Are veiled women a threat to the world?

For me, I've currently got no issues. I mean yes hooded faces, neckerchiefs have been used by criminals as disguises for years. But women running around in veils and black dresses haven't seen this trend.

However that being said, Islam better get the word out...the first suicide bomber that decides to hide himself as a female in a burkah and blow up a bunch of people....

It will quickly change a lot of minds.
Why though. You can hide weapons in just about anything. Why would finding them in a Burkah make people agasint Burkahs all of a sudden?

To me this sounds like someone that doesn't really like Hats but is willing to tolorate people wearing them. But as soon as someone hides a bomb in a hat everyone should stop wearing hats. Its like an excuse to get right of something you don't like the look of.
Well now a days the biggest mass-murderers dont hide behind a veil, they talk on mikes, about freedom, liberation & democracy. So people trying to find a link between veil & bomb is laughable, & also tells you a lot about modern advancements in shepherding technology.

Aside from piety, the thing is that it has become more of a symbol of resistance, resistance to a lot of abstract western ideals that the west hasbeen selling & imposing as timeless & absolute. Now there are a bunch of women (not just muslim) who dont find it necessary to have bodies that are as marketable & well-marketed as the victoria secret model. Who dont think its necessary to show their skin in order to be called intelligent or modern (Some might not be interested in being called anything). Who dont spend all their lives "confirming" to "market fads", trying to "fit in" & find their "worth" in the society (or economy).

All that ofcourse is backward, misogynistic, frightening & outright evil. It took us a century to fool them into thinking that showing their skin actually makes them free, intelligent, & a worthwhile inclusion to the society. How dare they go against our consensus. "Something" needs to be done.

And thats where these "freedom theories" comein. Interestingly, other than the veiled woman, everyone else knows what is good for her. Ofcourse she is veiled, so whats the point asking her.
Carrying this over from another thread .. come on let's be honest, what is really threatening about a woman with a bit of material draped over her face and where is your proof she is any more of a threat than your mother, hairdresser or girlfriend?

Hi MW,

This thread is too long for me to fully catch up on, but this is a good example of people being stupidly over-sensitive to the cultural practices of others.

I agree with laws for public decency that go along with the cultural norms of a society, so I can understand problems for a person who is under-dressed in some cultures. We don't allow public nudity in the US, and I can understand not allowing certain manners of dress in other cultures. If the women feel oppressed by dress codes, I think it is up to them to do something about it.

As for the argument that it is a public threat to be overdressed in the US...hogwash. We take all kinds of risks for our personal liberties as it is. It is pure discrimination to pick on a veil or whatever as somehow unacceptable. :rolleyes:
Aside from piety, the thing is that it has become more of a symbol of resistance, resistance to a lot of abstract western ideals that the west hasbeen selling & imposing as timeless & absolute. Now there are a bunch of women (not just muslim) who dont find it necessary to have bodies that are as marketable & well-marketed as the victoria secret model. Who dont think its necessary to show their skin in order to be called intelligent or modern (Some might not be interested in being called anything). Who dont spend all their lives "confirming" to "market fads", trying to "fit in" & find their "worth" in the society (or economy).

lol niqab and its ideology is just the result of another form of brainwashing just like what u are talking about above :cool: its just the same.
Avi im wondering if there is any traditions in Judaism that women wore or wear head scarfs?

PM, yes, such a tradition exists. Here is a wiki quote:

Many traditionally observant Jewish women who have been married (including widows and divorcees) cover their heads more completely with scarves, hats, or wigs, but for a totally different reason. The tradition for women comes from a different source than that of men and originates from the laws dealing with the sotah (suspected adulteress; see Numbers 5), implying that a Jewish married woman should cover her hair under normal circumstances.[13]

Of course this is different than facial coverage.

Ref: Kippah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
lol niqab and its ideology is just the result of another form of brainwashing just like what u are talking about above :cool: its just the same.

Glad to know you get the

Yes you are right, but not always. A lot of times, it comes from inside.
Glad to know you get the

Yes you are right, but not always. A lot of times, it comes from inside, just as the other thing.

lol. sure I understand what you are saying.

I dont mind the head scarf, but the niqaab freaks me out, and to me this is what is says,

i hate you
i hate your culture
and your society

thats what the niqaab says to me.

there are other ways to be modest, without going for full niqaab or is it hidjab ? useful for camping though :D

and plenty of western women do dress modestly not all dress like prostitutes
I dont mind the head scarf, but the niqaab freaks me out, and to me this is what is says,

i hate you
i hate your culture
and your society

thats what the niqaab says to me.
I think then you should ask yourself how a piece of cloth says all that to you. I mean what if she is drop dead gorgeous kind of a girl who doesnt want car accidents happening all around her. ;)

and plenty of western women do dress modestly not all dress like prostitutes

That too depends upon your standards of modesty. For her its different than yours.
Im sure there are some people that hate other cultures.... And there really is no reason for it. But I dont think people that wish to carry on practising there own culture says they hate other cultures. Its something they feel comfortable with and can identify with.
No they are not a threat to the world. They are however an insult to the female form, to individuality and equality. And when worn by western women a betrayal of many generations of women who campaigned tirelessly to lift women out of servitude to men and to gain equal rights across the board.

I have heard already your counterpoints Sally and whilst you may find them valid I do not and never will. In Islam dominated nations it is regrettable that women dress this way but in the west I feel that women who dress this way are insulting the standards of freedom we have long worked to get. I am insulted on a personal level when I see a woman dressed so. Such dress to me is symbolic of injustice and oppression and a medieval mentality I would like to see us evolve beyond.


to elaborate a bit on this theme...

it also transfers the problem of lust and how to deal with it from the man to the woman with the rather unusual logical reasoning of men are basically unable to restrain themselves in any manner around a woman so a woman has to conceal herself from all men.

it seems to me that the logical conclusion of men being unable to enact any emotional control would be to confine all men to their homes and keep them from seeing any women... the problem, after all, is with the males not the females.

Sally.. you mention that women were allowed to vote in Islam some 1400 years ago. can you tell me any democratic nations under Islamic control that existed then? can you tell me any democratic nations under Islamic control that exist now? there are, by the way, yet they are in a different part of the world than the traditional cradle of Islam.

i often have the impression that immigrant Muslims that fail to adopt the cultural standards of the culture in which they now live have nefarious motives for their actions... perhaps not anything sinister but a general hoping for the undermining of society and culture to be replaced by a fantasy Islamic society and that doesn't seem like anything which would be positive or worthy of support.



to elaborate a bit on this theme...

it also transfers the problem of lust and how to deal with it from the man to the woman with the rather unusual logical reasoning of men are basically unable to restrain themselves in any manner around a woman so a woman has to conceal herself from all men.

it seems to me that the logical conclusion of men being unable to enact any emotional control would be to confine all men to their homes and keep them from seeing any women... the problem, after all, is with the males not the females.
Yeah, I've always viewed cloaks and such as a statement about how nasty the neighborhood is.
Well now a days the biggest mass-murderers dont hide behind a veil, they talk on mikes, about freedom, liberation & democracy.

Yes, I think if we are associating attire with threat to the world I might be more concerned with “men in suits” and people in military uniform.

And maybe a common denominator is a fear of those who do not conform to the indigenous society.

i often have the impression that immigrant Muslims that fail to adopt the cultural standards of the culture in which they now live have nefarious motives for their actions... perhaps not anything sinister but a general hoping for the undermining of society and culture to be replaced by a fantasy Islamic society and that doesn't seem like anything which would be positive or worthy of support.



Id say for the amount of muslims that do this, you will find the same amount in all other cultural backgrounds even the majority.
A threat to the world????
I don't know about that, but it can be viewed as a threat to women's equality.
We all know that women are different from men.
The commercial sector exploits this all the time with revealing clothing and makeup which is the other extreme from the islamic women's bag.

I am not a fan of exploitation and I see that the whole veil thing can be seen as a counterpoint to that.
But the harm it does by going to the other extreme doesn't solve the problem.

Maybe MW, you can answer a question that has bugged my wife and that is, why are women in black and the men in a desert part of the world?
Are women allowed to wear white burqha's?
Now try answering the question Bobx ... where is your proof that a pious Muslim woman wearing niqab is a threat?
Try answering the question, Sally: where is the proof that this being in the niqab is a "pious Muslim woman"? I have no idea who or what that is. That's the whole point.
Except when there is an actual blizzard, I have seen people wearing ski masks on the street even more rarely than niqab, and when you see that it means one thing and one thing only: Trouble, with a capital T. Damn straight I want the police stopping and questioning those people. Now if it becomes acceptable to walk around the street in a full burkha or whatever, then they won't wear ski masks, they can get away with burkhas, if it becomes a rule that police can't stop someone who is disguised in that manner without cries of discrimination.
Oh and don't try just making this about security issues or you wouldn't still be calling me a lump in a sack, despite the number of times I have asked you not to as it is highly insulting.
YOU are the one repeating the phrase. I said it once; I thought it a fairly neutral description of the blurred indistinct look you are aiming for. I have not said it since, though you have, several times.
WOW so those dozen women have you in all this hysteria ... you must have the backbone of a jellyfish.
I don't want it to become commonplace. That would be a very different and dangerous society.
This was not to hide their identity as everyone knew who they were and what they looked like
How did anyone know which one was which and what any of them looked like, if they walked around in complete disguise?
Can you provide a link please showing her in the skimpy top and a simple headscarf?

Or was her khumar removed (an arabic word not used in the west)... which would have covered her head, shoulders and arms, as well as her skimpy top?
YOU provided the link; try reading it. She was wearing a "tank top and a head scarf"; there is no mention of any "khumar" or anything else, and nothing was removed except the scarf.
We rarely do ... yet we are such a threat to you hiding in our houses ... it's laughable.
I don't care what you do in your own house. I just don't want niqab out on the streets.
Look, my own spiritual beliefs are that the human body is beautiful and sacred. I much prefer to be naked whenever the weather does not actually require clothing. I am usually naked when I am posting to you; if the thought of that bothers you, that's too bad, because I am in my own home, and if I let you do what you want in your own home, you should extend the same courtesy to me. But OF COURSE I wear clothing when I go out in public; I would never expect to be granted exemptions from the rules everybody else has to obey just because I have peculiar views.
Gosh such a HUGE obstacle to justice ... and yet for sensitive cases the UK simply has a closed court and releases court transcripts .. problem solved.
The British practice of closed courts was the source of serious abuses in past centuries; it is one of the tyrannies complained about in our Declaration of Independence. The right of the defendant to insist on the trial being public is written into the Constitution, so don't expect us to change (now if BOTH SIDES agree to waive the right of publicity, that is a different matter).
So your country makes a rape victim sit in from of a bunch of looky loo's, there for no other purpose than to hear all the gruesome details and listen to her testimony of being raped and humilated just so you can believe justice has been served ....
The alternative is to allow false accusations of rape (or anything else) to be made by a hidden complainant.
When someone died in a road accident do you leave it uncovered so the public can have a good look?
Accidents are cleaned up as quickly as possible; the road will be blocked to traffic if the police need the area clear for evidence gathering, and this is commonly done in the fatal crashes. However, the public is not forbidden to pass by (typically with the road narrowed to one lane) simply because there is an ugly scene.
I shall await your threat ranting about that one .. I won't hold my breath though.
Goddamn those crazy Christians!
Is that what you're looking for?
In all seriousness, I truly am SICK AND TIRED of religious people, whether Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Wiccan, whatever, expecting to get special exemptions from general rules because of peculiar beliefs. American jurisprudence has often interpreted "religious freedom" to mean that Christians (in particular) get all kinds of "special rights" that nobody else would be allowed to get away with (and then Christians have the nerve to use the phrase "special rights" to mean "equal rights" when they don't want to grant simple equality to others).
Yes I do all that wearing a mask and drive and eat in restaurants with my face still covered.

So your adult, educated response is so "how do I know"?
Precisely. I see this unidentifiable humanoid, and I am supposed to trust that this person has been out to eat at a restaurant rather than robbing a bank? It is a general rule that people should let themselves be readily identifiable, a rule that I am not willing to see changed.
but if I say a non-veiled woman went shopping there is no doubt in your mind that that is what she did and didn't just go to rob a bank?
If she just robbed a bank, then witnesses will be able to identify her as the robber.
and the only way you could try to make that point is by missing off a part of comment:

5. If witnesses state that the robbery was commited by someone dressed as a pious female Muslim wearing a veil then the above rules apply, the police can ascertain the identity of women dressed that way in the area.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? I asked you to suppose that the robber put on this disguise AFTER the robbery. People should not be allowed to walk around in disguise, for this reason.
and in airports Jewish men are required to remove their hats to see if anything is inside and I am required to lift my veil to check my identity and have a body search if necessary.

So your point is?
I gave the Sikhs as an example because Sikhs have asked for an exemption, not to have to unwrap their turbans. They can't have that exemption, for the exact same reason that Muslims can't be exempted from removing their niqab in a public rally or on the witness stand or when a policeman wants to check identity. I am opposed to allowing the niqab in public at all, although that is not the current state of American law and is not likely to become so anytime soon.
So find me any forum or blog posts, other than racist nazi type sites, that talk about this prior to 9/11 ... something you posted back then would be even better.
Search engines don't let you sort by the date the item appeared on the web. And forums and blogs are generally ephemeral: I know there were heated discussions about the Muslim practice of veiling on two of the MSN Groups I was active on back in 1999-2001, MiddleEastAbrahamicForum and ChristianDebate, but MSN Groups has been totally deleted.
Aha at last you're getting to the point of the thread ... so now try to prove to me that veiled Muslim women have posed any threat to public safety .. something you have failed miserably to do so far.
A casual search, by no means all-inclusive (I know there were at least a couple cases in Israel which didn't come up here):
Veiled bomber in Somalia
Veiled bombers in Pakistan and Iraq
Veiled criminals
For those of us that choose the veil (Arabs as well as converts) we are not MADE to feel anything, it is something that grows inside you
It only grows inside you if it is planted there.
so the creepiness is not regarding the veil but just about Muslims in general?
Actually, I was talking about the "creepiness" of the veil itself, but:
There is no sense in pretending that my deep feelings against Islam have nothing to do with this. I am more worried about Christians, usually, since there are more of them around me, but I am perfectly aware that Islam is far more dangerous to me. "Moderate" Muslims are as thoughtlessly insulting to me as fundamentalist Christians; fundamentalist Muslims demand my death as openly as the most extremist Christians; extremist Muslims would not be satisfied with anything less than death by gruesome torture.
But the veil in particular arouses both a visceral repulsion, which would not by itself be a justification for restricting it, and concern for my safety, which would; and you can see that these reactions are hardly unique to me. I am rather surprised at your inability to understand where these reactions come from.
Of course what you are talking about is bank robbers in ski masks ... isn't that like saying a horse kicked me so I'm scared of dogs .. they both have 4 legs and a tail EEK!!!
More like: pit bulls have attacked people on the street, so we also insist that leash law apply to German Shepherds too, and I don't care if you tell me that YOUR pet is perfectly well-behaved and wouldn't hurt a mouse, I have no way to tell a good dog from a bad dog and should not have the burden of needing to.
Namaste postmaster,

thank you for the post.

Id say for the amount of muslims that do this, you will find the same amount in all other cultural backgrounds even the majority.

well.. sure.. but the topic seems specific to Muslims, in particular Muslim females that live in Western non-Muslims cultures.


Mw. I just want you to know that Bobx's response is not atypical of an Americans opinion on niqab. I thank God everyday that I live in a country where we have liberty to practice whatever religion however we may. Of course you are going to have bigots and racism.. its like that all over the world. i have no problems with your dress of choice and noone else I know does either. I work with many muslim women that may not choose to wear face coverings but they do wear hadjib.

I think people like bobx are full of hate and I believe people that are full of hate were either abused or are themselves abusers. So please end this conversation with him because allowing him the forum to speak evil is not edifying to anyone of any religion.