What/Who Is God?

Repeat for emphasis
The zebra has to die for the lion to live.

Imo: in Abrahamic terms it is expressed in the story of Adam and Eve, and completed by the symbol of Christ on the Cross.
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Just to add a little more depth: Scholarship is good, but if the heart is not somehow placed above the head, no amount of flowery words can make up the difference. Until the scholar learns how this is to be done (it involves death in a measure), even if the words were enough to fill several volumes, they are but a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.
The menu is not the meal
Fodder for another thread...i wonder when how thatcame to be. That organ getting chose for notoriety
Some emotions are subjectively felt "in" certain body regions. Examples: The sinking feeling in the stomach. The heartfelt joy.
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I wont go that strong on love. Love Osma bin Laden or Caliph Ibrahim, they will still remain Osama bin Laden and Caliph Ibrahim. The perceived world and what truly it is are two completely different things. We term those as "Paramarthika Satya" (Absolute truth) and "Vyavaharika Satya" (Truth of the perceived world). Both are truths in their own way, and have to be handled at their own levels. Just love would not suffice.

I understand, but it's a matter of perspective. This is mine.

Absolute truth is the place where love already reigns supreme. Using my imagination, from that timeless perspective I look down upon perceived reality, locked into time, moving forward from point to point, seemingly without a purpose, unless seen from outside of space and time; that is to say, from the realm of spirit. It is from this position that love courts the world of perceived truth in order to fulfill it and transform it. At times this hide and seek dance of love is tender, at times like the heated assault of a raging conflagration which threatens to consume all.

Perceived reality could be conceptualized as a play or a story, with bit players carrying the forward movement along the path to it's conclusive finale. Love makes appearances here and there, like the protagonist that the story is built around; and at last, if the ending is a happy one, the protagonist finds absolution, satisfaction, or is elevated in status, crowned king, etc. (whatever the case may be).

But how are we to walk by faith in this present world of perceived reality? By knowing that in the world of absolute truth all has already been done. The ending has been declared from the beginning. In absolute reality, love reigns like a king; in perceived reality, it awaits the crown. And let there be no doubt, the crown is coming one way or another. But until that time, we find it in bits and pieces. Only a little faith is needed.

"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Personally, I can't imagine getting in a hurry and in a heated rush of self-effort, trying to "be", or "do". No, I feel no pressure at all. I must stay my hand and await the movement and knowing of the spirit. As the spirit guides, I move. If the spirit does not move, I wait, trembling with a combination of weakness and anticipation. This is the fear and trembling with which we must work out our own salvation. I only shoulder the burdens as they are given me of the spirit, no more, no less.

I embrace ignorance, knowing that the story which was written in eternity is being acted out by us in the temporal. I need understand little more than that. Here is the road, here is the stage, here we go again, turn the page.
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This something I don't agree females aren't yin their in fact yang and are on the side of light but people get influence and don't realize there is yin and yang by humans but women and men come from G-d. The understanding is not used in hebrew yin and yang there is women and men worship G-d and that is it.
This something I don't agree females aren't yin their in fact yang and are on the side of light but people get influence and don't realize there is yin and yang by humans but women and men come from G-d. The understanding is not used in hebrew yin and yang there is women and men worship G-d and that is it.
Male and Female are not the same.

Vive la différence!
Male and females are not the same in some ways but are the same in other ways. Males and females aren't the same bilogical way but they are the same they die and live. Males and females don't think the same but thru time can think alike and believe the same thing. G-d gave man specials thingsa nd each is important and all are part of the plan of G-d.
Male and females are not the same in some ways but are the same in other ways. Males and females aren't the same bilogical way but they are the same they die and live. Males and females don't think the same but thru time can think alike and believe the same thing. G-d gave man specials thingsa nd each is important and all are part of the plan of G-d.

Yes David. Of course those of us who have been around awhile know that spirit (and by extension, God) has no gender. This is the realm of absolute reality. However, here in the realm of perceived reality, this is not the case. There has been a rift, and all creation seeks to bridge the gap, perhaps due to the half remembered dream of what once was. I call this "organic symbolism"... Here is the stage, the battleground, the game, the heart-wrenching struggle. Here we operate at a disadvantage and are constricted to the cards we have been dealt.
Male and females are not the same in some ways but are the same in other ways. Males and females aren't the same bilogical way but they are the same they die and live. Males and females don't think the same but thru time can think alike and believe the same thing. G-d gave man specials thingsa nd each is important and all are part of the plan of G-d.
It is easy to show, and I did, how two cultures half a world away from each other demonstrate similar concepts of understanding (menus). The concepts (menus) are not limited to just those two. Judaism also supports a very similar conceptual construct with even greater detail. Here you have Stranger and Aupmanyav demonstrating agreement with the concept. Again, this is conceptual, symbolic, "menu;" pointing to the reality of the "meal." The dichotomy "it takes two" is understood by sages around the world and across recorded human history. In order for a coin to exist, there must be two sides. In order for you to come into existence, it required two sides...your Mother and your Father.

G!d created it that way...and it is Good.

Once again: "The Yin/Yang polarity must never be mistaken as an explanation for good and evil in nature. -RJMCorbet"
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Spirit and nature?

Not exactly, but you're not far off.

Per Advaita Vedanta, the reality one typically perceives in day to day life is illusory, a reality driven by Maya (time/space/causation). There is an underlying reality that is Absolute, but most living beings are ignorant to it until they realize their true nature as Brahman, at which point they achieve Moksha, which is liberation from samsara (the cycle of rebirth).

The best analogy I've found is to think of your dream self. In your dream, you are unaware of the person lying in bed sleeping having this dream, until you awaken and realize that reality your dream self perceived was illusory.
Not exactly, but you're not far off.

Per Advaita Vedanta, the reality one typically perceives in day to day life is illusory, a reality driven by Maya (time/space/causation). There is an underlying reality that is Absolute, but most living beings are ignorant to it until they realize their true nature as Brahman, at which point they achieve Moksha, which is liberation from samsara (the cycle of rebirth).

The best analogy I've found is to think of your dream self. In your dream, you are unaware of the person lying in bed sleeping having this dream, until you awaken and realize that reality your dream self perceived was illusory.
Plato's cave?

The reality our limited animal/natural senses allow us to perceive is the shadow play/reflection 'through a glass darkly' of the true/full reality that generates it?
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Plato's cave?

The reality our limited animal/natural senses allow us to perceive is the shadow play/reflection 'through a glass darkly' of the true/full reality that generates it?

Yes. This is a good analogy.
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At root we all find common ground?
In that case it opens more forms of existence you have open it correctly Women and Men belong to G-d for they are from the Garden of the Lord , but thru so much culture, history, and debate we have lost the sense of how he did things in Jerusalem and know that 2 sides exist on A coin. But there is A way it's good and evil and it' not women been evil or been bad A misconception or men doing the same where all on goodside that's the truth.

But some will say through out history women who have done wrong in politics is A good things or men like Ivan The Tzar did bad things in order to do good to keep power and control to make A country survive in difficult times. Women and men have that promblem they forgoetten what they learned in the time of Israel with Deborah and king Solomon. When in judaism women obey men and they have rules and respect the sides for women and men. The lord loves women but remember G-d doesn't want men to be ceasar over women but to be wise and loving like Jesus. The real Adam we have to be like Corinthias the book says about Adam.

I'm gonna post and put all the laws and rules women appliesand men applies and thier purpose and things G-d gives to both. And in it there is no yin and yang Jus G.d, women, and men. Part of the plan of G-d.
At root we all find common ground?

There are many paths up the mountain. All lead to the summit.

I like this quote by Sri Ramakrishna...
