Exclusive Bible

I realize you are stuck in the past an relish the good old days...but they (good old days) are gone...and soon so will be the dinosaurs. The future is not for us....it is for the youth.
I can't be stuck in the past, you just have a different out look. Was a simple life really that bad other than having to wash clothes by hand? And as far as women are concerned, most people misunderstand when I use the word feminism. I don't want women to stay barefoot and pregnant. Your socialistic views are your socialistic views. People don't care about the truth. Your kids have more stuff! But is life really better for them. I would say it's so much worse. And I do understand that population growth causes many problems. Are they safer today? no Do they do a better job at raising families? no Yes, maybe I am stuck in the past as you say. I grew up playing in my neighborhood, we did not lock the house, we did not lock the car, we did not lack food or shelter or heat. It was the baby boomer era. Money was flowing. We were hard workers, not feeling entitled. Then came the DINKS, dual income, no kids. then latch key kids, (who needs parents) and so on it goes. I have watched the destruction of families, of cities, of nations all because of selfishness, greed and money. But who cares about any of that - we are "progressing" to become a more educated people. trouble is what are they being taught today, that you can be any gender you decide to be. BTW, I have learned that God leaves mankind to create their own sorrows. I would much rather have struggles in life than riches, since struggles build character, riches only spoil. Just read through any of Solomons writings, especially Ecclesiastes. But you are certainly welcome to your views. Women certainly need the right to k i l l babies.
If G!d wanted women to remain Barefoot and pregnant he wouldn't have invented the washing machine (which gave women the time to revolt and demand equal rights)
Sorry to tell you but God did not create the washing machine. that was James King around the same time as the first wave of the feminist movement started, we are now in our 4th wave of feminism. I always here this "equal rights" thing. There have never been equal rights anywhere in this world. Someone always rules someone else, period.
Jesus was not "in Mark" as such..
Care to expand? The thing is you take the parts of Jesus that suit your drift by disputing the parts of the gospels that don't, imo
If you wish to interpret his sayings as meaning divorce is only for cases of infidelity, that is your prerogative.
That's what he said. In Mark the qualification of infidelity was not even included
For me, it is impractical for a society to have such law.
Can't change what Jesus said, or make it mean something else, imo
The Qur'an is very clear on divorce .. it is undesirable, but sometimes necessary.
It also says a couple cannot change their mind and remarry, unless the woman consummates marriage with another man, who then divorces her. So ...
I grew up playing in my neighborhood, we did not lock the house, we did not lock the car
I still don't. Again, your mind relishes the past...as that is you. You and I are not for today...we are already dead to the world if the world of dead to us. The kids are the future...the new world.is for them.

And yes it is leaps and bounds better than the racist misogynist world we grew up in. Does it have issues? Sure in the US schoolchildren are at risk because of our archaic attachment to weapons of destruction. But it is still better than white only drinking fountains and domestic violence being called disciplining your wife.

Those pictures of lynching and people proudly standing around in support is disgusting....not a life I wish to go back to....and I am a white male.
There's nothing to prevent a couple separating and living separate lives. Its remarriage that is the issue. The vows made before God are till death do us part. I'm not taking sides. But I'm saying it doesn't change because I or you don't like it? Nobody has to get married in church, but if they do, that's what's involved ...
There is no correlation here at all, except in your mind.
"except" .. there are always exceptions .. much like divorce.

Jesus said "it's not what you put into your mouth, but what comes out of it"..
..and people use that as a reason to consume pig-meat.

Did Jesus really mean that?
I think not .. it is all about context.

Jesus did not "cancel the sabbath", because he said it was alright to open a tin of beans. ;)
Jesus did not "cancel the sabbath", because he said it was alright to open a tin of beans
You need to fudge the gospel words of Christ when it comes to diet or divorce, but when it comes to the law, you need to take them as they are -- the ones that suit your drift?

EDIT: Anyway carry on. I know where this whirlpool ends up, lol
There's nothing to prevent a couple separating and living separate lives. Its remarriage that is the issue. The vows made before God are till death do us part. I'm not taking sides. But I'm saying it doesn't change because I or you don't like it? Nobody has to get married in church, but if they do, that's what's involved ...
I understand..

"I, (muhammad_isa), take you (------ ), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

I take that seriously .. but if my wife said that I didn't please her anymore, and she decided that she could
no longer "love and cherish" me, then I would have no alternative than to let her go.

I think "the church" should understand that, and not be so dogmatic.
It's what he said.
Literalism is not for me.
I take scriptures as a whole, and prefer not to single out a verse, in order to
confirm my opinion.
Context is an all important thing.

"It's not what you put into your mouth that defiles you, but what comes out of it"
..so what does that refer to .. vomit?
..no .. some kind of speech, I would say that he was referring to.
Basically, in reply to complaints about hand-washing, he was accusing them of hypocrisy.
Nothing to do with dietary laws at all. They were not sitting down to a meal of pork chops. ;)
Literalism is not for me.
I take scriptures as a whole, and prefer not to single out a verse, in order to
confirm my opinion.
Context is an all important thing.
Ok. What about this one?
For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall in any wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. (Matt 5:18)
..so what does that refer to .. vomit?
..no .. some kind of speech, I would say that he was referring to.
Basically, in reply to complaints about hand-washing, he was accusing them of hypocrisy.
Nothing to do with dietary laws at all. They were not sitting down to a meal of pork chops.
Why don't you just read what Jesus actually said?

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

... Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
(Matt 15:11-20)
Read full chapter
I take that seriously .. but if my wife said that I didn't please her anymore, and she decided that she could
no longer "love and cherish" me, then I would have no alternative than to let her go.
Yes. If she wanted to leave and remarry, that would be her choice, against the vows she took, before God
think "the church" should understand that, and not be so dogmatic.
The church cannot go against the words of Jesus Christ himself. They can turn a blind eye, etc, show compassion and understanding -- but it's not for the church to do what the world wants?
Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.
(John 13:10)
John 10 full chapter
Those pictures of lynching and people proudly standing around in support is disgusting....not a life I wish to go back to....and I am a white male.
I agree with you, but life has always been ugly, no matter what period. Do you think Chicago is very different, looks at the amounts of killings there. And I don't just mean white police killing blacks, I mean black people killing black people. Racism is relatively a new name for hate. Racism happens all over the world, even in black countries. If you believe that we are living in a better place today, maybe you have just forgotten about all the BLM terror that went on in this country just a few years ago and nothing was done about any of it.
Yes. If she wanted to leave and remarry, that would be her choice, against the vows she took, before God
..oh, so now it is her fault that she no longer can love and cherish her husband?
..nothing to do with remarry..
No .. til death us do part, is the ideal that we should strive towards.

It doesn't really matter who is to blame .. if a woman can no longer love her husband for some reason,
it's finito .. done .. end.
you have just forgotten about all the BLM terror that went on in this country just a few years ago and nothing was done about any of it.
Lol...I don't watch Tucker carlson...

I live near DC have friends in Portland Seattle Chicago, Baltimore....

Lol...BLM terror explains your viewpoint to me...you may not be aware of your racist or anti feminist views but they are apparent in your posts.

Of.course you will tell me how wrong I am.
No .. til death us do part, is the ideal that we should strive towards.
It's a vow before God. If a person doesn't want to take the vow, they can marry in court?
..oh, so now it is her fault that she no longer can love and cherish her husband?
..nothing to do with remarry..
Everything to do with it. People are free to separate and go their own ways. It's about marrying another
It doesn't really matter who is to blame .. if a woman can no longer love her husband for some reason,
it's finito .. done .. end.
Yup. Nothing to force people to stay together ...
I'm saying that vows taken in a church marriage before God mean nothing if they don't mean anything

People don't have to take those vows before God