What do you admire about another religion or world view?

fundamental sense being "ungrateful" (toward God).
I am definitely ungrateful toward most beliefs of God. Well actually sometimes grateful folks have something to cling to. But ungrateful by the way people use the teachings they purport to be of God.

I am grateful to the underlying math, physics, astronomical principles which allow us into being. They along with all that is are my G!d (currently, always open to change my mind based on new info...)
I am definitely ungrateful toward most beliefs of God. Well actually sometimes grateful folks have something to cling to. But ungrateful by the way people use the teachings they purport to be of God.

I am grateful to the underlying math, physics, astronomical principles which allow us into being. They along with all that is are my G!d (currently, always open to change my mind based on new info...)
I get that. I feel sad that mankind has put a bad taste in your mouth. The only thing I can say is that we all fall short of the Glory of God and we have mucked things up since Eve took that bite.

It's easier to understand the logic of Science. I am awed by these things as well but I can accept and believe that Science proves a creator.. and the Creator created Science.

I hope someday you meet a follower of Christ that doesn't disillusion you. ❤️
I hope someday you meet a follower of Christ that doesn't disillusion you. ❤️
Oh I have met many....I just don't attribute it to their religion....as I have met many without religion and of various religions that I also feel worthy of admiration.

I find no religious common denominator.
Perhaps the need to forgo material attachments to be open to the spirit?
Lol, material attachments...I've gone from 4 bedroom house n pool with 3 cars down to don't drive and I rent a room, given most everything away. From a library, to a short shelf of religious books.

What I was saying is there are good people and bad people, honest folk and hypocrites, there are all religious sects and denominations in jail...believers and nonbelievers, politicians and religious leaders.

When it comes to good vs evil....they are found in every group on the planet.
Lol, material attachments...I've gone from 4 bedroom house n pool with 3 cars down to don't drive and I rent a room, given most everything away. From a library, to a short shelf of religious books.

What I was saying is there are good people and bad people, honest folk and hypocrites, there are all religious sects and denominations in jail...believers and nonbelievers, politicians and religious leaders.

When it comes to good vs evil....they are found in every group on the planet.
Yes but @wil

Most religions warn against getting ensnared by the Maya -- the illusionary things of this world -- the choice between God and mammon (in the sense of material things). A person may not agree with the idea, but it is the core of most religions, imo?
'Kufr' is rejection of untruth and superstition. Naturally, many religions do not want that. :)
Yes, all Salafists and quite some "orthodox" Muslim would also disqualify me as a kaffir (disbeliever) because I challenge many of their teachings which I consider man-made, not universal (I would set universal=Divine=Brahman). However, I see a wide field between "untruth" and "truth". In this field, some guidance is not evidently true, but indicates a good path, and some guidance is erronous and noxious, indicating a bad path. As we have the ability to discern good from evil, but only limited means to recognise truth, and there is no single true path, I prefer to consider religious teachings both with good-will and critical distance.
You want me to give away my clothes and backpack?

"Those whom the gods love, they take away from them much. Those whom the gods love most, they take away from them everything."

But I'm sure they'll let you keep your clothes and backpack
Most religions warn against getting ensnared by the Maya -- the illusionary things of this world -- the choice between God and mammon (in the sense of material things). A person may not agree with the idea, but it is the core of most religions, imo?
It is amazing to me how many religions are in real wstate...when I look at churches, mosques, synagogues and various temples in major cities around the world...they look like savvy real-estate investors to.me...lots of.prime.property.

Then the accouterments of preachers...they surely all don't take a vow of poverty. Of course in the US the televangelists have been recorded.saying. "God doesn't want us to fly commercial air" Private jets and mansions are ordained.
It is amazing to me how many religions are in real wstate...when I look at churches, mosques, synagogues and various temples in major cities around the world...they look like savvy real-estate investors to.me...lots of.prime.property.

Then the accouterments of preachers...they surely all don't take a vow of poverty. Of course in the US the televangelists have been recorded.saying. "God doesn't want us to fly commercial air" Private jets and mansions are ordained.
Until very recently, people had to have a place to meet...
Well, that's not QUITE true, TV Radio Magazines and correspondence was sort-of enough for some
That's how my grandfather's involvement with his church/cult was accomplished
But by and large there did have to be some real estate for most congregations...
Now the vast expense accounts and private jets, the need for such routine air travel at all really for most pastors... why?
That seems to be grift
I wonder how much of their donation earnings go to missionary work in deprived areas?
Would be interesting if churches paid taxes and had to publish their accounts of real estate vale, other capitol investments, cars, jets, hoses, income vs expenses...me thinks we would find they don't all tithe (give away 10%)
I like the openness of thought in Reformed Christian practice
Reformed Christian usually means Calvinist, often rigid and not known for openness exactly... at least in its most conservative forms.
When I think of openness of thought in Christian circles, I usually think of Progressive Christian churches or offshoots like some of the New Thought groups (Unity, Religious Science, maybe not Christian Science so much)
Would be interesting if churches paid taxes and had to publish their accounts of real estate vale, other capitol investments, cars, jets, hoses, income vs expenses...me thinks we would find they don't all tithe (give away 10%)
Yeah... I understand about non profits being tax exempt, I work for a non profit (not a church)
Churches risk their tax exempt status if they tell people how to vote... but somehow... people who attend certain kinds of churches become a voting block.
I thought my workplace might have been skating the edge a little, after the George Floyd occurrence, we had these "completely voluntary" "social justice meetings" (on Zoom, of course). I thought it was a little too political, even if I didn't vastly disagree with most of what was said.
But, of course, there are non profits which are outright about social justice, so since I don't work in the policy angle of all that I don't know where that line is.
Back to the money and churches, sadly I think there is a ton of corruption and hypocrisy in organizations of any kind, it just looks especially bad and especially hypocritical in religious organizations, where we are primed to expect charity, concern for the poor, thrift, ethics, scrupulousness, etc.
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