The Nephilim Race

Read the thread and then decide: do you believe in the Nephilim Race?

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China Cat Sunflower said:
Well, I'm not sure how to respond without writing an epic tome! I personally see the Fall of man as a necessary step toward emancipation as conscious human beings. There is a sequence of seperations apparent in the Genesis myth. God divides himself in order to attain duality so he (it/she) can create. One part stays at home and remains the Alpha and Omega, the motionless essence (or whatever). The other part is the Creator (demiurge?). The Creator creates by seperating things. The dry ground appears after it is seperated from the firmament...etc. (I don't want to bore you). But in a state of duality there needs to be an oppositional force. Satan! Satan talks Eve into eating the fruit, which she must in order to attain Mind. Eve shares with Adam.

But on a lower level, Satan represents the terrestrial opposition that makes electricity possible. Now, the sawing of sinews upon bone in our bodies, as well as all the activities we perform during our daily period of wakefulness generate electricity. We need electricity within us to make our nerves do their job, not to mention our brains. But electricity kills us slowly. that's what causes us to age and die. That's why we need to sleep: to let the excess electrical charge wear off. So you can see how the wages of "sin", through Satan is death.

Enough for now.

Oh wow! Spoken like a longtime student of esotericism! :D If you told me you had been studying Alice Bailey and H.P. Blavatsky all your life, I'd believe you! ;) The part about electricity, especially, piques my interest. Speaking of that need to sleep, however ... lol I may hafta make this one a double-header!


Hi Chris,

But on a lower level, Satan represents the terrestrial opposition that makes electricity possible. Now, the sawing of sinews upon bone in our bodies, as well as all the activities we perform during our daily period of wakefulness generate electricity. We need electricity within us to make our nerves do their job, not to mention our brains. But electricity kills us slowly. that's what causes us to age and die. That's why we need to sleep: to let the excess electrical charge wear off. So you can see how the wages of "sin", through Satan is death.

This is an interesting notion, that the electrical activity in our bodies is in the long term harmful to us. I would be interested to know from where you got this idea. Personaly I have long believed that it was the effects of that horribly corrosive gas, oxygen, that was responsible for most of the ageing effects. I am always willing to learn tho :)


Electro-chemical reactions are what energize the body. There are relatively fewer going on when one is sleeping as opposed to when one is awake. I believe that's what Chris was driving at.
When oxygen if burned inside of our bodies free radicals are released which are destructive to our cells. Again, rest and sleep abates this activity somewhat, as can the proper foods, vitamins, minerals, and certain biochemically active herbs.

I do believe they did exsist. Today I feel that their ancestors walk among us in one form or another. I alos feel that their blood line is in full force.

Not to point the finger, but look at the size of some of the athletes today, could they have nephilim blood in thier veins? Take the b-ball player shaq....If you ever get to meet him in person, you may feel like David standing next to Goliath. Trust me on this. He is a very large man. Thats just one of the things I'v observed.

The other is the mentalists that walk around and perform for people. I watched an episode of "ELLEN" the other day an this mentalists was on there and he did some amazing things...No trick photography....He made a pencil stand up in "QUEEN LATIFAH's hand...Could he have Nephilim blood in his veins?

Any thoughts?
As response to 'flowperson' it also mention the early people in the bible to live up hundred of years.
Paul James said:
There are many questions about the Nephilim race. I too have many to ask. First I'll start by giving a briefing or run down of the Nephilim.

Genesis 6:4 states that the Nephilim were on the earth around the time of Noah (but before the flood) and fallen-angels came down to the women to have offspring, thus creating the Nephilim. They were brutal monsters and were renowned for their sins. Upon devouring all of man kinds resources they began to consume humans. A Nephilim is hybrid offspring created by the sexual union of human and angel.

Now my major question is: what are the Nephilim now? Some say that they went on to be aliens and some say that they are now the evil spirits and demons that commonly poses people and drive them mad.

You know, Goliath was concidered to be a decendant of the Nephilim himself. That really blew my mind because if they ate humans why would he help the army that he was with. True, Goliath was after Noah and the flood and the flood should erased the race for good. But apparently another sect of fallen angels came to earth and created the race again.

Let know any new things about the Nephilim or something that I didn't know. I'm writing a thesis on it. I would be glad to credit someone.

Paul J.:)
the hybrid offspring, the nephilim ,died in the flood. but the angels that mated with the good looking women on earth , had the ability to go back to heaven , but they were not in Gods good books any longer , in fact they are out casts because they should not have come down to the earth and mated with humans.
Certainly if God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them into Tar´ta·rus, delivered them to pits of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment ....2 peter 2;4
And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day. ..Jude 1;6
Tartarus is a condition rather than a particular location,
The dense darkness similarly is not literally a lack of light but results from their being cut off from illumination by God as renegades and outcasts from his family, with only a dark outlook as to their eternal destiny.
Some (not myself) say that the nephilim became aliens. But i wonder if they are the 'monsters' that we see today fro example the Yeti, Bigfoot or the Lochness monster? I don't personally believe this but, if it interests you.
Azure24 said:
Some (not myself) say that the nephilim became aliens. But i wonder if they are the 'monsters' that we see today fro example the Yeti, Bigfoot or the Lochness monster? I don't personally believe this but, if it interests you.
yes ,people have their own ideas but i like to stick to the bible. as i think it leads to accurate knowledge about a lot of things;)
Yes indeed those who fell from the skies missing link china our DNA cannot be matched with those of our closest relatives the apes there are links missing why cause maybe it's off planetperhaps beings found this place & bread with apes thus creating humanoids, but if this is true then the bible is a fable & religion was created by those with power in order to keep us on our knees, kind of why out perhaps these space monkeys would come back one day, if that should happen well I guess it will end racism cause we will stand together & protect our being as one world but alas this is new world order talk & I guess people would say I am the anitchrist but a one world state is not such a bad idea cause certain monkeys just can't run their country's okay & well perhaps people should get paid for what they do world wide imagine no rich no poor if you are a dock in India you earn the same as one in the states this would give the rest of the lazy space monkey's incentive to learn & those who are a bit lazy would earn there keep & those who do not want to work will eventually get culled cause they won't be able to buy food & if one looks at impala bucks the weak gets thrown out it's survival of the fittest & crime well no more cause they would also get culled, think about it it's logical...
Azure24 said:
Some (not myself) say that the nephilim became aliens. But i wonder if they are the 'monsters' that we see today fro example the Yeti, Bigfoot or the Lochness monster? I don't personally believe this but, if it interests you.

Yes, I have heard of that theory. But I don't believe that those other monsters re related to the Nephilim. In some of my searches I have found sites that talk about the Nephilim being related to aliens or became aliens. But all of that can be inter-universal. (multi-verse theory)
perhaps this discusion is over, and yet, I missed out....bummer.

I am brand new, this being my very first post, so forgive me for adding if it is over, but this topic is well imbeded in my mind. I've studied it for about four or five years, and it is a passion of mine.

Why does it sound strange that the hybrids could be pretending to be aliens? These are children of the fallen angels. They are at odds with God, and what is the easiest way for them to accomplish there goal? To deceive.... To simply take the focus off God, and place it anywere would do this very thing. Now people are thinking about life on other planets, and wonder about those related ideas that come with a thought like that. All the while, the focus is redirected away from God, to what the hybrids have presented.

Mission accomplished.

I am convinced that this is not the only path they have chosen for their plan. Yes, I think that these ellusive creatures we have all over the planet have a place in it all. Big Foot, The loc Ness monster, Nessy, and any number of other creatures as well. I dont think they are the nephilium themselves, but, they do play a part, yes.

I dont want to create a long post here, so I'll call that good for now. I'll check back and see if anyone has responded after awhile. Hope I could help.
Nephilim have free will, yes? If so, then not all of them are against God. Also, what they are doing is no worse than TV or food or sleep, since all of those things direct attention away from God. Just out of curiosity, where exactly does one research this subject? As in, bookwise.
moseslmpg said:
Nephilim have free will, yes? If so, then not all of them are against God. Also, what they are doing is no worse than TV or food or sleep, since all of those things direct attention away from God. Just out of curiosity, where exactly does one research this subject? As in, bookwise.
I highly recommend The Secret Doctrine, by H.P. Blavatsky. You can find it online. Volume II, especially, will address this question of the earlier stages/phases of Humanity's evolution. In particular, try these sections:

If you study these three sections, and perhaps consult Wiki and the web for reference material, you will solve the mystery. This is also the answer to science's "missing link" - which isn't really missing at all! ;)

Pay especial attention to the second link, and the bottom half (stanza 32). Skip to this, if you want to see the brass tacks.


Well, I was kind of asking Lot, to see where his perspective was from, but as usual the links and stuff are much appreciated. :D
Well, I started with the Bible, and of coures it is very thin on the subject. I cannot recall how I came across the book of Enoch, but it was the first source I came across. This book is a marvel to me, and a must for any studying on the subject. Next, I have other writings I have aquired over the years, like the book of jubilies, the apacolypse of moses, and even the books of Adam and Eve. Though the last one doesnt cover much on the subject. I have ordered the book of jasher, but have not received it yet.

The information on the links above look very interesting, and I'll go through tem as well.

The one book I find amusing and informative also is the book of giants, wich was found at quam ran. I've been sick the last couple of days, so I cant consentrate very well right now.
It is a fragmented account of the fears and dreams that the giants were having before the flood. And how they went to Enoch to find answers to their questions.

There are a few foreign epics I have looked over, and of coures all of mythology, in my opinion, reflect the exploits and adventures of the fallen angels and their children.

I hope I answered your question. I'll check back later.:D
OK, I see, you've been using the Apocrypha. I can't really just straight up read full religious books, but I suppose I should learn how soon. You know, you really should look into getting the Other Bible edited by Willis Barnstone. It has Christian Apocrypha, Jewish Pseudepigrapha, Gnostic texts, etc.
This is well written and argued/Debated with some well informed persons.I believe they all have thier pinkies in the frosting.Most have just forgot that there is cake also (That is to say that they have more study).Keep reading people and you will all know what to expect soon.......Hope it does'nt blow your minds to much.
