Gaza-Israel ...

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I would like to remind everyone that there are 2 million Palestinians living as Israeli citizens peacefully that's 20% of the population..
Yes, they live their peacefully like blacks lived peacefully in south Africa under apartheid second class citizens.



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Huh.. you think Hamas is on their side? Palestinians breaking into Hamas controlled warehouses for food? The medicines Hamas have stockpiled aren't being given to the Palestinians.. the money given to the Palestinians being stolen by Hamas.. structural materials given to Palestinians have been stolen by Hamas for nefarious purposes.
I'm not saying that Hamas is doing good. The problem is that no good willing external worldly power that is ready engage for their interests, so they would fall into the hands of their enemy Israel.

‘In January 2006, Palestinians committed a major crime: they voted the wrong way in a carefully monitored free election, handing control of Parliament to Hamas. The media constantly intone that Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. In reality, Hamas leaders have repeatedly made it clear that Hamas would accept a two-state settlement in accord with the international consensus that has been blocked by the United States and Israel for forty years. In contrast, Israel is dedicated to the destruction of Palestine, apart from some occasional meaningless words, and is implementing that commitment.

‘The crime of the Palestinians in January 2006 was punished at once. The United States and Israel, with Europe shamefully trailing behind, imposed harsh sanctions on the errant population and Israel stepped up its violence. The United States and Israel quickly initiated plans for a military coup to overthrow the elected government. When Hamas had the effrontery to foil the plans, the Israeli assaults and the siege became far more severe.

‘There should be no need to review again the dismal record since. The relentless siege and savage attacks are punctuated by episodes of “mowing the lawn,” to borrow Israel’s cheery expression for its periodic exercises in shooting fish in a pond as part of what it calls a “war of defense.” Once the lawn is mowed and the desperate population seeks to rebuild somehow from the devastation and the murders, there is a ceasefire agreement.’ (From ‘On Palestine’ by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé; edited by Frank Barat; my emphases).

These words were published in May, 2015. The lawn is being mowed, yet again.
Has Hamas allowed any more elections since 2006? Hamas doesn't do elections. Nor tolerate any opposition from the Gaza residents whom it uses as a human buffer, building it's command structures under hospitals and schools.

Hamas simply lies.

Noam Chomsky is a fool in my own opinion. He is one of those whom Lenin called 'useful idiots'
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Noam Chomsky is a fool in my own opinion
Far from that..
He is an academic, with Jewish parents who emigrated from Russia.
He is entitled to his opinions on Zionism, and recognises "anti-semitism"
for what it is.

I also recognise anti-Muslim sentiment, when it has a justified basis.
We need to remain objective, in order to solve these type of issues,
and not just have a knee-jerk reaction, and justify "our lot" who we might claim G-d favours.

In my understanding, G-d often favours the oppressed, and not one tribe or another.
A case in point .. "the children of Israel", (not a place) oppressed by Pharaoh.

Noam Chomsky might have some left-wing political opinions, but he is by no means a fool.
He remains a lecturer in university.
Noam Chomsky is a fool in my own opinion. He is one of those whom Lenin called 'useful idiots'
I take it you support Israel's current 'mowing' activities?
Noam Chomsky might have some left-wing political opinions, but he is by no means a fool.
He remains a lecturer in university.
There are plenty of highly educated fools around
I take it you support Israel's current 'mowing' activities?
They are going after Hamas, to remove them permanently. They have just murdered 1200 unarmed civilians in the most brutal way, and wounded 4500 more.

Funny, we seem to keep forgetting that. They still hold 240 hostages, including women and the aged and children and a 10 month old baby -- as prisoners. I'd want my children back, wouldn't you?

You won't listen, of course
I had to say my piece, about Chomsky's rubbish
The innocent deaths are always tragic, but 'mowing the lawn' would require a lot more deaths to be effective

Now I'm gone again ...

800 Hamas rockets have landed back in Gaza, killing the people.
They have rocket launching pads 75 metres from a hospital, because an Israeli air strike would damage the hospital.
They shoot at Israeli soldiers from inside the hospital
23 min

I prefer to believe him, than Hamas, so ...

They are going after Hamas, to remove them permanently..
You think that human wealth, power and might will solve these issues?
Do you think that the poor and oppressed in the world can all be "blotted out" ?

Dear oh dear .. "an eye for an eye", but not 1000 eyes for one!
I don't agree with genocide, whoever is responsible.

Anger and excessive killing cannot bring peace. only serves to destabilise the world further.
Do you think that the poor and oppressed in the world can all be "blotted out" ?
I don't think so. I did not say so.
It's totally disingenuous pro-Hamas argument, imo
Goodbye, folks
Basic tenet of war... call the other side savages, make them out to be animals...

Makes them easier to kill and and to gain support from others in far away places.

Especially if you can get them to only watch your biased reporting.

A tactic used by both sides of any conflict...

Sad to watch folks played like a fiddle and innocents die.
call the other side savages, make them out to be animals...
Hamas didn't do it? It wasn't so bad, really? But whatever Hamas says about Israel is the truth?
Leadership on both sides lies
Hamas did not murder (deliberately target) 1200 innocent unarmed people on Oct 7
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Do we recycle the narrative we like to hear -- regardless of our own personal pain?
Hamas did not murder (deliberately target) 1200 innocent unarmed people on Oct 7

Yup...they did and for that how many innocent Palestinians under a lifetime of Israeli apartheid do you feel need to die? Is 10k not enough?

These people were just unfortunate to be born into they deserve what on top of it?
Yup...they did and for that how many innocent Palestinians under a lifetime of Israeli apartheid do you feel need to die? Is 10k not enough?

These people were just unfortunate to be born into they deserve what on top of it?
Wicked reasoning, imo
Wicked reasoning, imo
Simply facts...if I was born into a prison... I might be tempted to kill those who support my captors... I don't know for a fact...but seems possible.

By the grace of.... the lucky sperm is a choice that I do not have to make.
Simply facts...if I was born into a prison... I might be tempted to kill those who support my captors... I don't know for a fact...but seems possible.

By the grace of.... the lucky sperm is a choice that I do not have to make.
Ask Nelson Mandela
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