Gaza-Israel ...

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How diverse is your experience?

I just wonder if there is an anti-US as well as anti-Israeli sentiment fueling the debate?
Well, 80 years teach you a lot of things. There is not much anti-Americanism in India. Our government is of the opinion that Israel has a right to respond to terrorism, but at the same time we support better treatment for Palestinians. They have been treated badly by Israel and Zionism. No wonder, if the Muslims resent it.
I abhor any injustice, violence and war. I am also struggling with the notion, that we are sat in the relative safety of our homes, and commenting on the suffering of all those involved in the Gaza War.

We are powerless to do anything, other than pray for justice, peace and reconciliation.
That is the way world is. I belong to a community (Kashmiri Brahmins) whose some three hundred thousand people were persecuted and finally ethnically cleaned out of the Kashmir valley. I have my ancestral house in Srinagar.
..and if you think the vast majority of Muslims are terrorists, because they don't agree with you, then you are not worth responding to.
As you wish.

It is noted you personally do not denounce slavery, or piracy, or genocide of Jews or Israelis.

Pots and Kettles, my friend. Pots and Kettles.
You know what would end this? If the Palestinian people would stand against Hamas.. turn them in and force them to release the hostages. War sucks.
You know what would end this? If the Palestinian people would stand against Hamas.. turn them in and force them to release the hostages. War sucks.
It is passed that stage. Now the war is for eradicating Hamas (or Hizbollah if they interfere too much), whatever (civilian deaths) come.
I close my eyes as they walk thru the fog, enter into the man made darkness and let song bring in the light. Love and respect you all. They there...and we here...can and must do better.

Take a break...enjoy the moment, if only for a moment.

That is the way world is. I belong to a community (Kashmiri Brahmins) whose some three hundred thousand people were persecuted and finally ethnically cleaned out of the Kashmir valley. I have my ancestral house in Srinagar.
Yes, another sad chapter of abuse of religion for power and interests, where finally every group had victims in the past 70 years.
They can't because there would be nobody on their side.
Huh.. you think Hamas is on their side? Palestinians breaking into Hamas controlled warehouses for food? The medicines Hamas have stockpiled aren't being given to the Palestinians.. the money given to the Palestinians being stolen by Hamas.. structural materials given to Palestinians have been stolen by Hamas for nefarious purposes.
1880's Russia starves 3 million Jews to death. Jews started looking for a new home where they could be safe. Zionist movement gains a lot of traction. Nobody ever blames Russia for the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

1917 Britain makes the "Balfour Declaration" basically declaring that they will grant Jews a nation on land in Palestine. Nobody blames Britain for the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

1930's to 1940's WWII. 6 million Jews are murdered by Nazis. This spurs many Jews to search for a new home safe from oppression. Immigration to Palestine increases. Many deny the Holocaust ever happened. Nobody blames Germany for the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

1947 The U.N. declares Israel a country. They hand over Palestinian land over to Israel. Arab nations immediately attack Israel but are pushed back. Nobody blames the U.N. for the conflict in Israel and Palestine. Instead they say that the Jews stole the land.

1948 multiple Arab nations attempt to invade Israel. Many Palestinians are killed in the conflict, even though they didn't start this war. 750,000 Palestinians refugees are displaced. The Arab nations are not blamed. It's still Israel's fault, even though they didn't start the war.

1967 Egypt picks a fight with Israel and blocks all Israeli shipping through the Straits of Tiran, basically crippling the Israeli economy. Egypt puts its army on the border to get ready to fight Israel. Israel retaliates and easily defeats Egypt, even with Syria and Jordan joining Egypt. Israel takes land from these nations in retaliation and so it is harder for these nations to invade Israel strategically. Nobody blames Egypt for trying to starve Israel and for picking a fight. Nope. Israel's fault.

There is obviously much more to this conflict. But eventually the people of Palestine elected a known terrorist group to represent them. We don't blame Palestine for doing so. We blame Israel. Hamas kidnaps, murders, tortures, etc. and it's still Israel's fault.

I'm not saying Israel is innocent. But if people are going to point fingers, don't forget that plenty of nations and people deserve to be called out. Don't forget them.
@moralorel not helpful

People in the world have varying interpretations of history. The "blame game" will
not help in bringing peace to the region.
There can be no justification for genocide, no matter which party carries it out.

Both Muslims and Jews have to live side-by-side in Israel/Palestine. They need to find a way to do that,
and unless they do, we will all continue to suffer.
@moralorel not helpful

People in the world have varying interpretations of history. The "blame game" will
not help in bringing peace to the region.
There can be no justification for genocide, no matter which party carries it out.

Both Muslims and Jews have to live side-by-side in Israel/Palestine. They need to find a way to do that,
and unless they do, we will all continue to suffer.
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to point fingers. People are suffering and dying, but most of the world is performing a knee jerk reaction to this terrible bit of history without doing any research. I completely agree. The blame game will not bring peace.
Both Muslims and Jews have to live side-by-side in Israel/Palestine. They need to find a way to do that,
and unless they do, we will all continue to suffer.
If you remove the names Jews and Palestinians, they are people. Justice is the same for all people. There should be no reason that they can't go to school together, work together, go to the same shops, play football together, etc.

There is a God solution, to pray for peace and reconciliation for each other.
I would like to remind everyone that there are 2 million Palestinians living as Israeli citizens peacefully that's 20% of the population.. They chose to stay and fight during the Arab Israel war when Israel asked them to stay and fight. The rest fled at the direction of Arab governments. It's still a small strip of land the size of New Jersey that all these massive Arab countries surrounding them want Jews decimated from.

Peace is possible but all parties have to agree.
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