Abortion, Hitler, the United States, and some big questions.

Indeeeeed! You also spelt Baghadavita correctly. :D

C'mon 17th. You know that BLUE ELEPHANTS remember everything. How could we not spell well ?

Snoop... at least I'd be considerate at church and wear my tuxedo instead of my double breasted suit on Sunday mornings.

Thanx Sara...you're right of course

How do you people even know if and when a woman is pregnant? And furthermore, do you actually believe this materialistic propaganda that life can be explained by mere chemicals?

If a woman who thinks she's pregnant due to some chemical explanation requests an abortion the doctor will remove a cell whether or not she is actually carrying a human life. This is her freedom of choice to determine what these arbitrary chemicals mean.

Other than from a dictionary definition, do you even know what an "embryo" really is? Well, doctors and scientists do because they are the very people to have come up with the concept. Affecting the power of belief is a traditional role in medicine and has been that way since ancient Egypt.

You will never know if a woman who's had an abortion was actually pregnant unless you resort to materialistic explanations of life. You can stare into the abyss attempting to find out or you can accept what God wants you to accept.
"I wonder why it was rehashed" is not a question, but rather a statement, and this illustrates that you were actually making a statement with your comment and disguising it as a question.
"I wonder why it was rehashed" is not a question, but rather a statement, and this illustrates that you were actually making a statement with your comment and disguising it as a question.
No, it was a question, which you answered. Nothing more. Now please begin your explanation.


Adolf Hitler: 6 million people...killed
Stalin: At most 32 million people...killed
Total of 38 million people murdered

The United States has killed over 47 million of its own people through abortion.
It started with Roe v. Wade
And it continues today
They claim it's ethical, to give people the choice. I'm not a politician, I'm not that big on arguing from a political perspective. But let's talk about morality. Give me one moral reason for abortion except for eugenic purposes; the same exact ideals of Hitler and Stalin. What makes this any different? What basis do you have to say this is right, and Hitler is wrong?

I think the problem is that:

1. Are foetuses regarded as people by law?
2. The Hitler and Stalin figures to relate to grown, developed humans, rather than foetuses.

I'm not defending any particular point here, I just think there's a problem making a direct comparison between the two.
