The Apocalypse Comming Soon?

So interesting....I say...
Me thinks the key is to live your life as you should
and I get
I think every tradition says one should live in a state of readiness
dont fall asleep you might be caught out and miss the signs
so again I say, it is ours to live our lives as we should. If we do that, we are all ready ready, and don't have to worry about being in readiness and I will continue to sleep fine.
Re: The Apocalypse Coming Soon?

Thomas said:
Hi Mee -

The one problem with the Jehovah's Witness agenda lies in the following:

In the gospels, the faithful are warned to beware of false prophets, and these faithful were the founders of the Church, established by Christ (against which even the gates of hell shall not prevail), and which can trace its succession back to the Apostolic era.

So when someone whose doctrine denies the basic tenets of Christianity and is based on a 'new version' of the bible (the New World Translation) which was produced by five scholars who could muster little more than two years' study of non-biblical Greek between them, I find it difficult to conceive how those same people can make any viable claim NOT to be the false prophets against whom the faithful were warned.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Mat 7:15

"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." Mat 24:11

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Mat 24:24

Dates for the Apocalypse according to the JH:

1914 (return of Jesus Christ) ... 1925 (return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets) ... 1975 ...

Notably the JWs 'changed' one of their foundational doctrines, that the Armageddon would occur 'within the lifetime' of those alive in 1914 ... 90 years later, there are precious few left, and it was decided that the truth should be changed to fit the circumstance.

If you're going to sling dirt, be prepared to get something thrown back.

for me i love the proggresive understanding that is coming about in these last days , we certainly are living in amongst a crooked and twisted generation. when Jesus spoke about ( this generation ) in the following verses
Truly I say to YOU that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur matthew 24;34

Truly I say to YOU, This generation will by no means pass away until all things occur luke 21;32

"O faithless and twisted generation, how long must I continue with you and put up with you?"—LUKE 9:41. Jesus was speaking about the masses of faithless Jews who did not recognise him at that time, but just as the things Jesus said would happen in jerusalem back in those times, so in our times there is a further fullfillment for our day ,and the masses of this generation of people do not recognise Jesus kingship in the heavens , they do not put faith in Jesus and his kingship in the heavens in 1914. yes it certainly is a faithless generation

Re: The Apocalypse Comming Soon? - it's here!

taijasi said:
I would add that one does not need to be a Jehovah's Witness to believe that Armageddon has already begun,;)



JW do not believe that Armageddon has begun
Re: The Apocalypse Coming Soon?

mee said:
Yes Jesus knew that false teachers and teachings would infiltrate the christian congregation and he was right HELLFIRE, IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL , TRINITY ect ect ect

Interesting.. MY bible mentions all three :)
Re: The Apocalypse Coming Soon?

mee said:
Yes Jesus knew that false teachers and teachings would infiltrate the christian congregation and he was right HELLFIRE, IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL , TRINITY ect ect ect

like Jesus takes the throne in 1914 false doctrine? etc etc etc.

you know Mee, you keep bringing this stuff up like you think you are going to change what others believe by calling it false. a lot of people believe in the trinity & you are not going to change that. all you are going to do is start war just like the early RCC, which makes you no better.
you believe what you believe, they believe what they believe, i believe what i believe.
funny thing is, i can read your version of the bible OR the KJV & I still come up with the same thing, which is something that hardly anyone believes or gets- so it must all be in the heads of MAN MADE DOCTRINES that people start.

you know people believe different, so it is pointless to keep shoving all that stuff in peoples faces.

Re: The Apocalypse Comming Soon? - it's here!

taijasi said:
Oops. Well as Gilda Radner used to say ... nevermind! :p

i love her. the face of a million laughs & charming personalities.
we should start a thread in the lounge & contribute it to Gilda. :)
Re: The Apocalypse Coming Soon?

Bandit said:
like Jesus takes the throne in 1914 false doctrine? etc etc etc.

you know Mee, you keep bringing this stuff up like you think you are going to change what others believe by calling it false. a lot of people believe in the trinity & you are not going to change that. all you are going to do is start war just like the early RCC, which makes you no better.
you believe what you believe, they believe what they believe, i believe what i believe.
funny thing is, i can read your version of the bible OR the KJV & I still come up with the same thing, which is something that hardly anyone believes or gets- so it must all be in the heads of MAN MADE DOCTRINES that people start.

you know people believe different, so it is pointless to keep shoving all that stuff in peoples faces.

people can believe what they like , just because i bring my beliefs up does not mean that i am trying to change people, its just that people dont like me to have a different belief
Re: The Apocalypse Coming Soon?

mee said:
people can believe what they like , just because i bring my beliefs up does not mean that i am trying to change people, its just that people dont like me to have a different belief

no mee. it is when you keep telling others what they believe is FALSE & wrong. that is what you do by mentioning other doctrines & calling them false.
trust me, i came up in a church that everyone called false because no one could figure out what our church believed.
i can spot that stuff a hundred miles away & have lots of experience seeing it coming. :)
It's a shame to see the discussion move into a "I'm right, you're wrong" thread - it would be great to see if we can see this thread move back to the original discussion, without applying a specific group doctrine against those of other members, thanks. :)
Considering that quantum scientists say that it appears that we (individually and as a species) create reality (both our own, and in general), all i would say to those who believe that the End Times are upon us is: Please - forget all about it!

Think happy thoughts — green grass, blue sky, running water, birds singing.

It seems to be possible that you just may bring Armageddon about.
aged hippy said:
Considering that quantum scientists say that it appears that we (individually and as a species) create reality (both our own, and in general), all i would say to those who believe that the End Times are upon us is: Please - forget all about it!

Think happy thoughts — green grass, blue sky, running water, birds singing.

It seems to be possible that you just may bring Armageddon about.
only God can do is his war after all, and yes it will happen as the bible tells us , and after all the book of revelation is an uncovering or revealing and it is being revealed in these last days, thrilling times indeed:) i love it
I said:
It's a shame to see the discussion move into a "I'm right, you're wrong" thread - it would be great to see if we can see this thread move back to the original discussion, without applying a specific group doctrine against those of other members, thanks. :)
for me i think that Armageddon will come soon, its all happening as the bible says it will , even the prophecies to indicate that Jesus will very shortly go into action . the apocalypse for true believers is a time of hope not a time to inspire fear.

It's a shame...

Agreed. The issue is not with the subject of the thread,
but rather the persistent anti-Catholic agenda implicit in some posts.

I do think we have the right of response, and I do try and keep it objective, regardless of my subjective feelings on the matter.

Re: The Apocalypse Coming Soon?

Bandit said:
like Jesus takes the throne in 1914 false doctrine? etc etc etc.

you know Mee, you keep bringing this stuff up like you think you are going to change what others believe by calling it false. a lot of people believe in the trinity & you are not going to change that. all you are going to do is start war just like the early RCC, which makes you no better.
you believe what you believe, they believe what they believe, i believe what i believe.
funny thing is, i can read your version of the bible OR the KJV & I still come up with the same thing, which is something that hardly anyone believes or gets- so it must all be in the heads of MAN MADE DOCTRINES that people start.

you know people believe different, so it is pointless to keep shoving all that stuff in peoples faces.

i bring it up because it is very relevent for the times we live in , bible prophecies are coming true in these last days and that is my belief according to the bible, so for me to not mention it would be ilogical, i cannot help it if others are not happy with the fullfilling of bible prophecy .i am not shoving any thing down peoples throats if they choose not to believe that is there choice, why should it bother those who are strong in their faith ? the beliefs of the mainstream do not bother me, they do not effect my faith , what if i kept saying to others dont shove your beliefs down my throat no i dont do that , if you choose to believe in other things that is your choice as you mentioned and people do believe different things. i find that it is good to hear all thoughts.
When someone pushes our buttons, we must remember we are the ones with the buttons.

don Miguel Ruiz- Agreement number 2. Don't take anything personally.- Nothing others do is because of you, what others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of your own needless suffering.

Covey- seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Jesus- Ye are Gods

Ramtha- Don't you think it is about time we started acting like one?
I saw this show on the History Channel called "Countdown to Armageddon" (actualy, it was a sequence of shows, I guess a "marathon," if you will) and it was talking about what happens when Jesus opens the seals on the scroll and all the bad things start happening.

They related this to our present world, like how older diseases are mutating and will come back with deadlier concequences. But they said it wouldn't be anything on a Biblical scale.

Also, it says in the Book of Revelation that when Jesus opens the first Seal on the Scroll, an angel rides out "to win many battles and gain victory." (Rev 6:2) Which I think is what many people believe to be the Rapture. I know the Bible doesn't confirm the Rapture directly but it does imply such an event. Then when Jesus oppens the second seal, it says: "It's rider was given a mighty sword and the authority to remove peace from the earth. And there was war and slaughter everywhere." (Rev 6:4)

Now I don't know if the book of Revelation was written in chronological order about the events of the Apocalypse, but I don't think these events have happened yet. Besides, this all happens before Jesus's return.

P.S. I like your avatar I, Brian :)
Hi Pico -

You are right. The point is that every generation 'sees the signs' and interprets them according to the data it has to hand - that the end will come is acknowledged by science as well as religon - and we live in hope of the parousia and if we consider the plagues that ravaged Europe, the near fall of Christendom to Islam, then people of the day immediately think 'the end is nigh'.

In a sense the Apocalypse is ever present - the word means revelation, disclosure, or unveiling – and the curtain of the temple was torn apart at the moment of Christ's death upon the Cross.

The coming of the Lord we call the Parousia
Greek parousiā, presence, Parousia, from parousa, feminine present participle of pareinai, to be present : para-, beside

As the feminine is the universal symbol of 'interiority' and parousia is the present participle, then his Presence is here, now, within us all, as ever it was, as the end of any existing thing is always 'in' its beginning - it is feminine in essence because any thing is in receipt of itself, it is given its being-ness according to its cause - all self-conscious being is aware that it has a cause other than itself (we are not self-generated), and those of a religious disposition are inclined to believe that a vocation (calling) to other-than-itself is written into our very being.

As the Sufis say, God is 'closer than your jugular vein'.

Thus the Book of Revelation can, and should be, read as a prophecy of the fulfillment of days, with regard to the world.

It should also be read as a prophecy of the fulfillment of being (the being of the world and all that is in it - religion sees the two will coincide, no doubt science will try and figure a way that man might escape the end of the universe) and as such must apply simultaneously to any particular being at any given time.

St John of the Cross contemplated this interior event. Meister Eckhart preached (rather precariously) along these lines.

Pico said:
i "It's rider was given a mighty sword and the authority to remove peace from the earth. And there was war and slaughter everywhere." (Rev 6:4)

Now I don't know if the book of Revelation was written in chronological order about the events of the Apocalypse, but I don't think these events have happened yet. Besides, this all happens before Jesus's return.

P.S. I like your avatar I, Brian :)

And another came forth, a fiery-colored horse; and to the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another; and a great sword was given him." (Revelation 6:4) A grim vision indeed ,And there is no doubt as to what it pictures (war )Not the righteous, victorious warfare of Jehovah’s conquering King but cruel, man-made, international warfare with needless bloodshed and pain. How appropriate that this rider is mounted on a fire-red horse

There had been many wars before 1914, the year when the Rider of the white horse received his crown. But now the rider of the red horse is given a great sword

With the eruption of World War I, human warfare becomes more destructive than ever before. During the 1914-18 bloodbath, tanks, poison gas, airplanes, submarines, huge cannons, and automatic weapons were used either for the first time or on an unprecedented scale. In some 28 nations, whole populations, not just professional soldiers, were pressed into the war effort. yes peace certainly was taken away from the earth in 1914

the merciless red horse is at the gallop

But happily the conquering Rider of the white horse has other thoughts about this because he will put an end to manmade war .this red horse has been on the gallop since 1914 .notice that when it says that the red horse was given a sword it does not say that it was God who gave it him. the reason why that is, is because it is manmade war not Gods war .but the one on the white horse, now that is a different story .yes the vision in the book of revelation has been on the gallop since 1914 and yes it is happening now ,because Jesus has come into kingdom power since 1914
