
Re: Warning!!

what does that mean?

i tohught things were not black and white. the problem is people try and seperate things like religion science and psychology, when in one way another they are the same


all conencted by god

all connected as ideas of humans

or both
Re: Warning!!

Terrence said:
Everyone scared? Who's listening?
Of getting a virus in my computer from a hacker site, you're darn tootin'!

Sorry, I don't go to these kind of links as a matter of principle. I haven't got the time to undo the mess too many of them cause. Maybe this one is OK, I don't know, but I've been burned enough in the past that I don't even bother anymore. I don't open about 95% of my email either for the same reason.

So, my point being, if you can't bring a summary of your own in your own words, what's the point? Am I scared of what some link might say...hardly. I've done my own homework thanks. I don't let others do my homework for me. :D
Re: Warning!!

its an interesting sermon, if you want you can read my weak paraphrasing
Re: Warning!!

Kindest Regards, shadowman!
shadowman said:
its an interesting sermon, if you want you can read my weak paraphrasing
I did read, and I guessed it was a bit of paraphrase of the sermon. If only Terrence had done the same to begin with, keeping in mind the copyright laws (giving credit where credit is due).

So, if I may presume the paraphrase posted is anywhere near to what this sermon preaches, I have some serious doctrinal issues with it. Beginning with it saying that infants are born sinful...we have already discussed that at length. Even though I may or may not be correct in particulars, it is pretty evident *by scripture* that infants are born innocent, therefore this "teacher" who teaches incorrectly needs to go back to school. Either that, or face the special judgement reserved specifically for those who teach G-d's children incorrectly.

I am guessing this has nothing to do with you, shadowman, so please do not take what I have said here to heart concerning yourself. Perhaps it is wrong of me, but I am using your post as an opportunity to critique the paraphrase.
Re: Warning!!

Actually, I think this thread is not furthering discussion on Christianity. It is only causing anger...So. closed.
the sermon was supposed to be uncomfortable, the pastor said. i thoughtit was very thought provoking. anyway
Re: please unlock warning sermon

Do you love God yet bro, or are you content still with having things done your own way without any regard to bowing to your Creator's commandments?
Re: please unlock warning sermon

Terrence said:
Do you love God yet bro, or are you content still with having things done your own way without any regard to bowing to your Creator's commandments?

im just not sure if this dichotomy exists yet. i try my best to bow to ten commandments, i think about this almost all the time in almost all my actions. my biggest problems are sex related
Re: please unlock warning sermon

shadowman said:
im just not sure if this dichotomy exists yet. i try my best to bow to ten commandments, i think about this almost all the time in almost all my actions. my biggest problems are sex related
When you're breaking any of those laws you know (dont tell me no) that your conscience convicts of your sin. God has taken the time to write his laws apon your heart and when you break them, he has given you a moral alerm, the conscience, which means "with knowledge" (Con = with, science = knowledge) to allow you to know that you are Far from innocent because you are breaking His laws "with knowledge" that it is wrong. Thats why when you lie, no one has to tell you that you are doing a bad thing, you already know. Your consience bares witness to that truth. So all that said, whether you admit the dichotomy that is taking place or not, you are still accountable before God. He is Holy and will not let guilty go free. However, God is just. He has offered you a way out, a way of escape through His Son in whom He crushed for sinners. Look at yourself in light of God's laws and look to the cross and weep. Then, if you feel any love for the bleeding savior who was crushed for sinners, repent and trust in Him. God will save you if you do that.
Namaste Terrence,

I truly wish you the best on your path. I don't know how long you've been beating this drum this hard, but if what I've seen with others has any correlation with what I hear from you. You'll look back at these years with a combination satisfaction at what you learned from this time, and regret that you pushed many away from the word due to overzealousness.

All of G-d's gifts have a level of underuse, and overuse....and a balance point. You may want to consider setting down the two by four...

I do admire your tenacity, but don't see that it assists you in what I perceive your goal to be.
I didn't listen to the sermon, partly for the reasons 123 mentioned, but mostly because it takes forever to download something like that on a dial-up connection. From what's been said, though, I can pretty well surmise what was said.

Just as an off handed observation: I think that there are some people who like a good old fashioned fire and brimstone sermon. It fires you up and lasts all week!

Personally, the whole "you're a worthless piece of crap" approach is a big part of what pushed me away from Christianity. Maybe that plays well on skid row, in prison, or at the AA meeting, but it doesn't have much attraction for people who aren't in a personal crisis where they need to effect a major transformation that they don't have the will to manage on their own.

I personally think the whole hard core evangelism thing smacks severely of mind control techniques. Why else would it be so important to convince people of their essential lack of worth? My experience, breaking out of that kind of mindset, was that it left me thinking that since I obviously couldn't be a good person of my own volition, I might as well be as bad as possible. It took several years of my conscience grinding on me to realize that I was naturally good. That I naturally wanted to be good, and didn't need to be coerced. But in the meantime I engaged in some seriously self-defeating behaviour because I thought I was doomed to be bad so I might as well embrace it.

Oh, how hard it is for good people to see the wonder of the gospel! Congradulation to you on this forum! You have inspired me to write a new blog. It will be called "Good people Hate God." You who love your children and give money to the poor and do all sorts of good deeds, be careful. Either God is right when He called you evil and said your good deeds are as filty menstration rags, or you make Him a liar. If you never see yourself the way God, who is Pefect, and Holy sees you apart from Christ, you will NEVER understand the grace shown forth in the infinite agony of the suffering of Christ. And, you will die in your sins.
Terrence said:
.... You have inspired me to write a new blog. It will be called "Good people Hate God." ... God is right when He ... said your good deeds are as filty menstration rags....And, you will die in your sins.
Yikes :eek: you do have a way of making everyone elses point quite clear.

a. I don't believe anyone here hates G-d, so I wonder where your inspiration truly comes from.

b. It is interesting what you believe G-d says to you.

There are so many people I run into on the net that I wish someday to meet in person, and then there are others....
You can be a tampon all you want, Terrence. I'm a righteous dude in my own right. I don't kill, steal, lie, cheat on my wife; I don't want what my neighbor's got, and I take at least one day off work a week. Oh, and my mom and dad say I'm a swell son.

China Cat Sunflower said:
You can be a tampon all you want, Terrence. I'm a righteous dude in my own right. I don't kill, steal, lie, cheat on my wife; I don't want what my neighbor's got, and I take at least one day off work a week. Oh, and my mom and dad say I'm a swell son.


Hey Chris,

Whats up? Listen, pior to three years ago, I was a pretty nice guy. Honest! I mean, I did what most teens and early 20 year olds did. I certianly didnt kill anyone or do anything to make me bad, presay. In fact, I was among the "good guys." Most of my friends called me the peace maker and the goodie good guy. All I did was tried to enjoy myself by making money and finding the pretties girls to party with. But, wouldnt you know it, one day I came face-to-face with the gospel of Christ and heard about God's holiness. You know how you said you've never killed anyone? Well, I said that too. But, here's what Jesus said, If you hate your brother or call him a fool, you are likened to be a murderer. God sees the hearts of men, and judges us by our heart's intent. You know how you said you never chated on your wife? Well, neither did I, I once said. But again, Jesus said, if you look at a woman to lust after her, you have already commited adultery wiith her in your heart. Again, God sees your heart's desires.

The problem with man, the bible says, is the issue of the heart. Out of it, all evil and wickedness comes from. Ironically, however, we dont see those things the way God sees it. To us, a lie isnt so bad. To Him its an infinte offense aganst His Holy Character. To us, looking at a hot chick is fun, to Him its adultery. To us, hating someone is sometimes approprate, to God ist murder. God is holy, Chris. And, we are so far from His likenss. We dont see things like He does. And, therein lies the crux of the problem, Chris. You can continue saying that you are not bad and compare yourself to worse people, or you can compare yourself to Jesus and see the truth, that you are of the worse kinds of people, like me and everyone else. Your thoughts alone are the most disgusting and vile thoughts ever before God who is Pure and Holy. There is forgiveness for those who reconize this truth. Its found in Jesus. Repent and Trust in Him.
wil said:
Yikes :eek: you do have a way of making everyone elses point quite clear.

a. I don't believe anyone here hates G-d, so I wonder where your inspiration truly comes from.

b. It is interesting what you believe G-d says to you.

There are so many people I run into on the net that I wish someday to meet in person, and then there are others....

You have made up a god in your mind. One who is so wicked that he allows law breakers to commit vile acts and lets them go. You call him a god of love, ironically. That is called idolotry and is a violation of the 2nd commandment of the True God. The True God is Love, therefore, he hates things. If you love children, you will hate abortions. If you love goodness, you will hate evil. This is God, He hates anything opposite to His Holy character. He promises that he will not allow the wicked to go unpunished. To display His amazing Love and mercy, He has looked over many sinners and did not treat them the way the should have been treated. Instead, He became a man and lived in the person of the Christ, Jesus, to do namely one thing - To suffer the infinitly holy and righteous wrath that God's nature demanded. God saved sinners from Himself, for Himself, and by Himself. You should repent and trust in Jesus that you may be forgiven.
Terrence said:
.. pior to three years ago,...I did what most teens and early 20 year olds ...
As I indicated my brother I admire your tenacity and love for G-d. Time heals all wounds, experience is an awesome teacher, walking the walk for a duration will yield new vistas. Enjoy the journey, just be careful you don't burn all the bridges as you may wish you didn't later.
Heres an analogy..

If you are one of those people that think you have as much time as you need to mend your ways and do right by God.. Check this out..

When all christmas lights get put up and all the stuff gets put on the stores shelves....You know those things mean Christmas...

Doesnt it also tell you that Thanksgiving is close?

The longest sermon Jesus taught was on the Mount of Olives.. Matthew Chapter 24.. ever wonder why?
Terrence said:
You have made up a god in your mind. One who is so wicked that he allows law breakers to commit vile acts and lets them go. You call him a god of love, ironically. That is called idolotry and is a violation of the 2nd commandment of the True God. The True God is Love, therefore, he hates things. If you love children, you will hate abortions. If you love goodness, you will hate evil. This is God, He hates anything opposite to His Holy character. He promises that he will not allow the wicked to go unpunished. To display His amazing Love and mercy, He has looked over many sinners and did not treat them the way the should have been treated. Instead, He became a man and lived in the person of the Christ, Jesus, to do namely one thing - To suffer the infinitly holy and righteous wrath that God's nature demanded. God saved sinners from Himself, for Himself, and by Himself. You should repent and trust in Jesus that you may be forgiven.
So, if there is a being that is Hate, it must love things? I was under the impression that God loved everything and everyone at all times... Is this what the sermon was about? Because you were right to give a warning, it scares the bejeezus out of me.