The Nephilim Race

Read the thread and then decide: do you believe in the Nephilim Race?

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Once again I forgot all about my thread and when I finally logged in again I couldn't believe my eyes:eek:!

I have just created a new group on Yahoo called Faith Exloration. Its a bible study group. If anyone wishes to join just PM your e-mail addresses and I'll send you an invite ASAP. We have polls, chat rooms, and PM's. Our current poll question is, "Is 'The War on Terrorism' the best way to handle things now that 9/11 is overwith?

A biento!
p.s. Im taking french classes!:)
Oh and by the way I finished my thesis on the Nephilim! I would like to thank you all for the wonderful information. I made an A+ with a 100% completion.

Thanks again for everything,
Paul James
My personal thought.

The Nephilim are polytheistic Gods of a religion worshiped before the deluge
and the deluge sent them out of bussiness.
The deluge was a war between gods of the flood and nature against the Gods that developed into the christian religion.

I think the angels and the Nephilim are the same.
Half-god halv man, not children of angels and therefore kind of

Becouse I think the angels developed from Zoroastrian gods and that the deluge myth predated that religion.

They then become the Zoroastric evil gods but continued to be worshiped as some of the gods in Hinduism.
I think this becouse of the hostile potrayal these religions contain of the other as well becouse of polary possoded idealogies and culture-historial wars.
Dynamism in the other polar end and order and monolothism in the other.
Azura= Ahura. Diva = Deva.

There are many themes in many religion about how humans are half gods and half men. It's a symbol of personal development. The merging between the devine and the worldy.
Between God, the bestial and the human.

Thats why there were so winged bulls and other winged or hybrid creatures in Mesopotamia. Also that why angels are part human, god and Winged.

Everybody or almost everybody has bit of Nephilim in them.
We are all half animal and half the God that we have within our heart.
Thats the meaning.
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Hello Satanist,

Satanist said:
They then become the Zoroastric evil gods but continued to be worshiped as some of the gods in Hinduism.

Was Hinduism even around at that time?

Satanist said:
Everybody or almost everybody has bit of Nephilim in them.
We are all half animal and half the God that we have within our heart.
Thats the meaning.

I could agree with you on that, but not biologically. You see what is left of the Nephilim are just their spirits that are capable of possesing people and driving them mad, and insane, so to speak. Their spirits work like sin, that is my personal belief. I dont think that we are half animal though. I never really believed in that stuff, but I strongly respect your opinion and mean no offense.

God Bless,
Originally Posted by Satanist
Everybody or almost everybody has bit of Nephilim in them.
We are all half animal and half the God that we have within our heart.
Thats the meaning.

Perhaps, but most of us do not have six fingers on each hand nor six toes on each foot...;) So the outward signs are not that apparent.


Hi all,

between the end of the 17th century and early 1900s archaeologist uncovered this ancient civilization which contained buildings, pyramids called zigurauts (sp), figurines and clay tablets which writing was found.

Sumer is a large area in southern Mesopotamia containing many cities one being the city of UR the birth place of Abram (later known as Abraham).

The Sumerian civilization is credited with over 100 of the things needed for a civilization: agriculture, math, laws, the wheel, religion, astronomy, astrology and writings among others but the Sumerians never took credit for these inventions they said all they know was given to them by the ANUNNAKI (those from heaven to Earth came). In their writing they describe these gods that not only walked among them but were very human like, they ate, they interacted with the Sumerian people, they multiplied by having sex with each other as well as with humans but they were also capable of amazing feats like flying "measuring the Earth" and able to resurrect.

The Sumerians depicted the Anunnaki sometimes with wings but they were never depicted in flight using these wings as if they were just decorative.

Allot of the stories from the Sumerian times are echoed in our holy books, one story is the story of the flood in the Mesopotamian version (Atra Hasis) the god ENLIL was upset with the humans and wanted them to parish in the flood, the god ENKI chose to tell Atra Hasis/Ziusudra/Noah about the flood and to build an ark to survive it. Ziusudra built the ark, survived the flood, opened the hatch and released birds to see if the water had receded enough to show land. After the waters receded and Ziusudra left the ark he cooked a sacrifice and the gods "smelled" the meat and descended ENLIL decided to promise mankind to never try to drown them again.

There are other stories that parallel stories in the bible like the tower of Babel characters in these stories that parallel people in the bible like Moses, Enoch, Cain, Able and most interesting are the Nefilim and Adam & Eve.

The Sumerians had a creation story called the Enuma Elish or the 7 Tablets of Creation where the gods were fussing with each other and climaxed to a great battle. Now the Sumerian were amazing astronomers and mathematicians they were the first to invent the wheel (360 degrees) which is depicted in their art drawings, they knew about all 9 of our planets plus a 10th planet that has a very long orbit a 3600 year orbit and they also with their math system sexegesimal (math that used 6 times 10) that made them able to math very small fractions into the billions and trillions and actually distanced the space between planets.

Hard to believe? their tablets are held in museums all around the world you can see one tablet that they have that maths out 50 years ahead the next lunar eclipse at Jason Martel's website, now how could an ancient civilization have figured out a future position of a round celestial body on a round celestial body in a system of round celestial bodies? They knew!

There's a cylinder seal from a museum in Germany from around 2500 bc that depicts what looks like a solar system with the Sun in the MIDDLE thousands of years before Capornacus (sp), VA/243:

They named some of the celestial bodies with the names of their gods: Apsu (Sun) Mummu (Mercury) Lahamu (Venus) Kingu (The Moon) Lahmu (Mars) Kishar (Jupiter) Anshar (Saturn) Anu (Uranus) Ea (Neptune) Gaga (Pluto) and this extra body called Marduk in Babylonian times in Sumerian NIBIRU (celestial body of the crossing). In the story Apsu and Tiamat created the other gods, the other gods robbed Apsu of his creative powers and Tiamat was looking for revenge with nobody willing to fight Tiamat the other gods recruited an outsider to come in and take up the fight.

The story seems to give a very detailed explanation of how our solar system was formed as well as how the Earth came to be, how it is today. NIBIRU was pulled into the solar system from the outside in to fight Tiamat, on the first pass cracked Tiamat in half killing her, on the second pass crashing into one half of Tiamat creating the Hammered out Bracelet the biblical Firmament/Heaven pushing the other half into another orbit which become the Earth.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the Firmament Heaven. And the evening and morning were the second day. Gen 1:6-8

Sounds crazy but lets look at both halves of Tiamat, in the Old Testament this battle is echoed, biblical scholars now recognize and admit that the Hebrew word Tohem-Raba (great watery deep, watery monster, watery crocodile in some translations of the Old Testament) was translated through time from the word Tiamat (great watery celestial body or planet). Passages concerning the epic battle in the heavens: Isaiah 51:9-10 and Psalms 74:13.

Once NIBIRU smashed one half of Tiamat into pieces it became our asteroid belt (the Sumerian's hammered out bracelet) between Mars and Jupiter where scientists have said with the positions of the other planets should be one but there is the asteroid belt. So how could the other half become the Earth? After time a large spinning object in the vacuum of space will eventually become round again, it's explained in the Bible:

Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry [land] appear"; and it was so.

And God called the dry [land] Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. and God saw that [it was] good. Genesis 1:9-10

Science backs this up with Pangaea (when all the continents were in one place). Why would a giant sphere do this? If you took all the water off of Earth it would be far from a perfect sphere with the Pacific Ocean's basin being a very large gash into the Earth. The Sumerian explanation puts it into context.

The Enuma Elish on the 6th tablet with the creation of man (same as the sixth day in Genesis) and the 7th tablet as celebration (rest?).

The Anunnaki told the Sumerians that they were the 7th member of 12, counting inward from the outside of our solar system Earth would be the 7th, hence the lucky number seven and seven days of the week but 12 has kept in line ever since:

12 Ruling gods of the Anunnaki
12 Olympic gods
12 Tribes of Israel
12 Disciples of Jesus
12 Months of the Year
12 Hours in a day
12 Hours in a night
12 Members of a Jury
12 In a dozen
12 Inches in a foot

and I'm sure there are others. As their sexigesimal system of math has stayed with us (6 times 10) as in with our clocks 60 seconds for a minute and 60 minutes for an hour so naturally their "amazing" stories would also.

So I beg the question how out of nowhere does one of the first civilization know all this this fast and they give all the credit to their gods they call the ANUNNAKI that walked talked with them and could fly? Could they have been real?

Something happened in the days of Abraham! I personally see righteousness in most if not all religions at their root in the sense of seeking to live right and walking a righteous path and our holy books have helped religions to a certain extent but it seems people have overlooked the historic physical aspect of these documents with the Hebrew Torah being the oldest "modern" holy book and their Sumerian roots that are the oldest known to man.

There are talks about a type of extraordinary beings in the Old Testament: the Nefilim (Giants in some translations) who are related to the Anak who have came about from the mating of "Angels" and humans.

In the Sumerian stories there were these beings that came to Earth in search of precious metals so they started to mine and their main area to mine was in the Apsu, in southern Africa you'll find ancient extinct mines and ever wondered why Gold became man's first precious metal, that's what they mined for first and mostly. The workers of the mines were called the IGIGI they toiled in these mines for 40 sars (a sar being 3600 yrs a complete orbit of NIBIRU) 40 sars being 144,000 yrs till they mutinied against their bosses cause of their hardships.

This uprising caused the ANUNNAKI to come up with a way to continue to mine for the metals, ENKI proposed creating a worker but the other 'naki didn't like the idea of creating a new being to do the mining. Enki then stated that this being already exists all they would have to do is "bind" to it the "image" of the gods and create a LULU (mixed worker).

Gen 1-26 And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness...
The plurality is right there.

But to get a good foothold on what the Old Testament is truly saying you have to go back to the oldest version to start with then back to material that influenced it. The oldest version of the Bible of course is the Hebrew Torah, there are allot of words that have not been translated as it should have been. One example is Nefilim being translated as Giants when in fact Nefilim in Hebrew means "those from heaven to earth fell" i.e. "The Fallen Ones".

But there are others that are partly right like "Elohim" which in Hebrew is "Gods" plural ("Eloah & El" being it's Hebrew singular form"), but in the English translations it is translated as "God". Biblical scholars have said although it's true that the Hebrew word Elohim is plural there are places where it is read to be singular, which anyone can tell by reading a sentence to figure out if a noun should be plural or singular. But it should be understood that the Hebrew scholars not only realize that the word Elohim from it's root is a plural word but that they also see that there are places in the Bible that should be read as plural.

Then Gen 6:4 could be read as such: And the Gods said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness.....

AGAIN on SUMERIAN TABLETS ENKI created these beings with the help of Ninmah a female 'naki, ancient Sumerian poems hint at what could be interpreted as genetic trial and error:

Finally a male baby was born they called it the Adamu (from the red soiled earth) but their was a physical difference between this baby and the 'naki, it's male hood had a foreskin so they decided to cut the extra skin and with the drop of blood they squeezed out the creation was complete ending up as a ceremony of future times, circumcision.

It is said that ENLIL the head of the Anunnaki on Earth was upset with the creation of these workers but then once more workers were created to help work the mines Enlil wanted his own workers to toil in the Garden of EDIN, no lie in Sumerian tablets there is a garden called EDIN "abode of the righteous ones".

Before Enlil decided he wanted some workers Enki was struggling with creating more workers because as with the mule which is a hybrid itself the Adamu wasn't able to procreate by itself so Enki is said to have given Adamu "knowledge" so to be able to multiply and create more Adapas (basically from the red soiled earth upgrade).

In the bible "knowledge" was used to denote procreation:

Gen 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain......
Gen 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived and bare Enoch........

Enlil took workers to EDIN and found that these LULUs were able to procreate so he kicked them out. Which is why in Genesis there seems to be more than one entity involved in the kicking out of Adam and Eve:

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: Gen 3:22

Time goes on and some of the male Anunnaki started to procreate with human women (Nefilim) and babies started to pop up everwhere which angers ENLIL which leads to The Great Flood.

In the physical sense the Sumerian stories are not that far from the stories of our modern holy books but the main thing is if these ancient books pull from their Sumerian elder texts then it looks like it's talking about multiple flesh and blood deities.

In Sumerian drawings they have found the earliest depictions of the Zodiac signs, the Zodiac is mostley associated with astrology today within our 12 month year and are depicted as signs in the sky as the constilations.

The Zodiac constilations are also a natural clock for when the Earth's axis completes a full circle (Procession), it takes around 26000 years to complete one cycle. The rising of the Sun into each constilations indicate what great age they were in (we are currently coming to the end of the Great Age of Pisces), it takes an average of 2160 years to go through each sign completing just 1% every 72 years

The Sumerian, Akkadian, Assarian, Babylonian gods the ANUNNAKI looks like they used this natural clock (Procession) as when rulership changed hands,
the Babylonian Marduk (the Egyptian Ra and one of Enki's sons) felt his time to riegn had come which was at the beggining of the great age of Aries.

Marduk/Ra who was identified with the planet Mars, and thus the astrological sign of Aries, had assumed he would be in charge during the Age of Aries but was denied by the other Anunnaki. Marduk/Ra started to take over a spaceport in the Sinai Penninsula, a character closely resembling Abraham was as it sounds like in ancient text a military head to defend the spaceport from the hands of Marduk/Ra.

When it looked like Marduk's army was close to controling the spaceport PER ANCIENT TEXT heads of the Anunnaki decided to use "the forbiden weapons" to destroy it (Sodam & Gommorah). Then back in Sumer there are tablets talking about an "Evil Wind" that covered the sky choked and killed all inhabitants and their livestocks making the area barren (Nuclear Fallout?).

There is an area in the Sinai Penn that's covered with burnt pebbles that geologist have said could have only come from a volcanic eruption but when reminded that the Sinai have no volcanoes they shrug their shoulders, scientists also recorded readings of trace elements of U-235 only found involving a Nuclear type explosion.

Babylon which was Marduk/Ra's city which was just north of Sumer was spared and was looked at by the Anunnaki as an omen of Marduk/Ra's time to rule. Cairo was in the ancient language the name for Mars.

Continue on next post.
Babylon is where the ancient Hebrews were held captive leaving around the end of the age of Aries when it looks like the Anunnaki left Earth, around the same time the Torah (Old Testament) was first written down and amazing stories of ancient battles with Nefilim; Goliath being the most famous for his battle with David, starting the Davidic dynasty and the three major religions of the modern day (Goliath and other "Giants" possibly left behind 'naki?).

ANUNNAKI "Those from Heaven to Earth came" NEFILIM "Those from Heaven to Earth fell" or "The Fallen Ones"

Sorry for the long post.

What do you guys think?

The Sumerians certainly are credited with a proper place in the history of human development, and although there are interesting postulations within the Niburu hypothesis - the actual hypothesis very much seems to be intellectual junk that has no supporting record, and instead appears to be a haphazard collection of ideas formed without any real regard for scientific justification - yet dresses itself up as scientific fact.

Here's a somwhat critical link, but which has further references:

Please note that I would be grateful if we could keep this thread focussed on theological discussion of the Nephilim, rather than coverage of sensationalist tracts.
My apologies, it was just hard to not only equate the Nephilim with the Anunnaki or that the origin of all major religions of today are rooted from a possible Physical ancient intervention of extraterrestrials if not just the possibility of "Aliens" by itself without pulling all that I see as evidence together.

It's very understandable for people to point right to Sitchin for his Cueniform script interpretations and Sitchin in general because Sitchin was the person to really give the Ancient Astronaut possibility into a theory.

Ofcourse nobody is gonna be 100% right 100% of the time but I do see truth in the fact that if one scholar translates a sentence of an ancient tablet of an ancient language that scholar probably will not be that different from other scholars' transtations but as time goes by and the rest of that tablet is translated and an understanding of the topic of it is clearly understood that first translated sentence will probably be refined to make sense with the rest of the tablet.

Add to that stepping further back to how the evolution of human civilization as a whole has evolved then that tablet becomes even more understood and it would depend on how far back does that interpreter steps back and that could differentiate the translations greatly from just a local flood to a hemispheric flood when just the existence of flood stories from around the world are taken into consideration.

The Nefilim looks to have had an important role before and after the flood from mating with humans to being defeated in battle giving rise to the Davidic dynasty, I've enjoyed reading the posts so far and look forward to reading future posts from members.

I read the 12th Planet as a child and that is where that stuff remains. Just because the ancients thought the planets were gods doesn't mean they were aliens.
Nogodnomasters said:
I read the 12th Planet as a child and that is where that stuff remains. Just because the ancients thought the planets were gods doesn't mean they were aliens.

Ok, well just the fact that they knew in 2500 bc that there were planets beyond Saturn in the first place, knew the color of Uranus MASH.SIG "bright greenish" (not found till 1781 and first seen in color in 1986) and discribed Neptune as KAKKAB SHANAMMA "Planet which is the double" of Uranus (found in 1846 first seen up close by Voyager 2 in 1989). Uranus being described first since coming from the outside of the solar system inward Uranus would be the first of the two planets encountered.

Heck if you want to ignore that the Sumerians knew we were on a spherical world, that alone should have people thinking. There is plenty of information out there that point to ancient astronauts not just Sitchin but hey, it would be a start to reread The 12th Planet if you want but he does have other books in his Earth Chronicles.

I wasn't even a thought when the 12th Planet came out but maybe my parents read it to me while I was in the womb. lol.

The trouble with a lot of the "astronaut" theories attributed to the Sumerians is that they seem to be very widely interpreted from otherwise inoccuous sources - ie, that the translation of the specifics being argued are very forced and not accepted by people outside of Sitchin's arguments. People who have made academic study of the Sumerians do not appear to support the translations being offered.

But, as before, I really don't want to see this turn into a Niburu thread (or Dogon, Daniken, etc etc) because Sitchin is a very small part of a much wider and more interesting puzzle. We've made reference, but ideally we need to get back to referencing Enoch and related writings for discussion of the Nephilim.
Ok, how do people see Gilgamesh being named in the Book of Giants of the Dead Sea Scrols as one of the Nephilim related to ancient times?

Noone knows that Enoch mentions Gilgamesh as one of the Nephilim?

All but one of Enoch's writtings were found among the Scrolls but also to the scholars' surprise an addition to his writtings were found "The Book of Giants" or "The Book of The Nephilim" where Enoch describes that 200 Nephilim came down and one was Gilgamesh.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh looks for his great-grandfather Utnapishtim/Noah because he found out he was "part divine" and Gilgamesh felt he shouldn't have to die a mortal's death, so he asks Utnapishtim/Noah how he could become immortal like him.

OtownPR said:
Noone knows that Enoch mentions Gilgamesh as one of the Nephilim?

All but one of Enoch's writtings were found among the Scrolls but also to the scholars' surprise an addition to his writtings were found "The Book of Giants" or "The Book of The Nephilim" where Enoch describes that 200 Nephilim came down and one was Gilgamesh.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh looks for his great-grandfather Utnapishtim/Noah because he found out he was "part divine" and Gilgamesh felt he shouldn't have to die a mortal's death, so he asks Utnapishtim/Noah how he could become immortal like him.


Noah was immortal:eek:!? I thought he was just another human being who lived a good life in a world between life and death (heaven and hell).

God Bless
Paul James said:
Noah was immortal:eek:!? I thought he was just another human being who lived a good life in a world between life and death (heaven and hell).

God Bless

Unless readers here are discounting biblical history (which would be an oxymoron), the following is accurate: Genesis 9:29
And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years:
and he died.

Not much immortal about that...


Of course living 950 years is very normal. What was Gilgamesh thinking? Immortality is only if you live,,, Forever?

Earlier stories of a person being told to build an ark to survive a flood involved multiple deities, one causing/knowing of an impeading flood and another that told the person to build the ark.

The point is does it make sense to look at earlier writtings that parellel later writtings which would be closer (relativly speaking I guess I should express) to the event that they have written about.

I thought I was doing that as I, Brian has said would bring this topic back on track by mentioning Enoch's DSS writtings but I hope it's ok for me to have gone into a little history of the flood story which I believe involved the Nephilim.

OtownPR said:
Of course living 950 years is very normal. What was Gilgamesh thinking? Immortality is only if you live,,, Forever?

Earlier stories of a person being told to build an ark to survive a flood involved multiple deities, one causing/knowing of an impeading flood and another that told the person to build the ark.

The point is does it make sense to look at earlier writtings that parellel later writtings which would be closer (relativly speaking I guess I should express) to the event that they have written about.

I thought I was doing that as I, Brian has said would bring this topic back on track by mentioning Enoch's DSS writtings but I hope it's ok for me to have gone into a little history of the flood story which I believe involved the Nephilim.


The flood story does NOT appear in the original Gilgamish epic, it was added at a later date. Gilgamish simply builds a stele to ensure his immortality.

Thus Gilgamish's relationship to any flood and Nephilim was most likely manufactured by ancient authors.