Did You Go




April 2nd 2007 i did go , and i was a respectful observer. last night was the night of all nights this year. for those who know , they will know what i mean .
Reliving Jesus’ Last Days on Earth
How does Jesus’ life and death affect you?

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. John 3;16
Jesus in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said: ‘This means my body which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.’ He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he had the evening meal, saying: ‘This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’"—1 Corinthians 11:23-25.
The step that Jesus Christ took on the night of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., was much more than a passing incident in his life.
I was going to go... But something else came up... I usually go, not because I believe in jesus or god, just it is a very nice moment.... Bit long for my liking, but there is something peacful about it. I find it hard not to take some wine and bread lol... Be interesting to see the others faces if I did..

What did you enjoy about yesterday evening then Mee?
hey, mee, is it me or do the majority of the women at these assemblys wear skimpy dresses with pleasant perfume? i ask that because i went to the memorial yesterday. was it just the congregation i went to or is it like that in all of them. how do the women in your congregation dress? just curious because i don't see any humility in that, plus, it is very distracting! just so everyone knows, i notice that in alot of "churches", not just the jw ones. times like those i just wish i could tear my eyes out, but how would i then read the bible. thanks. hope to hear from you soon.
hey, mee, is it me or do the majority of the women at these assemblys wear skimpy dresses with pleasant perfume? i ask that because i went to the memorial yesterday. was it just the congregation i went to or is it like that in all of them. how do the women in your congregation dress? just curious because i don't see any humility in that, plus, it is very distracting! just so everyone knows, i notice that in alot of "churches", not just the jw ones. times like those i just wish i could tear my eyes out, but how would i then read the bible. thanks. hope to hear from you soon.
Won't answer for Mee.. But from -my- 2 - 3 year or so experience... All men dress in suites and tie... And they say "Hey wear what you can! Because, it is just fantastic that you are here.." I used to wear tie and suite.. But I didn't want to always wear that stuff... I went a few times... And found many people attempting to give suttle "pressure" to make me feel bad and to make me wear a tie and suite... But then I would take in reference woman dress... Some looked like whores, some looked like hippies.. They seemed to wear whatever they pleased... And "suprisingly" no one(men) complained.. I have this great talent of knowing one's character from just being in the same room as them for at least an hour... And a few of the younger "sisters" indeed seemed to flaunt themselves.... Very interesting for a sheep of purity and chasity...


Also Leo, remember last night ISN'T restricted to only JW's... Some of those people could have just been curious "outsiders" :D
nah, i doubt it because they were with dudes that wore the suit.
what did i say something? lol. it is a serious concern, man. women need to tone it down a bit! can't concentrate if some chick in front of you has her boobs busting out!

If that happened you can bet your butt I'd be there every week! :D

"Very keen aren't you brother 17..."

"Indeeeeed brother!! I can't get enough of this stuff in the bable.."


"Yeah Great man great... Got to love that guy jebus.. Awesome."
lol, no, but seriously, this is something that needs to be addressed. because in most "churches" this has gotten out of hand. i don't know, maybe it was just the one that me and my wife went to.
i am truly sorry for ruining your thread, mee. it is a serious concern. i hope i didn't offend you or may have caused you to give up on this worthless sinner.
hey, mee, is it me or do the majority of the women at these assemblys wear skimpy dresses with pleasant perfume? i ask that because i went to the memorial yesterday. was it just the congregation i went to or is it like that in all of them. how do the women in your congregation dress? just curious because i don't see any humility in that, plus, it is very distracting! just so everyone knows, i notice that in alot of "churches", not just the jw ones. times like those i just wish i could tear my eyes out, but how would i then read the bible. thanks. hope to hear from you soon.
its open to anyone , in fact we had invites this year to take to the homes of people ,and some could have taken up the offer, and after all different people are at different levels of faith. before i was a Jehovahs witness and at a time that i was without good guidance from the bible , my dress code was not in line with bible principles , but after taking on board the bible principles it has changed somewhat
so what kind of dress do you wear. is it tightfitting or below the knees? i ask this as serious as possible.
A bloke at a JW meeting in a dress... That couldn't be any less serious lol...
**whispers to Leo** Mee, I think you will find is a Hee

dude, how do you know that it is a he. for all we know it could be a 7 yr old little girl, right? lol
and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things; 19 because [God] saw good for all fullness to dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile again to himself all [other] things by making peace through the blood [he shed] on the torture stake, no matter whether they are the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens. Colossians 1:18-20) How does this affect you—indeed, all of us?