
moseslmpg said:
So, if there is a being that is Hate, it must love things? I was under the impression that God loved everything and everyone at all times... Is this what the sermon was about? Because you were right to give a warning, it scares the bejeezus out of me.

Does Love require hate? Does hate require love?
About the audio though, good! You ought to be scared! You got a glimpse of the True God of the Bible and not the idol you've made up in your head. You should repent and trust in Jesus that you may be saved.
Kindest Regards, all!
wil said:
As I indicated my brother I admire your tenacity and love for G-d. Time heals all wounds, experience is an awesome teacher, walking the walk for a duration will yield new vistas. Enjoy the journey, just be careful you don't burn all the bridges as you may wish you didn't later.
Thank you for this, wil. I would like to second this opinion.
Terrence said:
You have made up a god in your mind. One who is so wicked that he allows law breakers to commit vile acts and lets them go. You call him a god of love, ironically. That is called idolotry and is a violation of the 2nd commandment of the True God. The True God is Love, therefore, he hates things. If you love children, you will hate abortions. If you love goodness, you will hate evil. This is God, He hates anything opposite to His Holy character. He promises that he will not allow the wicked to go unpunished. To display His amazing Love and mercy, He has looked over many sinners and did not treat them the way the should have been treated. Instead, He became a man and lived in the person of the Christ, Jesus, to do namely one thing - To suffer the infinitly holy and righteous wrath that God's nature demanded. God saved sinners from Himself, for Himself, and by Himself. You should repent and trust in Jesus that you may be forgiven.

Duality trap!

Good is not the opposite of evil, not-evil is...
what is not evil? Come on, say it. Here's a clue: It starts with "G" and ends with "ood."
Funny how some people are very good at seeing evil everywhere. You think maybe it's just your heart you feel is evil, and projecting your criticisms from yourself to others? Simply asking.

Seems pretty remarkable that you've come to an interfaith forum, but rather than discussing issues of religion and theology here, you've set yourself up as the judge of all, insistent that everybody else is not simply wrong, but evil, and only you can help save us.

Most people in that mould don't last long here because they get removed. You're a guest of the community, so if I were you I would look to respect the hospitality you've been given, and perhaps even learn something on the site.

This is a community for discussion and learning, and not for arrogant individuals to set themselves up in judgement.

If you simply want to preach that all CR members are evil and only you alone know the TRUTH, then you're on the wrong site, bud. Chill out or move on.
Dude, I couldnt even read all of your stuff because you're lying. I never judged anyone, why are you lying? As a matter of fact, why are you judging me? I've come here and been stright forward with my blogs. I never forced anything on anyone, I just wrote.
Terrence said:
Dude, I couldnt even read all of your stuff because you're lying. I never judged anyone, why are you lying? As a matter of fact, why are you judging me? I've come here and been stright forward with my blogs. I never forced anything on anyone, I just wrote.

That was a serious mistake. You have no authority to call anyone a liar, particularly when your accusations are based on absolutely no evidence.

Frankly Terrence, I do not think CR is the right place for you.

For a Christian, I find the audacity of one to publicly call a "stranger" a liar, frankly astounding! For a Christian to condemn another in such dead terms is not the Christianity I grew up with. Your "judgment" of others has been well noted in your past posts. The irony is that no Christian has the right to judge ANYONE ELSE. God is specific about that. You want a judge? You are creating a whole membership of judges right here.

What happens when we find you lacking?

If we wanted to hear hell fire and brimstone, we could all go to our local ghetto streets. Then we wouldn't have to just hear it, we could see and smell it as well.

DUDE! You are out of line, and not in good keepings with the conduct and traditions of the Army of God.

I know Jesus...I don't know your version of Jesus. I don't care to know your version of Jesus either. I sure as hell wouldn't bow to him...

You owe an apology to Brian. I suggest you give it.
You guys make me sad! Brian will get no appology from me because I didnt say anything wrong. I always call people who lie liars. Brain judged me and lied, so I told him about it. Before you kick me off your site, please consider all that I said. You dont want to be one of those that hears Jesus say "Depart from me, I never knew you."


Oh, by the way, I KNOW. You will not bow to the Jesus of the Bible. And thats the problem dude. Dont you see that? You have a false Jesus, and idol of whom you made up in your mind because you are more comfortable with him than you are with the real God of the Bible. You need to repent. Dont be angry with my words, just think about them.
Jesus loves me, this I know,

for my mother told me so.

Jesus loves me so I go,

and walk the waypath of hell's row.

No man judges my heart. No man commands my will.

I answer only to one. I bend knee only to one.

I love, even when I've lost faith...

I win.
Yes Q, you win and your Jesus does love you. I never disagreed with that. I simply said that your Jesus isnt the God of the Bible. Please do not misunderstand me to be judging you, I am not. I am simply stating the obvious. Question: Do you believe God cares more for you than He does about His glory and name?
Terrence said:
Yes Q, you win and your Jesus does love you. I never disagreed with that. I simply said that your Jesus isnt the God of the Bible. Please do not misunderstand me to be judging you, I am not. I am simply stating the obvious. Question: Do you believe God cares more for you than He does about His glory and name?
Win what? this isn't a contest.

You on the otherhand, have absolutely no authority, on who, what, where or when Jesus is involved.

And I made it quite clear you do not have authority to judge anyone, or anything pertaining to belief in a god, or THE GOD.

You still owe Brian an apology.
I am assured, I'll be in heaven 30 minutes before the devil knows I'm dead How's that for security?
Terrence said:
Yes Q, you win and your Jesus does love you. I never disagreed with that. I simply said that your Jesus isnt the God of the Bible. Please do not misunderstand me to be judging you, I am not. I am simply stating the obvious. Question: Do you believe God cares more for you than He does about His glory and name?
Terrence, dude, I think it would be well in your interest to read Proverbs, and then Ecclesiastes. When you are done with that maybe it would serve well to look at the history and culture of the time when Jesus lived. That is, if you have the courage, the strength, the intestinal fortitude, and the blessing of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When you get done, I think you will see how frivolous your accusations and judgements are.

Besides, before we start accusing "which" Jesus we are following, and which one is the fake, allow me a question. What is Jesus' "real" name? Hint; Jesus, the Son of G-d of the Bible, was not named Jesus. IOW, according to you, those who follow "Jesus" are following a deception...of course, you will come back at me with accusation (again) without researching the facts; but then, I expect that of a person who is brainwashed, deceived, and cannot think for themselves. Suprize me, be bold in the Word and bold in the Spirit, look it up for yourself.
Wait a minute. Terrence is giving you a genuine slice of one of the faces of Christianity. This is real, uncomfortable yes, but real.

juantoo3 said:
Terrence, dude, I think it would be well in your interest to read Proverbs, and then Ecclesiastes. When you are done with that maybe it would serve well to look at the history and culture of the time when Jesus lived. That is, if you have the courage, the strength, the intestinal fortitude, and the blessing of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When you get done, I think you will see how frivolous your accusations and judgements are.

Besides, before we start accusing "which" Jesus we are following, and which one is the fake, allow me a question. What is Jesus' "real" name? Hint; Jesus, the Son of G-d of the Bible, was not named Jesus. IOW, according to you, those who follow "Jesus" are following a deception...of course, you will come back at me with accusation (again) without researching the facts; but then, I expect that of a person who is brainwashed, deceived, and cannot think for themselves. Suprize me, be bold in the Word and bold in the Spirit, look it up for yourself.

Lets see here. You want me to look into culture, language, certian idioms used, scriptural references, etc. In other words, you want me to practice some - catch the theological word here - hermanutics. Right? I'm good dude, I got that covered. In fact, so much so that I can tell you (without getting deep into things) that your understanding is wrong of scripture. There is no difference between the Old and New Testaments. The God of the Old Testament is also the Same immutable God of the NT. Futhermore, the OT is the NT concealed, whereas the NT is the OT revealed. In short, the whole bible talks about one thing - Salvation through the Christ. The OT showed of how God was going to deal with sin and the NT showed how God did it. About Jesus' name, however. What is your point? Did you want to call Him by His Hebrew name (Yesh'ua) or His Greek name (Iesous) or the english eqovolant (Jesus)? Or, would you like to call Him by the name He gave Himself (I am)? Dont get caught up in names, but instead reconize that you are changing God's words. Repent! Dont play with God dude. His wrath is real.
China Cat Sunflower said:
Wait a minute. Terrence is giving you a genuine slice of one of the faces of Christianity. This is real, uncomfortable yes, but real.


Hey whats up. I just wanted you to know that I'm not giving another face of Christianity, but the real thing. This is the Christanity that caused the most loving and tolerable man to be nailed to a cross. This is the same message (a loving one at that) which causes families to break up and wives to leave husbands and mothers to abondon daughters and people being sold into slavery and people perscuted and killed. This isnt "come to Jesus and have a better life." THis is "Count the cost before coming to Christ." This is real. People dont like this stuff though, because people hate God...the real one, I mean.
Terrence said:
Hey whats up. I just wanted you to know that I'm not giving another face of Christianity, but the real thing. This is the Christanity that caused the most loving and tolerable man to be nailed to a cross. This is the same message (a loving one at that) which causes families to break up and wives to leave husbands and mothers to abondon daughters and people being sold into slavery and people perscuted and killed. This isnt "come to Jesus and have a better life." THis is "Count the cost before coming to Christ." This is real. People dont like this stuff though, because people hate God...the real one, I mean.

I know it's real, man. This is what people need to hear: not the sanitized, PC, fuzzy wuzzy version. Preach it Bro! Show the people the real Christianity. Show them the real choice!

China Cat Sunflower said:
Wait a minute. Terrence is giving you a genuine slice of one of the faces of Christianity. This is real, uncomfortable yes, but real.


No sir, not by a long shot. This is rudeness, plane and simple. The only reason you are not reacting is because it is not directed specifically at you. (according to Terrence, you are eternally damned).

I on the other hand will point out the fact that God doesn't make junk.

Which "face" of Christianity would you prefer?