Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in action

lol :)

Well I was flying over the Alps yesterday when it was switched on and I can report seeing no Black Holes!!

Was amused to find out that Dr Higgs, who started all this with his Higgs Boson theory is an Edinburgh man too!! We are nothing but trouble it seems :p

lol :)

Well I was flying over the Alps yesterday when it was switched on and I can report seeing no Black Holes!!

Was amused to find out that Dr Higgs, who started all this with his Higgs Boson theory is an Edinburgh man too!! We are nothing but trouble it seems :p

The whole concept is fascinating! To actually attempt to create a singularity, is simply astounding! To force particles to .999...of light speed is wonderful enough, but then focus a collision?, a timed collision for recording the results (to be able to even record, the results). I love this part of science... (can't you tell? lol) :D
I wonder what a black hole would actually look like if it was on a webcam? And how rapidly it would become larger? Would it be like in the video?

I find black holes and singularities fascinating. I dunno why. The whole string theory and quantum mechanics thing just is so cool.
I think it's funny what happens when you switch the places of the d and the r in Large Hadron Collider.

Oooooh, scientific progress is an erection.

Many newspapers, including the New York Times, have committed that apparently inevitable typo.
The whole concept is fascinating! To actually attempt to create a singularity, is simply astounding! To force particles to .999...of light speed is wonderful enough, but then focus a collision?, a timed collision for recording the results (to be able to even record, the results). I love this part of science... (can't you tell? lol) :D

Yup ... sounds like you have a Hadron :D

I wonder what a black hole would actually look like if it was on a webcam? And how rapidly it would become larger? Would it be like in the video?

I find black holes and singularities fascinating. I dunno why. The whole string theory and quantum mechanics thing just is so cool.


I find them equally so. If I had nothing else to live for that alone would keep me going.... waiting for the next advances/discoveries. Its that important to me.


I find them equally so. If I had nothing else to live for that alone would keep me going.... waiting for the next advances/discoveries. Its that important to me.

Actually, only from the perspective of the "event horizon". prior to, there are all kinds of colors (like a black eyed daisy) :D
That's why I wondered, Q. From my (very) limited knowledge, time slows down as one nears the event horizon, and being within it means one can't necessarily tell one is in there. Some clever person (forget who) pointed out our whole universe could be existing in the event horizon of a super-huge black hole and we'd never know it until we're sucked in completely. That was a fun thought. :rolleyes::p;)

I suppose I wondered if they *had* created a black hole, if that would be immediately apparent, or if it might start off very, very tiny... and go unnoticed until its mass and force pulled us in. What would happen to time? To space? When would we notice and why?

I still like to imagine, despite the improbability, that black holes are actually wormholes. Fun! :)
I suppose I wondered if they *had* created a black hole, if that would be immediately apparent, or if it might start off very, very tiny... and go unnoticed until its mass and force pulled us in. What would happen to time? To space? When would we notice and why?

If they had created a black hole it would instantly decay. The smaller a black hole is the faster it decays.

Even if you managed to make this 25 femtogram black hole, it would decay into normal matter incredibly fast. How fast? According to Hawking radiation, this black hole will be gone in 10-66 seconds, which means, unless there is some incredible new physics (like extra dimensions), we can’t even make a black hole! Why not? Because anything that happens in a time less than the Planck time (10-43 seconds) cannot physically happen with our current understanding of physics.

LHC Black Holes: Worst Case Scenario | Starts With A Bang!

On the other hand if a black hole is very small the radiation effects are expected to become very strong. Even a black hole that is heavy compared to a human would evaporate in an instant. A black hole the weight of a car (~ 10-24 m) would only take a nanosecond to evaporate, during which time it would briefly have a luminosity more than 200 times that of the sun. Lighter black holes are expected to evaporate even faster, for example a black hole of mass 1 TeV/c2 would take less than 10-88 seconds to evaporate completely.

Black hole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I tried to search for some articles I read recently that suggest even stellar black holes, (black holes formed by the supernova of a single massive star), do decay quite rapidly but too much to trawl through at the moment. But the suggestion is there!

What I find interesting about this whole issue though is that from what we do know the creation of a black hole is so remote that it should never even have been suggested. Who did suggest it....and why? That I would like to know.

Talk about black holes. For a guy that's any attempt to find something in their wife's purse.:) earl
What do you get when you accelerate two blonds towards each other, each traveling 99.9% of the speed of light relative to a stationary tube of lipstick?

a red dwarf