What color is your...


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Wild, Wild West
So, this is kind of a light-weight thread :) but I hope that people will put forward their thoughts about this. It's actually for an idea I have for a quilt (please do not make fun of me!).

So, what color is your religion, or spirituality? Why?

I've been trying to imagine colors for the different religions, but the most striking one I've hit so far is saffron for Buddhism (must be those monk's robes.)

For Christiantiy I want to say purple or red, reminds me of sacrifice, wine, the blood of Christ, royalty. Maybe also because in the Anglican year it is Lent and purple is the color for Lent.

What say you?

"Speak to the Children of Israel and bid them that they make fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of each corner a thread of blue (tekhelet). And it shall be for you as a fringe, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of G-d, and do them..." (Numbers 15:38-39)

OK dauer, you get the prize for making me go to my dictionary, and then to my bigger dictionary, and then to Google to find out what color techelet is! Thank you for expanding my brain today. :)

Thank you kiwi (and by the way good to see you around :) ) for the suggestion. :)

How about the rest of you? Let's see that creativity flowing. :D

Well, being an eclectic and mixing up different aspects of several spiritual traditions, mine would be a mix of colors, possibly stripes. I know the question posed is what color, singular, but I couldn't pick just one. So I made a pattern. I hope it's not considered cheating ;) . The texture would be hard to do in a quilt, I would imagine, but my spirituality is very earth-centered, so I wanted my colors a little bumpy, gritty, and grainy. :)


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Pathless said:
Well, being an eclectic and mixing up different aspects of several spiritual traditions, mine would be a mix of colors, possibly stripes. I know the question posed is what color, singular, but I couldn't pick just one. So I made a pattern. I hope it's not considered cheating ;) . The texture would be hard to do in a quilt, I would imagine, but my spirituality is very earth-centered, so I wanted my colors a little bumpy, gritty, and grainy. :)

Hi Pahtless, This will make a great patch for my project! I like the rainbow and I think I could find fabric that captures that textured look, perhaps not exactly. Not sure how I could make it 'gritty.' :) I noticed that the colors are like your avatar. What is that avatar anyway?

Kindest Regards, Luna!

Don't know why, but I am thinking somewhere between deep forest and sea green. Green has just always resonated with me, especially teal.
Hey Luna!!

Cool Thread!!!

I say Gold for a truthseeker. I imagine that literally coming out of the dark into the light is a blinding white light, and then golden right before you come into focus of the color spectrum.
On this subject, some of you might be interested in the "faith quilts project." They comissioned quilts from different religious communities, and they're all going to be on display.


It's a cool way to get people of different faiths in dialogue.

dauer said:
On this subject, some of you might be interested in the "faith quilts project." They comissioned quilts from different religious communities, and they're all going to be on display.


It's a cool way to get people of different faiths in dialogue.


Thank you Dauer. Very cool. Too bad I am so far from Boston--the show starts this week!


I think the gold (Truthseeker) and teal (Juan) are going to look great next to each other. Sort of like the sun and the ocean, both great spiritual metaphors. (In fact, that gives me an idea...) Thank you both! :)

Hi lunamoth. Thanks for the positive feedback! I guess the colors of the patch are similar to the rainbow colors of my avatar. I noticed that a bit myself, although it wasn't strictly intentional. I guess when you get two things with enough colors going, they are bound to look similar. :)

The picture I use for my avatar is called "rainbow warrior." It is one artist's interpretation of the chakra system, for one. What I see in it, beyond that, is a woman who is in a state of samadhi or satori, yet fully engaged with the world--which I think is very cool. Although she is sitting, her eyes are wide open, as are her hands and mouth. What I see is not only the energy of the kundalini flowing upwards unimpeded, but equally entering the body from above. This energy is then consciously directed outwards through her voice, consciousness, and actions (open mouth, open eyes, open hands). That's my take on it; I will put a bigger version of it below, so that you can get a better look at it. I like that she is basically on fire--very passionate. Also this image of being on fire is a wonderful symbol of a person being open to the divine flowing through them.


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lunamoth said:
So, this is kind of a light-weight thread :) but I hope that people will put forward their thoughts about this. It's actually for an idea I have for a quilt (please do not make fun of me!).

So, what color is your religion, or spirituality? Why?

I've been trying to imagine colors for the different religions, but the most striking one I've hit so far is saffron for Buddhism (must be those monk's robes.)

For Christiantiy I want to say purple or red, reminds me of sacrifice, wine, the blood of Christ, royalty. Maybe also because in the Anglican year it is Lent and purple is the color for Lent.

What say you?


Maize and Blue (some would say Yellow Gold and Deep Blue). It isn't the royalty colors of my faith, but is is the colors of the guard of my faith.

It isn't for example, the colors of my country or my country's leadership, but it is the colors of my uniform.

my thoughts


Hmmm... I'd say dark mossy green, white, and blood red. The green for the forests and nature, the red for the sacrifice of Christ, and the white for the light of God.

I'd love to see the quilt when you're done- I think it's a very nifty idea!
Namaste all,

i would have to say either Saffron or orange, perhaps maroon, would be the most commonly associated colors with the Buddha Dharma.


path_of_one said:
Hmmm... I'd say dark mossy green, white, and blood red. The green for the forests and nature, the red for the sacrifice of Christ, and the white for the light of God.

I'd love to see the quilt when you're done- I think it's a very nifty idea!

I thought you might pick green path of one. :D Actually, I think I would pick green like my luna's wings for my personal spirituality. I'd fly all of your colors--does that make us Italian?

Vajradhara said:
Namaste all,

i would have to say either Saffron or orange, perhaps maroon, would be the most commonly associated colors with the Buddha Dharma.


Thank you for the input Vajradhara. I love saffron as a color (and as a spice)--I think it will feature prominently in my project. An aside: did you know that saffron is the delicate pistil of a crocus? Every time I use it I imagine the people who harvest it using tweezers to meticulously gather each little stem, and then I go and dump a dozen of them at a time into my rice.

I read a book once titled The Cosmic Octave, I forget the author's name, which said that if you took the planetary "tone" of the earth and kept reducing it's vibrational wavelength by octaves you would arrive at the note C#, and if you kept doing that you would wind up in the visual range with that reddish color that Tibetan Monks wear. Somewhere in between the planetary tone and the audible range, if you broadcast it loud enough you would effect the weather and the cellular structure and growth patterns of plants.

I like saphire blue, and I'm particularly fond of the number six.

Thank you China Cat! I'm not sure I understand the thing about about the cosmic waves, but I do like that color. :D Also noticed you really had the creative juices flowing in your posts last night...going to take me a while to absorb all that. Looking forward to reading it all.
