Any anti vax/mask/virus hoaxers here?

I got three shots. I also got COVID, which for me was like a typical bad flu. I'm not worried about the shots at all, but the lockdowns where I lived were AWFUL. They made you feel guilty for taking a step outside your house lol.

Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.
Buckhaults, who has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, said “there is a very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s own genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.”
Good that India did not use the Pfizer vaccine. It was costly as well. Not suited for a population of 1.4 billion. We are satisfied with the vaccines produced by Indian companies.
I don't know and there have not been any such reports. Covid is nearly over in India. 1441 cases in 1.4 billion people and no death.
We now have the deadly Nipah virus in one of our states (Kerala) and have asked the companies to create a vaccine for it.
As someone who worries about Big Pharma – And who acknowledges there are open questions about the management of pandemics –

I find it no help that outfits such as Brownstone, with clear agendas, are so often the voice of anti-vaxers.

I find it no help that the claims they make are spurious scaremongering – as is the Buckhaults claim.This seems to pop up every time a new vaccine appears – see link here for a history

So this leave me as uncertain as before, but inclined away from the scaremongers.

I look for peer review data.
In India provision of vaccines and vaccination is Central government's responsibility.
We just go there when vaccination is required.
If there are side-effects, then government will be blamed, and will face problems in elections.
So we do not think about it and leave it to the government.
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If you check the reference links, you realised what a mess this article is ...
If you check the reference links, you realised what a mess this article is ...

I definitely don't like that it has "the children's health defense" references (of which RFK JR. is the chairman). It appears to be one of those 'vaccines cause autism' organizations. Which, as someone with a neurodevelopmental disorder closely related to autism and with a brother on the spectrum, annoys me to no end. There are plenty of valid critiques of how the government handled COVID, but I wouldn't trust anything from a source like that.
"CHD appears to be" if that is what keeps you two from thinking about the content - so be it - your loss.

I've heard all about the heart issues apparently stemming from vaccines. I'm open to critiques of the vaccines, but yeah I'm not going to accept an article that relies on evidence from an organization that promotes the autism vaccine myth. It's like referencing David Irving on an article about WW2, or Peter Popoff in an article about the Gospel lol.
if that is what keeps you two from thinking about the content - so be it - your loss.
To be fair, I did look critically at the content, and at the references links, which are somewhat bizarre – one is to the study of myopia in cats!

And I also looked at other commentaries on the case, and found them far more reasoned and rational, with clear evidence up front, and without recourse to hyperbole and sophistry ... sorry ...
I've heard all about the heart issues apparently stemming from vaccines. I'm open to critiques of the vaccines, but yeah I'm not going to accept an article that relies on evidence from an organization that promotes the autism vaccine myth. It's like referencing David Irving on an article about WW2, or Peter Popoff in an article about the Gospel lol.
The term autism is not in the article. Why assume CHD is what you think, study all the data & facts there. Or read Kennedy's books on Fauci & Vax-Unvax.
Why assume CHD is what you think, study all the data & facts there.

I didn't assume. I went right to their "About Us" section. This is their vice president:

"Laura Bono has a journalism and marketing background. Since her son regressed after his vaccinations in the early 1990’s, and was subsequently diagnosed with heavy-metal toxicity and autism, Laura has advocated for services, biomedical treatments, and civil rights for autistic children/vaccine injured in Congress, NIH, CDC, HHS and other governmental agencies"
"study all the data & facts there." As for what to use instead of "woke", how about;

absolutism, absolute power, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny, monocracy, autarchy; dystopia. ANTONYMS democracy, liberal
As for what to use instead of "woke", how about;

absolutism, absolute power, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny, monocracy, autarchy; dystopia. ANTONYMS democracy, liberal

I never said woke...I'm confused about what you're getting at here.