The Nephilim Race

Read the thread and then decide: do you believe in the Nephilim Race?

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Nogodnomasters said:
The flood story does NOT appear in the original Gilgamish epic, it was added at a later date. Gilgamish simply builds a stele to ensure his immortality.

Thus Gilgamish's relationship to any flood and Nephilim was most likely manufactured by ancient authors.

The Epic of Gilgamesh consist of twelve tablets, the 12th being the tablet that scholars believe was added later because in the first 11 tablets a character name Enkidu dies and in the 12th he's alive again. Scholars think the 12th tablet was a sequel to the first 11 tablet story, Utnipishtim explains the events of the flood to Gilgamesh in tablet 11.

If you have a link or author that expresses a different viewpoint of the Epic of Gilgamesh please post it I would love to read it.

The whole issue with Gilgamesh is that he found out he was of "divine" blood, in ancient Mesopotamia that would have been the Anunnaki (those from Heaven to Earth came) who mated with Humans, for the Greeks that would have been the Olympic gods which also said to have mated with humans down the line to the Hebrew Torah which have the Nephilim (those from Heaven to Earth fell) or as popularly known as The Fallen Ones as who mated with humans.

The Sumerian depicted the Anunnaki allot of the times with wings, evolving through time to become the flying angels of the Bible. But the Sumerians never depicted them in flight with their wings being used for flight more like a decoration or rank identification sort of like how a military would clip wings on a soldier.

OtownPR said:
The Epic of Gilgamesh consist of twelve tablets, the 12th being the tablet that scholars believe was added later because in the first 11 tablets a character name Enkidu dies and in the 12th he's alive again. Scholars think the 12th tablet was a sequel to the first 11 tablet story, Utnipishtim explains the events of the flood to Gilgamesh in tablet 11.

If you have a link or author that expresses a different viewpoint of the Epic of Gilgamesh please post it I would love to read it.

The whole issue with Gilgamesh is that he found out he was of "divine" blood, in ancient Mesopotamia that would have been the Anunnaki (those from Heaven to Earth came) who mated with Humans, for the Greeks that would have been the Olympic gods which also said to have mated with humans down the line to the Hebrew Torah which have the Nephilim (those from Heaven to Earth fell) or as popularly known as The Fallen Ones as who mated with humans.

The Sumerian depicted the Anunnaki allot of the times with wings, evolving through time to become the flying angels of the Bible. But the Sumerians never depicted them in flight with their wings being used for flight more like a decoration or rank identification sort of like how a military would clip wings on a soldier.


There was far more added to the story than just the 12th tablet. See the "Evolution of the Gilgamish Epic" by Jeffry Tigay. This is a respected scholarly work on the topic. The flood story existed as early as 1400 BCE, but was not in the 2200 BCE version of the tale.
Nogodnomasters said:
There was far more added to the story than just the 12th tablet. See the "Evolution of the Gilgamish Epic" by Jeffry Tigay. This is a respected scholarly work on the topic. The flood story existed as early as 1400 BCE, but was not in the 2200 BCE version of the tale.

Oh, I thought you were talking about an AD addition conspiracy. Well with the Akkadian AtraHasis (written no later than 1700bc) at least 1400bc for the Gilgamesh Epic sounds possible, either way if we are argueing about flood accounts before the bible there are a couple of sources that point to the root being in Sumer; 1) Late Sumerian Akkadian AtraHasis 2) The Eridu Genesis (Ziusudra) plus the Sumerian Kingslist where Kingship was first lowered down from Heaven and then Kingship was lowered again after "The Flood".

If we are still talking about connecting the Dead Sea Scroll text with more ancient sources it's right there in the DSS, Enoch identifies Gilgamesh as one of the Nephilim in Aramiac predating the Ethiopic texts thus connecting them not only to the biblical writings but also to more ancient days:

Gilgamesh in his Epic says he was part "Divine", farther back Gilgamesh is listed in the Sumerian Kingslist.

It's all there in front we just have to accept the connections.

A bit more info The nephili were real and flourished in turkey in biblical times they were thought to be extinct but repopulated the last nephili was destroyed in turkey and burried in early 300 bc or so
Sean said:
A bit more info The nephili were real and flourished in turkey in biblical times they were thought to be extinct but repopulated the last nephili was destroyed in turkey and burried in early 300 bc or so

Now that kind of information I would very much like to see! That would be fantastic!


Sean said:
A bit more info The nephili were real and flourished in turkey in biblical times they were thought to be extinct but repopulated the last nephili was destroyed in turkey and burried in early 300 bc or so

300 B.C.????:confused: Thats interesting. I thought they were LONG dead before that. So tell me, how exactly were they destroyed?:cool:

YW. It is easy to get lost around This is one big forum. And wanted to say when Father and Jesus created you you are the blessing. Sort of like gifts also, we dont have them we are them according to His purpose. And vast it is...

Smiles !
I dont know if any of this has been discussed in this forum yet but I wanted to add a bit to it since its been an interest of mine for awhile.

I believe that introducing foreign DNA into the human race was to mess up Gods plans for the Messiah who was to come from a pure blood line. I also think its interesting that the world was destroyed by the flood and the only left alive were Noah and his family

Gen 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.

What does this mean? perfect in his generations.. I think it could mean uncorrupted or pure bloodlines (DNA) which would explain Gods decision to destroy His creation...

Even more interesting to ponder is Jesus saying

"But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."

With all of our technilogical advancements in the past 2k years.. how possible would it be to once again introduce foreign DNA to perhaps create the complete antithesis to Christ.. making of the Antichrist.

Something else that Ive thought about.. Christians are always asked how could we love a God that commanded innocents to be killed in the OT.. whole villages of people destroyed men women and children. Men commanded to not take wives from certain areas...

If they were tainted by foreign DNA... Not human. puts a different light on it for me anyways.
Hi Folks,

Just read the thread through and would like to offer a few words concerning mostly the early posts.

Firstly DNA profiling has pretty conclusively proved that Neanderthals and modern humans were sufficiently diverged as to be unable to breed. See link:

Next, skeletal remains from all cultures/ geographical areas over the past 25,000 years show a wide variety of hights from 1.45m to 2m. the idea that only us 'very modern' humans were tall is pure myth, and a bit egotistical, (thats coming from me who's 6'1"). Anthropological evidence supports the theory that peoples living in deep forests or mountainous regions are genraly short and squater. Peoples living in deserts or savanah are genraly taller and slimmer.
I am unable to find it at the moment but I have read that several skeletons found in a tomb in Iran and around 5000yrs old and all over 1.85m tall, tallest was a shade under 2m, were geneticly tested and all found to have the genes for the condition know as Giantism. This fairly common genetic disorder causes overproduction of growth hormone in the pituitry gland. In isolated communities or under the influence of incestuous practices this disorder could conceivably produce a trend toward giantism. Outsiders averaging a foot or so less than such 'giants' would to my mind find it pretty easy to start making up stories about them.

As for the Flores Hobbits, the dwarf species of humans discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores 2 years or so ago the jury is still out. The skull that was found seems to have several anomalies that suggest the individual was a pygmy suffering a disease such as microcephaly. So there is still an ongoing, and rather heated, debate as to whether or not the Hobbits were indeed a separate species.

All in all the story thats been built here, cobbled together from a line here and a line there is nothing more than a myth built around a few tall folks. The tallest guy I ever personaly knew was 7'1", exactly a foot taller than me. He worked for a short time in a kitchen I once worked in and his hight was a real handicap to him. I went for a drink with him a few times and the way people stared or reacted to him leaves me in no doubt that wariness and fear are prelevant reactions. How much more so in the small towns and villages of the old biblical regions?


Didn't some archeologists find remains of a neanderthal with a human child in it? I saw that once in a history movie we were watching in world history class. And as for making up stories about them being giants I would like to state that it is in the Bible in which the Nephilim were described as giants. So no make-ups here. US Congress 2005 concluded that any textual evidense brought forth from Biblical research is ethical and reasonable. And it is also one of the best resources of historical evidense of biblical times that man has ever known. The nephilim did exist in biblical times so therefor before anyone tends to make a counter-argument against the biblical evidense I would like to say that the bible is an acceptionable source, especially for a discussion as this.

Hi there,

Sorry PJ I do not share your veiws on this matter, and I wonder if it might help you to look for a rational explanation before invoking such spurious ideas??

Paul James said:
US Congress 2005 concluded that any textual evidense brought forth from Biblical research is ethical and reasonable.


Now I did'nt know that.....and that is very scary.


Tao_Equus said:
Outsiders averaging a foot or so less than such 'giants' would to my mind find it pretty easy to start making up stories about them.

I am so glad someone else out there had the nerve to say it. I was feeling kinda lonely.
Paul James said:
...The nephilim did exist in biblical times so therefor before anyone tends to make a counter-argument against the biblical evidense I would like to say that the bible is an acceptionable source, especially for a discussion as this.


The Bible is indeed an acceptional source. What Christians call "The Old Testament" is among the greatest pieces of our world historical puzzle.

I happen to think that the US Congress concluding on any textual evidence regarding the Bible is scary as well, especially since the US has an Establishment Clause. But that is a political conversation.
truthseeker said:
I am so glad someone else out there had the nerve to say it. I was feeling kinda lonely.

;) The bigger they are, the harder they fall...(so true).


In the story of Jacob, he fought all night with an "Angel" of the Lord (grappled or wrestled)...and for the entire night he held his own, one against "one". As morning came, the "Angel" cheated, and dislocated Jacobs thigh bone. Now, I understand wrestling, if you do not, and I will tell you it is very difficult to keep from being beaten by a "superior" opponent, with all of your faculties and physical attributes in tact, for six minutes...let alone six hours, and then losing a leg (and dealing with the pain of a dislocation), as an afterthought...

In this case, the superior opponent was Jacob. Unlike the "Angel" who had nothing to lose, Jacob had everything to lose, if he gave up.

Even though the Angel had greater stamina, and strength, Jacob had a force of will, desire, and hope, that the Angel could not overcome. Indominatable will, before all odds. The Angel proved he could destroy Jacob, but Jacob proved he would not be defeated. He would not quit. God promised Jacob something, and Jacob was holding God to that promise, so did his part to be assured of that promise.

Like today, people suffer great indignities, and harsh environs, but God promised us something, so we hold God to that promise by doing our part. We trust in God, and try to be what He wants us to be like. That is what gives us our superiorety over greater opponents. That is why we are stronger than "Angels" both good and bad.

The Nephilim are not gone, they are the powers and principalities of the "air" that wage battle over us constantly. And the battle is for us Humans. We are the "prize" for the victor...

my thoughts

