point of what I pointed out, covered, said in my above posts. Including that these *sources* have constantly fed us all inconsistencies, changing their tune over and over(they told us in the beginning that masks were unnecessary...don't tell me they didn't know it would *get as bad* as they now alledge it has. That would require an extraordinary amount if think that they just simply didn't know or couldn't have known and still don't really you really think these powers are that stupid? No, but they think WE'RE that stupid. And then over the months suddenly enforcing masks and all this other nonsense it or else...the next...its optional...the next do it or else...the next ...recommended, they're playing we're animals...this is pavlovian training.
At the beginning....*we just need to do this for two weeks...we more...just to flatten the curve*...then...they extend it for months...then relax restrictions...then BOOM! More severe restrictions and severe punishments, then relax..then BOOM!

Few to none of these deaths have been from covid1984(at least soley/alone, and the CDC abd other major institutions even sent memos to hospitals and MSM commanding they report any kind of flu or pneumoniaor cold or other illness symptoms as covid infections and anyone who allegedly dies ...from other causes but also having this alledged covid virus in their system at the same time as *covid deaths*. They even have admitted to this and then...retracted....and then admitted again...retracted again. They are messing with our heads and they are doing it INTENTIONALLY!

Like I said...even the WHO a over the months has said all these restrictions are unnecessary...but the govts and their MSM and talking head shill *top doctors* keep this nonsense up...even when the WHO itself had said this is all counter productive and will just destroy economies, freedom and peoples lives. Even the CDC after months in the U,S. if claiming over 100,000 covid deaths...put a report on their own page saying only about 9000 and some of these are due to covid alone....then mysteriously they remove their own report.
They are playing with us! Torturing us! Nothing less, nothing more. Conditioning us to accept arbitrary totalitarian rule globally and to accept their destruction of middle classes and small businesses...while allowing major monopoly/crony corporations to keep in business...A MASSIVE TRANSFER AND CENTRALIZATION OF WEALTH...ON A GLOBAL SCALE! Destroy economies...make the people into slaves....and condition them to trust and love their slavery and their slave masters!

This virus has never been isolated under microscope nor pictures of it...just phony computer renderings(along with pictures of OTHER Corona viruses)used in MSM to scare us!

There is absolutely no definitive proof this virus exists. I might, but....we have no objective way of knowing this for certain, they are messing with our heads and perception of reality so extremely that there really is no wat we can trust anything they are saying about this...or anything.
If it does exist, it certainly is not the black bubonic plague type situation they are creating in our heads the hysteria about it, and it certainly does not warrant the measures being taken...forced...that are ruining our dignity, our liberty and freedoms, and obliterating the middle classes and small-medium businesses over and exorbitant fines and prison sentences over business and average people not fully complying with all the ins and outs of their arbitrary unconstitutional...ILLEGAL rules and newly created Orwellian, totalitarian laws. Frickin basically global quarantining the global populace...most who are not sick from this, most who will not get sick from this...and even they do....99.7% of whom will survive...the vast majority of whom will either not get sick...but merely get infected...some who get hospitalized...most don't...most getting minor symptoms and end up basically just getting as sick as they would with a normal flu or pneumonia or bad cold...and get over it in days.
Quarantines arw for the already sick, not for those who MIGHT POTENTIALLY get sick. This is illegal, it is unconstitutional, it is Orwellian, it is totalitarian, it is unscientific, it is torture and mind control, it is irrational, it is absurd! It is EVIL!

You know in your heart of hearts and in your common sense reasoning...something is not right about all this, that something is very shady going on.
And if you don't, I'm sad for you, I'm sorry, I can't make you pay attention to reason or your own common sense or the facts or make you question something that is OBVIOUSLY very shady and questionable, to make you SEE what is right in front of your face. Break the mind control, do research and deeper thinking on it...don't buy disinfo propoganda from paid shills and the corporate owned MSM. You must want to swallow the red pill and see past the matrix is a choice. Choose wisely.

We are being made fools of! We are being enslaved by a global totalitarian pyschopathic cabal...Orwells INGSOC, the NWO.
Reject their mind control, pavlovian training disinformation psyop manipulation.

And...research *AGENDA 21*(and how long it has been planned and how they have been talking about all they are dooing now leading into 2021 for decades and how this was all exposed and talked about for the last few decades by researchers). And the world economic forum,/ Davos groups Klaus Shwabbs book and the group talking about the *great reset* and world leaders even openly talking about it.

It is time for people to WAKE UP...before it is TOO LATE! The time is now. The sheeple buying ths lies and manipulation and mind control and all the inflated, misrepresented and misleading and often totally made up numbers REPORTED by establishment institutions and the bought and paid for corporate MSM need to free their minds...and their spines...because maybe they love their captors and enjoy their slavery...but they are dragging the rest of us down and over the cliff with them! And we, the informed, thinking, free people are sick of it! Join us in exposing and have free choice of course to choose the totalitarians lies and slavery...unfortunately are forcing the rest of us...the entire global population into this abyss with you...into totalitarian slavery with you, into suffering a massively orwellian future with you! Into the black sleep of kali ma, into the sleep of their matrix. You are empowering the psychopath totalitarians.

*If you want to see a vision of the future, Winston, imagine a boot stomping on a human face....forever*- George Orwell, 1984.
Enough of this slavish, brainwashed complaceny and obedience and naivety!
If you think Hitlers Germany was bad, and Stalins USSR, and Maos china. They were a picknik in comparisons to what is coming on a global scale if people keep falling for this covid1984 psyop hoax and the rest of their plans for us if we keep falling for it(including the other ways they're stomping out our basic human dignity rights and civil liberties. using Covid1984 as the method to get us to fully comply)

The time has come to WAKE UP HUMANITY...OR YOU WILL DOOM US ALL!!!
And btw. You DO realize I hope, that *corona* is a blanket term? That the 2 flu types are *Corona* viruses, as were h1n1, and various others...including this alledged covid1984 virus...which like these the flu...has a incredibly high survival rate...even by their own admission. Something like less than 0.001% of people even get very Sick or die from it. About a 99.7% survival rate. The average age of serious hospitalization or deaths from it being about 84(the average life expectancy btw for most people being about 82 years old)...and even most people that age that alledged get it...unless they have at least one SEVERE underlying condition/comorbidity or at least 2 or 3 less severe underlying conditions/comorbidities...get better from it...unless they are forced to *self isolate* in their homes with no contact with liver ones and others for weeks or months...and especially in *elderly care/old folks* fact something like 80%-90% of the old that have died allegedly from covid have been people quarantined and self isolated(really not *self* but FORCED by govts) in their rooms in old folks/care homes...and most of these deaths weren't really from the virus...but from lack social contact and lack of proper and contact disallowed by govt mandates! Dying from comorbidities....some from allegedly having the virus...many from regular flus and/or other illnesses...many from sheer loneliness and broken hearts.
This is pure (DELETED PER COC) evil! They are literally sacrificing the lives of our elderly ritualistically for their totalitarian ends! And we cowards are letting them get away with it pretending this is all neccasery being done by *we're your govt...we are only dooing this (DELETED PER COC) for your own good..we care about you*!

Jesus christ people, this is not a game, it is not a joke, it is not a movie or science fiction! This is reality, totalitarian, Orwellian reality. How many more innocents must suffer and die for your blind, cowardky slavish, sheepish trust in lying psychopathic totalitarians!

I'm sorry if I'm showing emotional anger here, and if I'm causing offense to you people...but...maybe you need to be offended to wake up! As George Orwell wrote *in times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act*.
Actually you know what...I'm not sorry.

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Their restrictions are just gonna get more and more severe, they're just gonna keep extending and extending this totalitarian shit unless the sheeple stop allowing themselves to be controlled by this global Stockholm syndrome.

Where is your sense of spiritual discernment and wisdom, of intellectual illumination?
I would like to take this opportunity to reccomend an important YouTube channel called TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA. Particularly the following very important video highly relevant to this discussion/debate/issue....
...-Is Now the Time to *do what we're told*-

Please watch it.
I'm sorry I don't have the ability to cut/paste the direct link here. But please check it out. It may just help illuminate what's really going on here.

For the most part, I agree with what you are saying. What I definitely know is that any time some one or some thing is trying to scare you in any way, shape, or form, that is a huge red flag. The Bible even constantly talks about not being afraid, having faith in God, etc. My faith as a Yogi says the same thing in the Bhagavad Gita, and most likely all other religions in their own way in their sacred writings.. What I really don't like is people trying to project their fears on me (at work, my supervisor keeps saying, "we are all afraid" Uh, speak for yourself...Others can act however they like, but I'm not letting a virus run my life. The only one that runs my life is God.

Everything on TV is to entertain (even the news), to make money and get high ratings, and the media will say ANYTHING for high ratings. The sadness and tragedy of this is there are consequences in these actions--the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual does influence the future of that individual.

Instead of trying to scare people, or the ignorance of trying to project one's fears on another person, one should approach this (as with everything else in life) with love. Believing in something bigger than this virus, knowing history so not to be so surprised about this thereby taking comfort in knowledge that this too shall pass.

But unfortunately, many people have replaced God with CNN and the like, so I don't talk much about the virus at all anymore. If people want to be afraid, live in hysterical fear, or live just in fear, that is their choice in life, that is their preferred path in life, so I let them be.
What I really don't like is people trying to project their fears on me (at work, my supervisor keeps saying, "we are all afraid" Uh, speak for yourself...
And the implication is that we are required to be afraid on behalf of other people -- that it is our social responsibility to be very afraid.

'I wear a mask to protect my Granny' NHS banner.

The truth is probably in the middle somewhere?
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I talked to an old guy on the bus to work this week -- well he was earlyish retirement, not that old. He was irritated because they were too many people on the bus for his liking, not enough social distancing for him.

I talked to him and he and his wife won't allow their daughter to visit them, for covid reasons. However he did not believe in internet banking or card payment so he needed to go to the bank to draw out cash to go to the supermarket to buy groceries etc, because he didn't believe in online shopping either.

So it seems quite reasonable to him that covid restrictions should force the closure of thousands of businesses and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, so that he could go out on a bus to do his shopping and banking -- and occupying a seat which could be used by somebody else -- because he didn't like using the internet.

He reluctantly accepted having to cancel the annual cruise that he and his wife normally enjoyed however, because covid required everyone to make sacrifices

Go figure ...
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For the most part, I agree with what you are saying. What I definitely know is that any time some one or some thing is trying to scare you in any way, shape, or form, that is a huge red flag. The Bible even constantly talks about not being afraid, having faith in God, etc. My faith as a Yogi says the same thing in the Bhagavad Gita, and most likely all other religions in their own way in their sacred writings.. What I really don't like is people trying to project their fears on me (at work, my supervisor keeps saying, "we are all afraid" Uh, speak for yourself...Others can act however they like, but I'm not letting a virus run my life. The only one that runs my life is God.

Everything on TV is to entertain (even the news), to make money and get high ratings, and the media will say ANYTHING for high ratings. The sadness and tragedy of this is there are consequences in these actions--the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual does influence the future of that individual.

Instead of trying to scare people, or the ignorance of trying to project one's fears on another person, one should approach this (as with everything else in life) with love. Believing in something bigger than this virus, knowing history so not to be so surprised about this thereby taking comfort in knowledge that this too shall pass.

But unfortunately, many people have replaced God with CNN and the like, so I don't talk much about the virus at all anymore. If people want to be afraid, live in hysterical fear, or live just in fear, that is their choice in life, that is their preferred path in life, so I let them be.

Wise words
They've been making claims about mass hospital bed/ice lack of space, hospitals being filled up too much...since the beginning of this whole thing. I've heard reports from people...including nurses and doctors saying that the media and govt claimed their hospitals were over run...and these individuals have said ...this is a load of baloney.
Good for them. My wife is working in said hospital, and they are not in the position to belittle the situation. Staff is short because so many are sick, and the rest are overworked.

I'm happy for you to hear you say the situation is under control where you live. Here, it is very serious.

Your call to decide if being flippant about it is in good taste. But denial costs lives.
My belief, fear costs lives too, but unlike the virus, it goes beyond the physical form; fear in some ways effect the soul as well in how the soul lives out in future lives.
I can understand that. Here's a thought: what about dying in fear?
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I can understand that. Here's a thought: what about dying in fear?
We all fear that, Cino. And pray for an easy death, for those we love and for ourselves too, of course.
I would agree, no need to fear Covid 19 or panic over it. At the same time however, I think it is quite foolhardy to deny it even exists and encourage others to ignore safeguards.

God charged us with looking out for one another. So, while Covid 19 does not worry me in the least, I'm more than willing to do my part to protect my fellow man.

Mat 21:21 ...if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done...

God didn't say ignore that mountain or the mountain isn't really there. He said it is within us to remove it. The way I see it, Covid 19 is like that mountain and by doing our part, we can remove it.
It's no easier dying of cancer due to reduced medical services caused by covid precautions
I can understand that. Here's a thought: what about dying in fear?

Millions upon millions die every year from all sorts of causes. Dozens of thousands die I each country(in some countries with larger more condensed populations hundreds of thousands) die every year, every flu/ pneumonia season from flu/ pneumonia or from complications from underlying conditions aggravated by flu or pneumonia.
In diverse places hospitals sometimes, varied occasions deal with influxes that are difficult to manage, from all sorts of causes.,,including some places some flu/pneumonia seasons.
And shut downs and lockdowns. No draconian, orwellian, totalitarian measures. No hysteria. Ask yourself WHY? And WHY should this alledged covid thing be any different?
During the birth and height of the aids pandemic when millions were being infected with it or other HIV sexually transmitted(and needles/drugs transmitted)diseases, was there even close to this kind of hysteria? Were there lockdowns and totalitarian measures? Did the forbid unprotected sex or sex outside committed monogamous relationships or marriages? Did billions of people go into hysterics over it and just stop (DELETED PER COC)
Cancers kill millions upon millions every year. Why no hysteria? Why no draconian totalitarian measures?

Life is risk. Every day every person is risking their safety, health, life just living, just getting outa bed and getting outa the house(or hell working around the house or being around family, friends, other people in public).
That's just life.

This absurd new phobia and wrapping ourselves in (DELETED PER COC) bubbles and demanding others did the same...even edicts from on high to do so...or else(punishments). Wearing face diapers all the time, forced hand sanitizer cult behaviour.
We are acting like...and being forcibly treated like babies in ons of those protective Walker thingies.

Life is risk!
It's one thing if a individual of their own choice chooses to be so phobic and act in such ways themselves, they're free to do that if they want. Its another thing when those phobic individuals and worse.,..the powers that be...FORCE EVERYONE to be and do the same....or else.

It needs to stop now.

It is irrational and totalitarian...on a massive global scale!
Anyone who refuses to realize this has lost their ability to reason properly, to think for themselves, and have given up the autonomy of theirs(and everyone else) lives and of their minds and souls. Thet have literally LOST THEIR MINDS!!!

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I would agree, no need to fear Covid 19 or panic over it. At the same time however, I think it is quite foolhardy to deny it even exists and encourage others to ignore safeguards.

God charged us with looking out for one another. So, while Covid 19 does not worry me in the least, I'm more than willing to do my part to protect my fellow man.

Mat 21:21 ...if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done...

God didn't say ignore that mountain or the mountain isn't really there. He said it is within us to remove it. The way I see it, Covid 19 is like that mountain and by doing our part, we can remove it.

If it exists at all. It certainly isnt a *mountain*(the hysteria and totalitarian measures are, the virus is not...not even close), it's more like a small hill than a *mountain*.

Anyways please read my last response.

If we need to obey all these (DELETED PER COC) *safeguards* over this, than we should've been dooing the same(and taking scriptures outa context and making similar excuses for insanity and blind obedience to tyrants...claiming*its just taking safeguards*....yeah irrational and counterproductive ones) during each and every flu season, during all these years of cancer, and the list goes on and on and on....(yet we haven't, we don't and no one makes these excuses for why we should've or should)...why should this covid thing be any different?

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@ Contrarian Deist Look, you're new here so we've allowed you to have your say. However, I.O. is not a platform for grandstanding. Kindly follow our COC, for which you were sent a link, in regard to appropriate behavior. That goes for vulgar language as well!

Consider this a warning!
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