Gaza-Israel ...

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I can't think of any people more oppressed than Jews since their history began. Do people forget that? So I should shed a tear because Palestinians have felt oppressed for a few decades? They support the same people that penned the saying " from the river to the sea" and have committed actions supporting that? A country the size of New Jersey surrounded by countries that dwarf them all saying the same thing.. "from the river to the sea". They are not interested in peace they want to exterminate Jews and are open about it. Not only do they want to exterminate Jews but the entire westernized world and all the LGBTQ protestors foolishly calling out "from the river to the sea". While Israel maintains acceptance of their community. The sick irony is apparent.

For being so oppressed they are are having a lot of children. The more children they have the more aid they get. What do they do with that aid.. give it to Hamas to fund the war against Israel? Can't fault them their loyalties!

Gaza's 2023 population is now estimated at 778,187. In 1950, the population of Gaza was 63,444. Gaza has grown by 22,104 in the last year, which represents a 2.92% annual change.

The US had 2.5 million immigrants pass across the border in 2023 alone. Egypt and Jordan won't accept any of them? Even the most vulnerable?

Did you know Gaza once had a sizable Jewish community with a history going back 3,000 years. Most Jewish people in Gaza fled following the 1929 Palestine riots, and by 1945, there were 80 Jews in the city. No Jews are living in Gaza today.

Who was being oppressed here?

I'm not going to sit back and let the narrative be the poor oppressed Palestinians being bullied by the big bad mean Israel.

There are faults on both sides but Israel has attempted numerous peace negotiations and all have been denied as only their complete removal from the country the size of New Jersey would suffice.
I'm not saying that Hamas is doing good. The problem is that no good willing external worldly power that is ready engage for their interests, so they would fall into the hands of their enemy Israel.
Well, India is doing what it can. Modi is in constant touch with Iran, Israel, Egypt and Palestinian leaders. We have good relations with all of them, though we do not qualify for the 'world power' label. Also US, UK and France. Our relations with other countries are normally good.
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..You can't blame oppression for pure Hamas evil, imo..
Do you know much about the Brighton Hotel bombing by the IRA, while the UK govt.
was having its conference?
What stopped it from repeatedly happening, do you think?

A military solution, or a diplomatic one?
Do you think Mandela advocated deliberately targeted killing of women and children? You can't blame oppression for pure Hamas evil, imo

Stop trying to justify evil
For the fifth time...nobody I have seen here is justifying the Israeli Govt, IDF, or.Hamas. they are both acting from evil and killing women and children.

Add the current deathtoll to the attached statistics and they are just as lopsided as every other conflict since 1948....

For the fifth time...nobody I have seen here is justifying the Israeli Govt, IDF, or.Hamas. they are both acting from evil and killing women and children.
I believe you should acknowledge the distinction that Hamas deliberately targeted women and children. They have taken women and children as hostages and Israel is responding to that event.

Israel does not deliberately target innocent civilians. Hamas deliberately uses innocent people as a human shield by building its command structures underneath hospitals and schools.

Israel has dropoed millions of pamphlets and made thousands of phone calls asking them to leave the area in the north where it is targeting the Hamas command structure -- but Hamas does not let them leave.

I believe the one-sided Palestinian supporters should acknowledge this before accusing Israel of deliberate genocide. Regardless of past history Hamas started this on Oct7 then hides behind the people of Gaza

I wonder why they cannot acknowledge it?

Israel isn't going to walk away from those hostages. Hamas should release them, to avoid more loss of life in Gaza, imo.

Whatever ...
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I believe the one-sided Palestinian supporters..
I believe the one-sided Israel supporters..

Do you think that the suffering that is going on in Gaza at the moment is going to solve
the long-running enmity between Jews and Palestinians?
I don't .. and I would have thought that that was the desired outcome.

Everybody knows that Hamas committed an attrocity on Oct 7 ..
We know why Israel is taking the action that they are taking..
..and we all know who are the underdogs .. and have been since WWI.

..and I think that is what the EU minister meant when he mentioned it not happening in a vacuum.
..and not that it was justified in any way.

Do you think it is justified to heavily bomb London, for example, in order to get rid of criminals?
Do you think it is justified to heavily bomb London, for example, in order to get rid of criminals?

If the elected British government forces invaded France and deliberately murdered and wounded thousands of innocent French women and children in the most savage way, and took hostages and then retired to tunnels under London hospitals, you mean?

France might ask Londoners to vacate the particular areas where the terrorists were based, in order to flush them out.

These sort of false comparisons are the problem, imo. London was bombed during the war, and Israel is at war.

Just release the hostages, imo

Whatever ...
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These sort of false comparisons are the problem, imo. London was bombed during the war, and Israel is at war..
Yes .. Israel and Gaza are "at war".
Both Jews and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham, but they do not get on..
Why would that be then?

Is it a "false comparison" to compare the "troubles" in Palestine/Israel, to the "troubles"
in Northern Ireland, for example?
Was the problem in NI one of Catholic against Protestant (religious war)?
..or was it more about oppression of one tribe over another?
i.e. colonial heritage
Yes .. Israel and Gaza are "at war".
Both Jews and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham, but they do not get on..
Why would that be then?

Is it a "false comparison" to compare the "troubles" in Palestine/Israel, to the "troubles"
in Northern Ireland, for example?
Was the problem in NI one of Catholic against Protestant (religious war)?
..or was it more about oppression of one tribe over another?
i.e. colonial heritage
These are fake comparisons at the moment. Israel is responding to a particular terrorist attack -- a 911 event.

Regardless of past and present inequities -- and they do exist although often exaggerated by one-sided Palestinian sympathizers -- Israel has the right to respond to the attack and take decisive action to prevent it happening again, and to demand the unconditional release of hostages.

Sorry, that's my opinion. All I'm doing is to keep bringing it back to the actual event, and calling out those who keep trying to muddy the water by false comparisons to Israelis as Nazis and so on.

I'm responding to comments addressed to me
These are fake comparisons at the moment. Israel is responding to a particular terrorist attack -- a 911 event..
Mmm .. but where does it end.

Israel has the right to respond to the attack and take decisive action to prevent it happening again..
..but that is the whole point..
Is it going to stop it happening again?
Personally, I can't see how .. I see increasing enmity and hatred between
nations increasing.
..which is why the UN takes the stance it does .. and not because of left-wing ideals.

I'm responding to comments addressed to me..
OK .. and I'm responding to unfolding events, and trying to be objective.
..but I'm aware the job of peacekeeper is next to impossible, in the current climate.

I know there are casualties in war .. but too many are counter-productive .. they just serve
to escalate animosity .. as is all too clear.
I started this thread, and nearly a month later, with more than 10,000 dead, I'm closing it.
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