What would the world be like without Jesus?


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a figment of your imagination
Merry Christmas all!

So this question is specifically in the Christian section to allow folks who are followers of Jesus to respond. (Feel free to start another one not in the christian coral)

Specifically those followers of I/O and the concept of interfaith exploration.

This is the question my preacher posed to the congregation today. A significant number of the world has been impacted by his teachings, it is an interesting question

For me I see here and in my life so many Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc that are charitable, loving, caring, compassionate that my mind cannot comprise an answer to this yet.
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Merry christmas you all, and the answer it would be awful and war all the time without Jesus.
I composed my reply to my preacher based on yesterday's sermon..

What a contemplation!

A lot of memes this year it seems about Jesus that are contemplative.

One I saw for the first time was a Spanish cartoon depicting a reality in the Manger, with young dirty bestraggled couple who has been on the road just giving birth in a horse stall, raw in its form of sketch and blood on the baby, Mary and all over Joseph, not gross, just real.

And the translated text

What a strange day today. We celebrate the birth of a revolutionary who faced an empire and who stood on the side of the poor, sex workers and pariahs. A son of displaced people who rebelled against ambitious religious leaders, a rebel killed by the state. It is a date to commemorate the birth of a struggle. Not that figure imposed on us by the church, but that of someone who represents revolution, change and hope. May transformations be born today, may the sun shine within you, may you have all the strength to challenge your fears. Baby Jesus, bring us power, joy and rebellion

Another I saw was similar a couple cuddled next to a fence, while a helicopter with a spotlight, the authorities, search for refugees, illegal immigrants

Both bringing the past into the present.

Your talk brought me back to our (UCL) interfaith experiences I have had, and the Muslims, Hindu, Buddhists, Jews that I have met and compare them with many of the Christians I know in regards to being Christlike. In regards to the memes above. In regards to the recent interactions where many followers of Jesus Thought the last Resident of the White House was their savior to make America great again, to make America Christian again, and our Supreme Court which is stacked with Christians who don't believe in equality or human rights in the way that we think Jesus would have or the Christ within would aspire.

So when I think of a world without Jesus, I also think of the Christian right, the literalists, the fundamentalists that won't let women preach, that put homosexuals as sinful, that support the family separation and deportation of parents at the border.

Also would that world not include Mohamed as a new prophet to counter Jesus as son of G!d, would it also mean no Mormons, or Amish, or Rastas, or the death cults that would use warped Jesus teachings for harm (much as some warp Koranic teachings to oppress)

And I think of all the good, compassionate, and caring of all other religions and the non-religious who either don't feel the need for or have rejected the need of a savior.

Would the crusades have happened or colonization of African nations and the America's have occurred in the name of G!d?

Would others have stepped up at built trillions of dollars of temples to their belief system or a new one?

Bottom line, I don't know if the world would be better or worse, but do find it an interesting contemplation...and also think you and Alan Watts and other philosophers and thinkers would have still made us think.
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Merry Christmas all!

So this question is specifically in the Christian section to allow folks who are followers of Jesus to respond. (Feel free to start another one not in the christian coral)

Specifically those followers of I/O and the concept of interfaith exploration.

This is the question my preacher posed to the congregation today. A significant number of the world has been impacted by his teachings, it is an interesting question

For me I see here and in my life so many Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc that are charitable, loving, caring, compassionate that my mind cannot comprise an answer to this yet.
Reply removed at user's own request

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If no Jesus humanity would of beena t war all the time with each other.
Some of your earlier posts show that you have little understanding of history. Today your appalling ignorance is confirmed.
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Merry Christmas all!

So this question is specifically in the Christian section to allow folks who are followers of Jesus to respond. (Feel free to start another one not in the christian coral)

Specifically those followers of I/O and the concept of interfaith exploration.

This is the question my preacher posed to the congregation today. A significant number of the world has been impacted by his teachings, it is an interesting question

For me I see here and in my life so many Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc that are charitable, loving, caring, compassionate that my mind cannot comprise an answer to this yet.
It wouldn't exist. According to the Apostle John, Jesus created the Earth. So the answer to your question is that it wouldn't exist!
Merry Christmas all!

So this question is specifically in the Christian section to allow folks who are followers of Jesus to respond. (Feel free to start another one not in the christian coral)

Specifically those followers of I/O and the concept of interfaith exploration.

This is the question my preacher posed to the congregation today. A significant number of the world has been impacted by his teachings, it is an interesting question

For me I see here and in my life so many Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc that are charitable, loving, caring, compassionate that my mind cannot comprise an answer to this yet.
It would be very dark.
Jesus Christ was the creator that John spoke of, so yes.

I seem to remember that it was the LOGOS/WORD through who all things were created, by whom all things were created, and for whom all things were created.

And that Jesus was a man who was given divine glory by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
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I seem to remember that it was the LOGOS/WORD through who all things were created, by whom all things were created, and for whom all things were created.

And that Jesus was a man who was given divine glory by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Jesus is the LOGOS/WORD according to the bible. Jesus is a man who is also fully God. He made the choice to come as a man to be the ultimate and final sacrifice in order to save mankind. I had to check and make sure this was the Christianity section.. lol He wasn't given divine glory.. that was His by inheritance as the only begotten Son of the Father. He was the great I AM from the old testament. He declared it by saying before Abraham was I AM. He told Moses to tell Israel that I AM sent me to you.