must religion come to an end?


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has religion come to an end?

simple question, difficult answer. in my mind i think people will probably want religion of some kind for a long while yet, this is more an intellectual/wisdom question.

i think religions agree and contradict each other on many levels, without believing in a single one it is easy to get confused. in the end it seams like it would be better if i went through life as if there were no religions.

as long as i can look life in the eye and see what it is thinking, i can find my own answers.

how do you feel; must religion come to an end?
I believe that religion continues on forever and forever because man is continually in need of God's guidance.
yes in that way the essence of religion shall always be. however the mere fact that we are all here debating and agreeing with each other on many points, rather than preaching means that religion is ending!

it is the idea of having a given set of ideas, god in a box - so to say, which has come to an end.
it is the idea of having a given set of ideas, god in a box - so to say, which has come to an end.
Where has it come to an end? It is flourishing. I'm just guessing but as an industry I'd say that religions have one of the highest revenues, which industries are higher. I'd say they own more land than any other industry. I'd say they get more people to show up to class, mass, work, worship than any other industry. And yes despite all that they have more people telecommuting, that don't show up to the temple, mosque, synagogue, church, monastery, but still contribute and take part online, on television, over the phone, on the radio, or even through the mail...receiving their info and sending in the revenue.

Maybe you have information that would show I'm wrong, that aerospace or defense or automobile industry is higher, but I think in anyone's chart with the categories discussed above religion is in the top 10 as 50% of the world are still adherents and far from dead, far from ending it is going strong.
wil, hi

i could say capitalism is coming to an end, yet it is still the biggest force in the world. this is not really what i mean, i am considering it on an intellectual basis - most people are interested in aspects of other religions and are generally becoming more expansive. so the lines are becoming more vague and idea merging, in the end where will this take us? :)

forgive me for saying this but i find the idea the religion is a massive ‘industry’ to be most abhorrent! :eek:
don’t you think jesus would have agreed?
forgive me for saying this but i find the idea the religion is a massive ‘industry’ to be most abhorrent! :eek:
don’t you think jesus would have agreed?
Yes I do, but do you see my analysis as wrong? Is it not an industry? Salvation at a price, find me the discount broker. Find me the church that says, don't buy our stuff, don't fill our coffers, you can do this by yourself.

Find me the missionary that says you don't need to come to our church, just be a good person, read this book, and follow these guidelines. Call me if you need a hand, but don't send money, that would be abhorrent. abhorrent doesn't build cathedrals, money does, billions. trillions of it.
Maybe you have information that would show I'm wrong, that aerospace or defense or automobile industry is higher
For some reason this reminds me of Meyer Lansky's famous quote about the Mob, "We're bigger than U.S. Steel!"
has religion come to an end?

simple question, difficult answer. in my mind i think people will probably want religion of some kind for a long while yet, this is more an intellectual/wisdom question.

i think religions agree and contradict each other on many levels, without believing in a single one it is easy to get confused. in the end it seams like it would be better if i went through life as if there were no religions.

as long as i can look life in the eye and see what it is thinking, i can find my own answers.

how do you feel; must religion come to an end?
well as a bible student , i can see that false religion will come to its end. and that is why Gods people are told to GET OUT OF HER revelation 18;4
For some reason this reminds me of Meyer Lansky's famous quote about the Mob, "We're bigger than U.S. Steel!"
lol, just goes to show the difference in social education, your quote reminds me of the Beatles about their popularity, "We are more popular than Jesus!"

So I looked it up and found the whole quote and how appropriate it was to this thread. Oh it shook up the masses, record burnings, KKK got excited, preachers saying anyone that listens them can't come to church (talk about missing the bible lessons!)
"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. ... We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first-rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me."....Lennon held a press conference in Chicago, at which he attempted to make amends. "I'm not saying that we're better or greater," he said, "or comparing us with Jesus Christ as a person or God as a thing or whatever it is... I wasn't saying whatever they're saying I was saying. I'm sorry I said it really. I never meant it to be a lousy anti-religious thing. I apologize if that will make you happy. I still don't know quite what I've done. I've tried to tell you what I did do but if you want me to apologize, if that will make you happy, then OK, I'm sorry."
His retraction and apology was as bad as Imus's or Michael Vick's.
Sadly I will not be alive to see that day....
why not ? the end of false religion is only the start of the great tribulation
putting ourselves in a place of concealment now will prove to be most beneficial.

The Great Tribulation

In the major fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy, “the day of Jehovah” is a period of time characterized by “great tribulation.” Jesus foretold: “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matthew 24:21) Think of the distress the world has already seen, especially since 1914. (Matthew 24:7-12) Why, World War II alone took over 50 million lives! Yet, “the great tribulation” will see calamities that will dwarf such troubles. That event, the same as the day of Jehovah, ends with Armageddon, bringing to a close the last days of this wicked system.—2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13; Revelation 7:14; 16:14, 16.

.First to go will be all false religion.

i can see that false religion will come to its end

exactly what i meant in the title of the post - except that all religion is false!

universalism is truth ;) [another thread for another day]

yes i agree it could be great. it would be better still if people stopped finding differences to believe in!

I don't think a discussion can really be had until you give your definition of religion.

-- Dauer
hi dauer, long time no see mate. :)

I don’t think a discussion can really be had until you give your definition of religion.

god defined!

if we take examples of definitions of god and his interactions with the world then limit this to a given set, then this to me is what religion does.

however i don’t think religious people do that so much, especially these days.

a mystic jigsaw puzzle:
after much pondering over the years, i have gone from one mystic notion to the next. it seams that one thing connects to another irrespective of religion, i think all mystic elements are connected across cultures and faiths. it is as if humanity was handed it all out in sections all around the world - now we just have to put it all together.

here we see how all religion can be a religion itself, in which case the argument would be somewhat null and void - as long as we continue to accept from all sources


To clarify, because your post was a little unclear to me, I will rewrite it as I think you meant it. Please correct me if I have misunderstood you.


1. (archaic) G!d defined: something that limits G!d to a given set of definitions.

Example: The religions are idols of stone and wood.

2. A mystical jigsaw puzzle: the interconnecting mystical elements across multiple faiths and cultures.

Example: As a student of religion I spend all of my time looking for the similarities between the mystical elements in various religions. The differences are not really an issue that concerns the study of religion.

If this is your definition I have a few questions.

By ignoring those views that contradict the so-called mystical view, the so-called universal, 2 really seems to be a category of 1. Did you mean to use 2 as an example of what you described in 1?

Even if you do not believe that 2 fits under 1, both definitions are quite different from each other to the point that I would ask for further clarification. Can you explain precisely how you use the word religion in your original post?

Thank you.

-- Dauer
has religion come to an end?

simple question, difficult answer. in my mind i think people will probably want religion of some kind for a long while yet, this is more an intellectual/wisdom question.

i think religions agree and contradict each other on many levels, without believing in a single one it is easy to get confused. in the end it seams like it would be better if i went through life as if there were no religions.

as long as i can look life in the eye and see what it is thinking, i can find my own answers.

how do you feel; must religion come to an end?

What an elegant question! And the correct use of the word "were" instead of the more mundane and common "was" leads me to think that you like to sail away into the ethers at times :D

I'm beginning to think the same way, as if all the practices and religons have had their say to me and now it is up to me (if indeed such a thing as "me" really exists) to merely watch, listen, and see.

Sort of reminds me of an old Zen story about a hermit that was so very holy and pure that the birds would come and alight on his sholders and eat seeds from his hands just to be near his light. Yet when he became enlightened the birds no longer came...

Wonderful thread Z, thank you for starting it, I think this issue needs to be explored much more than it is.
I think religion WONT end because people NEED to think that there is a higher power. Someone to pray to , someone to thank, someone to blame. I just cant get around the concept of a "divine being" . Just cant, sorry. I'll try not to be judgemental of others that do however, I think a lot of people feel the need for this "comforter " that is religion.
I think religion WONT end because people NEED to think that there is a higher power. Someone to pray to , someone to thank, someone to blame. I just cant get around the concept of a "divine being" . Just cant, sorry. I'll try not to be judgemental of others that do however, I think a lot of people feel the need for this "comforter " that is religion.
Do you think they want a higher power to praise more, or one to blame when things don't go right?
I think religion WONT end because people NEED to think that there is a higher power. Someone to pray to , someone to thank, someone to blame. I just cant get around the concept of a "divine being" . Just cant, sorry. I'll try not to be judgemental of others that do however, I think a lot of people feel the need for this "comforter " that is religion.

only false religion will end, and it will be God who does the judging of that . i agree that many people NEED something and that is why they turn to religion . but i thought i was doing just fine and didnt need any God in my life , but that was before i took in the accurate knowledge of the bible , and i only did that out of curiosity to know what the bible really taught , and what an eye opener it was , i could plainly see that many who called themselves christians because of claiming to follow the bible , were not really following the bible and what it teaches at all . but they were following the traditions of man that the christian church had taken on , THE TRINITY TEACHING is one example , it is not a bible teaching at all . so according to the bible it is false, putting ourselves in line with true bible teachings is most beneficial to us , as i have learned over the years. all of us ,even if we think we dont need God , are sadly mistaken because very shortly he is going to step into the affairs of mankind and Judge all of mankind. and its all to do with..... Daniel 2;44...... Putting our trust in the right rulership is the thing to do and we need to do it before he goes into action

And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; Daniel 2;44