Gaza-Israel ...

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I get that their are two types of believers.. those that will believe prophecy after it comes to pass and those that believe future prophesy. I also get that interpreting prophesy is very difficult until it comes to pass because who knows what the heck it all means!! I personally fall into the latter. 😊
God doesn't want this. Christ died for this? Is this a time for Christian justification?

Sorry, I'm out of this one
..I also get that interpreting prophesy is very difficult until it comes to pass because who knows what the heck it all means!!
Mmm .. when Jesus returns, we have to listen to what he says..
..whether we like what he is saying, or not.

Hasn't it always been so!?
God doesn't want this. Christ died for this? Is this a time for Christian justification?

Sorry, I'm out of this one
This is where we go with this? You are seriously going to take what I said and make it out that I'm saying God wanted this or Jesus died for this? Of all the evils that have been done since creation do we blame God and say He wanted it to happen? We don't ask God His opinion when we make choices contrary to Him but He knows they will happen before they happen. Wow. That I'm looking forward to Jesus coming to bring true peace is a bad thing?
Wow. That I'm looking forward to Jesus coming to bring true peace is a bad thing
It has zero to do with Israel, Hamas and Gaza on the ground in real time. So what your fundamentalist religion to benefit anybody?
Ok. Sorry. But I don't subscribe to the fundamentalist "We Christians" club -- that's all.
You know I only say that because it's my identity. I can only speak for myself and my belief.. I can't speak for anyone else.. any other time that's what's expected on this forum.. just like an "imo". If the rules are changed please let me know.

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Right or wrong, regardless of the past, Arabs need to accept the fact and start to negotiate with Israel instead of shouting 'death to Jews' and other slogans. Israel isn't going to disappear, imo.
One never knows which way history turns. Peace is good for Arabs as well as Israel. What if Saudis or Iranis get the bomb? Unthinkable? Think again.
It will be North Korea and China's delight. Pakistan and North Korea would not mind some additional money.

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You know I only say that because it's my identity. I can only speak for myself and my belief.. I can't speak for anyone else.. any other time that's what's expected on this forum.. just like an "imo". If the rules are changed please let me know.

I know. I was just saying that I'm being careful with my comments to avoid sounding as if I'm coming from the Biblical right of the Jews, which can be seen as offensive in a war with so much suffering to innocent people and children, as if God endorses that -- rather from a practical one: Israel exists and isn't going away and the Arab world needs to accept the fact, like it or not, imo

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. I was just making clear that although I may identify as Christian, I do not belong to the fundamentalist "We Christians" club.

I regret if I offended you.

Mmm .. when Jesus returns, we have to listen to what he says..
..whether we like what he is saying, or not.

Hasn't it always been so!?
Th 113

His disciples said to him, "The kingdom – on what day will it come?"
(He answered,) "It will not come by waiting for it.
They will not say: ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’
Rather, the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it."
This prophecised return will bring the judgement. We should not pronounce judgement as if it was final and absolute. But this will take place when the time has come, and we don't know when.

It is not in the sense of the message from Jesus to wait, but to anticipate that coming, acting in His sense.

There would be a solution, requiring righteousness, regret, forgiveness and respect. But the louder of the people don't see it.
Condemn it from the rooftops, then! Speak out
Do they condemn it in your Mosque? Or do they justify it?
No need reply. Everyone already knows the answer ...
That's a bit unfair, old friend ... not every Mosque is a Hamas hotbed.


And what of us? Israel is now committing war crimes – do we speak out?
(Everyone is calling for a humanitarian ceasefire ... is anyone actually applying any pressure? No. It's all theatre. The munitions still flow.)

How many civilians, grannies and children is one allowed to kill before one's thirst for vengeance is satiated?

(All of them?)

And more to the point –

When Israel corralled the Palestinians into the most densely populated place on earth, a fraction of the land they had lived on for centuries – did we speak out?
When Israel ring-fenced Gaza and interferes in every aspect of daily life – did we speak out?
While Israeli settlers occupy Palestinian land (land agreed to by the Israel govt.), kicking the occupants off – did we speak out?
When Israeli Defence Forces escort said settlers and stand by as they drive Palestinians off their land, and open fire should anyone dare to answer back – did we speak out?
When they employed proxy forces to commit acts of rape and slaughter in Beirut – not even their own country – did we speak out?

But now we speak out about Israel – without condemning the conditions that bred the beast (a beast Netanyahu funded, when it suited his political aims)

So where's the justice in that?

Of course I condemn and abhor Hamas and its actions – but does that validate widescale and indiscriminate slaughter as a solution?

And why in heaven's name do we think the average Palestinian thinks the West gives a flying fig for them, when we so often let Israeli crimes against Palestinians pass without comment? They know, without doubt, who's side we are on, and it's not theirs.

So let's not try and grab the moral high ground here – we are bankrupt in our hypocrisy, and we surrendered that years ago on the altar of Colonial Entitlement and Self-Interest that decided the fate of peoples of whom we were in utter and absolute ignorance with regard to their heritage and their humanity.
it is Israel's own fault that Hamas deliberately killed innocent women and children? That is so twisted!

If you were oppressed, would you murder innocent children? If a person from a bad home deliberately kills children, it's not his fault?

Nelson Mandela came out of 27 years imprisonment without telling his followers to go out killing women and children.

It is EVIL to justify what Hamas did by any reasoning whatsoever, imo
It is not right to equate Hamas with Palestinians. Would it be right to equate the KKK with the whole Southern US? There are plenty of Palestinians who would prefer a peaceful resolution but they can only use words while Israel and Hamas will use very big sticks and stones. Which will threaten life greater?

Like I said, Palestine has already lost the war. Hamas cannot stand up to the resources of the IDF and so it is mostly a war of attrition. Their fellow Muslim neighbors fear the US too so they support openly solely with words. It is a pity but when has war ever been fought with grace?

But I am leaving this thread. There seems to be a lot of polarization and bias based on religious rather than humanitarian lines.
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But I am leaving this thread. There seems to be a lot of polarization and bias based on religious rather than humanitarian lines.
And upon which history we follow and which news media we subscribe to.

So ... me too and peace to you brother Vasu

I regret ever getting involved. It's bad enough without causing hostilities here, imo
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It is not right to equate Hamas with Palestinians. Would it be right to equate the KKK with the whole Southern US? There are plenty of Palestinians who would prefer a peaceful resolution but they can only use words while Israel and Hamas will use very big sticks and stones. Which will threaten life greater?

Like I said, Palestine has already lost the war. Hamas cannot stand up to the resources of the IDF and so it is mostly a war of attrition. Their fellow Muslim neighbors fear the US too much to support them openly solely with words. It is a pity but when has war ever been fought with grace?

But I am leaving this thread. There seems to be a lot of polarization and bias based on religious rather than humanitarian lines.
I don't even have the impression that the people here have so different opinions.

But as far as I see, there is no Israeli and no Palestinian and no Israeli Palestinian here in the discussion, and there's little to do from far off; all we may try is to cool down hatred against Jews or Muslim in our home countries.
That's a bit unfair, old friend ... not every Mosque is a Hamas hotbed.
I believe, by my experience in India, it is.
But as far as I see, there is no Israeli and no Palestinian and no Israeli Palestinian here in the discussion, and there's little to do from far off; all we may try is to cool down hatred against Jews or Muslim in our home countries.
I believe Muslims are not the problem. It is the ulama who are the problem.
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I believe, by my experience in India, it is.
How diverse is your experience?

I heard a highly-respected BBC journalist here remarking that outside of Europe, there is considerable support for the Palestinians. Across the European mainland, there is not unequivocal support for Israel ... America leads in its support (with even questions arising there), and of course the UK coat-tails the US, kidding ourselves that we, too, are players on the global stage.

Not doubting your view ... I just wonder if there is an anti-US as well as anti-Israeli sentiment fuelling the debate?
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