Did You Go

and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he might become the one who is first in all things; 19 because [God] saw good for all fullness to dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile again to himself all [other] things by making peace through the blood [he shed] on the torture stake, no matter whether they are the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens. Colossians 1:18-20) How does this affect you—indeed, all of us?

it affects me in knowing that God is the Head of Christ, Christ the Head of man, and man the head of women. so women must be submissive to man, man to Christ, and finally Christ to God. His sacrifice to me is the ultimate sacrifice. it affects me in everyway. wants to make this worthless sinner want to be like Him. makes me want to wake up in His likeness and then enter His rest. makes me want to do His will and not mine, because my will sucks. it is of flesh and not of His Spirit. so i need Him. forever and ever. Amen and amen.
Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived.
Who Was He?

Jesus’ first-century associates pondered that question. When they saw Jesus miraculously calm a wind-whipped sea with a rebuke, they wondered in astonishment: "Who really is this?" Later, on another occasion, Jesus asked his apostles: "Who do you say I am?"—Mark 4:41; Matthew 16:15.​
If you were asked that question, how would you answer? Was Jesus, in fact, God? Many today say that he was. Yet, his associates never believed that he was God. The apostle Peter’s response to Jesus’ question was: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."—Matthew 16:16.
I'd wager mee is a male. I just cannot see a female having so little to say of her own mind. I've never seen someone copy and paste as much as mee does. Face it, women like to talk. So I call male.
One thing, seeing as this is a JW thread... All in all, JW's believe you (males) should have short well maintained hair and clean shaven right? I once about a year in asked why I was the only person with facial hair... And they said because of era's back and such and people's belife, men with beards or long haired don't tend to be trusted..... Am I missing something with that? Who do you know, that had a beard, and had long hair.... And you trust your lives with him and he is seen as your saviour? I find that funny....

Go with christ brah...
that has got to be the funniest thing i have ever heard! lmfao. you can't have long hair or beard because you can't be trusted! lol. i know i am not well known here at cr but i have long hair and i think i am a trustworthy guy, right 17th? well, at least i am trustworthy with my family and friends. only thing i have read about long hair was in one of pauls epistles about not prophesying with a covering or long hair, depending which translation you have.
that has got to be the funniest thing i have ever heard! lmfao. you can't have long hair or beard because you can't be trusted! lol. i know i am not well known here at cr but i have long hair and i think i am a trustworthy guy, right 17th? well, at least i am trustworthy with my family and friends. only thing i have read about long hair was in one of pauls epistles about not prophesying with a covering or long hair, depending which translation you have.

See! No no no... This decision has nothing to do with bible based law or what not brah, this is just how the Watch tower organisation see's the situation, I didn't think they were serious, I was like "What about Jesus..." And they replied.. "Oh, that's different..." lol

Go with christ brah.
where the heck is mee, anyways? haven't heard from her all morning. i hope i didn't scare her away. didn't mean to get personal, just want her to acknowledge that she is a sinner, just like all of us.:(
this is my face right now because i don't know what to address you by, mee. no seriously it looks just like this. purple and sad. except with long hair.:(
where the heck is mee, anyways? haven't heard from her all morning. i hope i didn't scare her away. didn't mean to get personal, just want her to acknowledge that she is a sinner, just like all of us.:(
yes i think you will find that all men and women are with sin there is no getting away from it at the momment.
That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned romans 5;12
(Romans 3:23) For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
(Psalm 51:5) Look! With error I was brought forth with birth pains, And in sin my mother conceived me.
it affects me in knowing that God is the Head of Christ, Christ the Head of man, and man the head of women. so women must be submissive to man, man to Christ, and finally Christ to God. His sacrifice to me is the ultimate sacrifice. it affects me in everyway. wants to make this worthless sinner want to be like Him. makes me want to wake up in His likeness and then enter His rest. makes me want to do His will and not mine, because my will sucks. it is of flesh and not of His Spirit. so i need Him. forever and ever. Amen and amen.

Ironic that it only takes a short dress to distract one from the original purpose, of focussing on God, and socializing with others that are supposed to gather for the same purpose. We may have male eyes, but we are supposed to also have Godly discipline.

Women on the other hand have their own issues to deal with, which in my opinion, would be NOT to put stumbling stones before men, particularly in a holy place of God.

Also, women are not to be submissive before men or man. The "Wife" is to submit to the authority of her husband, and be a HELP MEET. The husband is to submit to the needs of his wife, and that of his family.

All are supposed to submit to civil authority they find themselves "protected and administrated by" despite who is in office (since God allowed them to be in office).

It is no more a woman's fault that she bring attention to herself in an unflattering way, then it is for the man who pays her that unflattering attention.

I guess that is why we are to remove the "board" out our own eye before finding the speck in another's.


this is my face right now because i don't know what to address you by, mee. no seriously it looks just like this. purple and sad. except with long hair.:(

I suggest one address "Mee" by the name "Mee" has given us...

I also opine that if one were to consider the "knowledge" that Mee apparently has of his own doctrine, and the way he addresses us, and if one understood the structure of the JW faith, one would realize quite quickly that Mee is not what you suspect. Certain things do not happen in the JW faith (such as women witnessing to other than women). I'm sure 17th can second my thoughts on this.

I also think it irrelevant what gender anyone is here. If gender is a major factor in whether one will be listened to or not, then CR is not a place one should be.

Finally, attempts to distract from the original purpose of the thread is really disheartening, and to a great deal, not respectful.

Like my dad says, "Church is for imagining of God, not gams".

I'd like to know what the heck Mee is talking about in the first place, but haven't been able to figure it out for all the distraction.


It is no more a woman's fault that she bring attention to herself in an unflattering way, then it is for the man who pays her that unflattering attention.

So true. It's a matter of intention in both cases.
I'd like to know what the heck Mee is talking about in the first place, but haven't been able to figure it out for all the distraction.


this year the memorial of Jesus christs death fell on 2nd April , and Jesus said keep doing this in memorial of me .
The Gospel writer Luke confirms that Jesus commanded: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) These words have also been rendered: "Do this in memory of me" (Today’s English Version) and "Do this as a memorial of me." (The Jerusalem Bible) In fact, this observance is often referred to as the Memorial of Christ’s death. Paul also calls it the Lord’s Evening Meal—an appropriate designation, since this was instituted at night. (1 Corinthians 11:20) Christians are commanded to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. And that was what i was doing on April 2nd after sundown, but i was only a respectful observer because i am not in the new covenent, those in the new covenent are the 144,000 who are going to heaven to be ruling with Jesus. but the other sheep spoken of in John 10;16 are one flock with them , but they listen to Jesus voice the same as the little flock of 144,000. but the other sheep do not partake in the bread and the wine. but we respectfully observe. ...........this link is good reading Reliving Jesus’ Last Days on Earth
I didn't go...I might have gone...had there been some sort of advertisement of the event...I might have been a respectful observer...however this year I was at a Passover Seder....

Is this something that every JW house of worship does at this time of year?

I know the congregations are limited to what 150 and then they split and build a new building??

How many show up for this event? How many are participants and how many respectful observers? Is this a play of sorts depicting the last supper?
this year the memorial of Jesus christs death fell on 2nd April , and Jesus said keep doing this in memorial of me .
The Gospel writer Luke confirms that Jesus commanded: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19) These words have also been rendered: "Do this in memory of me" (Today’s English Version) and "Do this as a memorial of me." (The Jerusalem Bible) In fact, this observance is often referred to as the Memorial of Christ’s death. Paul also calls it the Lord’s Evening Meal—an appropriate designation, since this was instituted at night. (1 Corinthians 11:20) Christians are commanded to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. And that was what i was doing on April 2nd after sundown, but i was only a respectful observer because i am not in the new covenent, those in the new covenent are the 144,000 who are going to heaven to be ruling with Jesus. but the other sheep spoken of in John 10;16 are one flock with them , but they listen to Jesus voice the same as the little flock of 144,000. but the other sheep do not partake in the bread and the wine. but we respectfully observe. ...........this link is good reading Reliving Jesus’ Last Days on Earth

Ok, got it! You're celebrating Easter, without the pagan rituals attached to it. So you don't call it Easter...none the less you are celebrating the ressurection of Jesus...