Did You Go

I didn't go...I might have gone...had there been some sort of advertisement of the event...I might have been a respectful observer...however this year I was at a Passover Seder....

Is this something that every JW house of worship does at this time of year?

I know the congregations are limited to what 150 and then they split and build a new building??

How many show up for this event? How many are participants and how many respectful observers? Is this a play of sorts depicting the last supper?

ALL JW's should show up.. 144,000 are to "sign the deal" via wine and bread... Most of them are apprently allready in heaven, so not that many would take part... People are selected from the hall to walk around the rows after a 40min talk or so on about christ, they will stand one at either side of the rows... The bread will be passed down, you take hold look pay respect have a moment of silence whatever, then pass to the next person, and then comes the wine... and you do the same with that. If you are "one" of the 144,00 you eat some bread and drink some wine... But pretty much all of those places are taken.

There is no play... There is a yearly gathering where there are sometimes short plays, but not at this event.

The 150 limit really does depend on the size of the hall and the area... It isn't a law. I was apart of a group that had 177 people. Well technically there were around 300 but they were cut into two halves and shared the hall, group one AM group two PM... And so on... Simply because the hall was rather small and wouldn't have fitted every one in... And on the even't of the supper this is also done in halves, AM and PM.
The 150 limit really does depend on the size of the hall and the area... It isn't a law.
hmmm, here in the states I was under the impression that all halls were built exactly the same...no change in blueprints, reducing cost and increasing efficiency. I've heard that the underground utilities are installed, the foundation and floor are poured...and then there is a Amish style Kingdom Hall raising where in one weekend the building is put up...

It seemed logical as in my area everywhere I see a KH they are one story rectangular brick buildings...and look exactly alike.
hmmm, here in the states I was under the impression that all halls were built exactly the same...no change in blueprints, reducing cost and increasing efficiency. I've heard that the underground utilities are installed, the foundation and floor are poured...and then there is a Amish style Kingdom Hall raising where in one weekend the building is put up...

It seemed logical as in my area everywhere I see a KH they are one story rectangular brick buildings...and look exactly alike.

Nope, I have been to say, 12 halls... all 12 were different... Indeed outside they may look simular, that is because they use the same material brick and such.. Inside the layout, decoration and so on differs... Obviously there are no paintings or statues and such, but the layout certainly differs.. There tends to sometimes be plaques on the wall with quotations from the bible but that is about it, that and flowers and curtains... But, indeed the JW's build them themselves. Some are done in a weekend, repairs and upgrades are certainly done in weekend, but building can take longer.
After viewing the first page I'm left with this one simple question....

....WTH is this thread rated?!!!!!:eek: I nearly busted a gut!


Ok, i've read the entire thing now and I must say....wow. I never seen a thread so...how to put it...unbalanced.

But to add my input on the conversation about how women dress at church: they dress fine at mine. Except for the occasional holey jeans that some of the girls in my youth group wear. Then again thats just the typical "brat" impression that they show off. I too dress in a suit and tie. I love that look. Some people say that suits are uncomfortable but I think the opposite. Strangley enough I'm more comfortable in a suit than in casual clothes. Who knows, maybe work with the FBI. Yeah mee, thats right, I know what you're dealing behing doors. We're on to you...LOL!
Ok, got it! You're celebrating Easter, without the pagan rituals attached to it. So you don't call it Easter...none the less you are celebrating the ressurection of Jesus...
LOL no we do not celabrate pagan festivals ,
"There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament," states The Encyclopædia Britannica. How did Easter get started? It is rooted in pagan worship. While this holiday is supposed to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection, the customs associated with the Easter season are not Christian. For instance, concerning the popular "Easter bunny," The Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility. so we do not mix pure worship with pagan worship, and it is the memorial of Jesus death that the bible tells us to keep doing , not the resurrection.
LOL no we do not celabrate pagan festivals ,
"There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament," states The Encyclopædia Britannica. How did Easter get started? It is rooted in pagan worship. While this holiday is supposed to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection, the customs associated with the Easter season are not Christian. For instance, concerning the popular "Easter bunny," The Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility. so we do not mix pure worship with pagan worship, and it is the memorial of Jesus death that the bible tells us to keep doing , not the resurrection.
So is 17t's description of what you went to correct? As the website you point to does not give me a clear enough of an indication of what to expect or where...

Can you descibe what you observed...and whether you and yours commonly invite others to attend prior to the event?

Tis the same issue I have with my local paper...they gladly put pictures on the front page of some event that happened last weekend...but don't provide info ahead of time...
Ironic that it only takes a short dress to distract one from the original purpose, of focussing on God, and socializing with others that are supposed to gather for the same purpose. We may have male eyes, but we are supposed to also have Godly discipline.

Women on the other hand have their own issues to deal with, which in my opinion, would be NOT to put stumbling stones before men, particularly in a holy place of God.

Also, women are not to be submissive before men or man. The "Wife" is to submit to the authority of her husband, and be a HELP MEET. The husband is to submit to the needs of his wife, and that of his family.

All are supposed to submit to civil authority they find themselves "protected and administrated by" despite who is in office (since God allowed them to be in office).

It is no more a woman's fault that she bring attention to herself in an unflattering way, then it is for the man who pays her that unflattering attention.

I guess that is why we are to remove the "board" out our own eye before finding the speck in another's.



q, man rules over woman, period. our Father says so. and just because i stare at women sometimes does not make me undisciplined. it makes me a sinner. ;)
So is 17tH's description of what you went to correct? As the website you point to does not give me a clear enough of an indication of what to expect or where...

Can you descibe what you observed...and whether you and yours commonly invite others to attend prior to the event?

Tis the same issue I have with my local paper...they gladly put pictures on the front page of some event that happened last weekend...but don't provide info ahead of time...

It should be correct.... Every gathering (world wide) is like clockwork... I could go to my old hall tomorrow and what they would be reading/studying/observing/whatnot would be 100% the same as if I went to errrr Bulgaria or France or Spain.... Mexico. It is organised down to a tee. Strange about you only having a few pictures in the local paper.. Here for about a month before hand, it is working up to the "big day" door to door, leaflets... Posters just trying to draw as many as they can no matter the belife and so on... Just to come and observe... I guess It can come down to local groups of JW not being too hot on the "marketing" that is quite rare for that to happen... From what I have experienced. Wil, everyone is welcome.. You could be a bat eating satanist... and they would still invite you to come to this. As long as it is in a respectful manner of course. I am simply posting as I have this "funny feeling" Mee will not really say much but copy and paste watchtower all day long as he usually does...
i am glad to say i only have dealings in the bible .
:cool: "i am glad to say i only have dealings in the bible." lol. you really are disciplined, aren't you? you know, i just had two jw's come over to my apartment this past saturday to talk about God and they weren't at all robotic like you. lol:D
:cool: "i am glad to say i only have dealings in the bible." lol. you really are disciplined, aren't you? you know, i just had two jw's come over to my apartment this past saturday to talk about God and they weren't at all robotic like you. lol:D

Called humanity, not every one is the same brah.... I guess, Mee just has taken it to heart, and kind of killed off his character and personality... *shrugs*
Called humanity, not every one is the same brah.... I guess, Mee just has taken it to heart, and kind of killed off his character and personality... *shrugs*

but i can 100 percent guarantee that if mee goes to a doorstep to "witness" the way he/she does with us here, they are going to slam the door on her/his face. he/she just worries me, its all. :eek:
I understand totally what you are saying... Maybe not a slam, but maybe a big question mark hanging over the person's head... Such as; "If I join them will I be brainwashed like that holmes?"

Mee: no offence at all, free to believe what you wish, just you seem to have no personality at all... Like you have been lobotomised, just the answers you know never see a human behind that shell, just text book answers... Can I ask you something... I want a real... REAL answer... Are you happy?
this would be such a cool thread: what makes mee so fascinating? lol:D

anyways, it is true, mee, you are cool in my book. as a matter of fact, any jw is cool with me. they have to be. heck, i married one, fer cryin' out loud!
So is 17t's description of what you went to correct? As the website you point to does not give me a clear enough of an indication of what to expect or where...

Can you descibe what you observed...and whether you and yours commonly invite others to attend prior to the event?

Tis the same issue I have with my local paper...they gladly put pictures on the front page of some event that happened last weekend...but don't provide info ahead of time...
As most people are aware Jehovahs witnesses make it a habit of calling on peoples homes all year round to point them to the bible and the role that Jesus is playing in Jehovahs purpose for the earth. but most do not listen. so doing the work of the Lord is an ongoing thing that has been going on for years. mention Jehovahs witnesses to anyone and they know that we go from door to door . sheep like people will respond and they have, revelation 7;9-10
:cool: "i am glad to say i only have dealings in the bible." lol. you really are disciplined, aren't you? you know, i just had two jw's come over to my apartment this past saturday to talk about God and they weren't at all robotic like you. lol:D
its good to know that Jehovah has a great crowd of people from all nations , making known about the established heavenly kingdom goverment . Daniel 2;44 its all happening in these the last days:) and we are all different personalitys but the message is the same .....unity ..... nice
Called humanity, not every one is the same brah.... I guess, Mee just has taken it to heart, and kind of killed off his character and personality... *shrugs*
i am glad to say that i have taken the GOODNEWS to heart , that is why i am making it known and it is verrrrry gooooooood matthew 24;14 Daniel 2;44
I understand totally what you are saying... Maybe not a slam, but maybe a big question mark hanging over the person's head... Such as; "If I join them will I be brainwashed like that holmes?"

Mee: no offence at all, free to believe what you wish, just you seem to have no personality at all... Like you have been lobotomised, just the answers you know never see a human behind that shell, just text book answers... Can I ask you something... I want a real... REAL answer... Are you happy?
"Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!"—Ps. 144:15.:)
LeoSalinas22;99134 what makes mee so fascinating? lol:D ![/quote said:
Daniel 2;44 matthew 24-14 maybe its the truth thats different, how many are willing to make it known on here? as far as i can see its only me that is willing to go along with christs brothers and make it known , maybe its got something to do with humility ;)
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you ,He will appoint him over all his belongings. matthew 24-45-47 Jesus has appointed the faithful slave class with making known about the established heavenly kingdom Daniel 2;44 .and working along with these faithful ones is the way to go as it leads to everlasting life in a paradise earth. so then are we a sheep or are we a goat? As matthew 25; 46 says
And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off,(goats) but the righteous ones(sheep) into everlasting life............. i know whos side i want to be on , and working along with the channel that Jesus is using is the way to go . and it is very good:)