Capital Punishment

But who are we to decide to take a life? We don't even have the power to create life, so imagine the arrogance of one who deems it his place to take one. Lives are just not ours to judge.

How do you feel about Shari'a Law and the punishments stated for certain crimes (eg rajm)?
Rajm? What indeed do I think of that barbaric punishment that is not even stated in the Qur'an?

I am against it of course. Death to adulterers? That is some flawed reasoning there... I am aware of certain hadith that stated otherwise but this is not the place to discuss it.

Truth be told, sister, Syari'ah Laws are why I'm afraid to live in Muslim countries. I cannot even bear to read of the horror in Saudi.
who are we??? We are the people and we have a right to decide this. If and I must state a very big If, the offender is obviously guilty and not remorseful and only for truly horrible crimes, ie child rape etc then yes, capital punishment is the answer. Yes, there are things that we do that society cannot and shouldnt forgive. People are capable of such wonderful acts and also such evil, but I dont agree with these villians languishing on death row for any amount of time. That does not assist anyone. Sentencing followed by execution after no more than a week. And as a personal note, Most of my children are not little ones any more and yes if either of them committed the crimes to which I am referring I would not hesitate to let justice be done. Adults are responsible for their own actions. I would hope cp would be a detterent but as you all seem to be far more knowledgeable than me I can only offer this again. Guaranteed not to re-offend.Sorry if I upset you all, I'll leave this thread alone now I think.
Rajm? What indeed do I think of that barbaric punishment that is not even stated in the Qur'an?

I am against it of course. Death to adulterers? That is some flawed reasoning there... I am aware of certain hadith that stated otherwise but this is not the place to discuss it.

Truth be told, sister, Syari'ah Laws are why I'm afraid to live in Muslim countries. I cannot even bear to read of the horror in Saudi.

I am so delighted to hear this sister, if you look at some of my conversations with brother Abdullah, you will clearly see we are on the same page here. It is one of those issues where I find my morals and religion appear to clash but again this is due to manmade misinterpretation.

There is no system in the world that should allow state murder because we are human and all humans are corruptable and fallable (even when we try earnestly to do right). Unfortunately my experiences in life, dealing with the worst of humanity and watching them receive such light sentences, has blurred my mental vision of right and wrong in this subject. I just pray that one day western countries see that they are now protecting the rights of killers and rapists over the rights of safety for innocent people. Just lock them up and throw away the key and don't use my tax money for appeal after appeal.
who are we??? We are the people and we have a right to decide this. If and I must state a very big If, the offender is obviously guilty and not remorseful and only for truly horrible crimes, ie child rape etc then yes, capital punishment is the answer. Yes, there are things that we do that society cannot and shouldnt forgive. People are capable of such wonderful acts and also such evil, but I dont agree with these villians languishing on death row for any amount of time. That does not assist anyone. Sentencing followed by execution after no more than a week. And as a personal note, Most of my children are not little ones any more and yes if either of them committed the crimes to which I am referring I would not hesitate to let justice be done. Adults are responsible for their own actions. I would hope cp would be a detterent but as you all seem to be far more knowledgeable than me I can only offer this again. Guaranteed not to re-offend.Sorry if I upset you all, I'll leave this thread alone now I think.


Steady... Slow your roll... Relax... :) No need for us all to get upset with each other here is there.... Just interesting to see varied ideas of this... Greymare.... christian?
No need for us all to get upset with each other here is there.... Just interesting to see varied ideas of this...
In this regard I am such an ex smoker.

I was pro capitol time a congressman stood up and recommended a bill that said that any prisoner that kills another prisoner gets a month off for good behaviour...his thinking was that eventually the prison systems would be cleared and we'd be only dealing with a few people...who would obviously end up right back in the can.

I lived in Nevada, and executions were often back then...if you drove by the prison during one all sides would be out protesting, cheering, jeering depending on philosophy.

I am so decidedly anti capital punishment today...but as things go will that last a decade or two more?

If something occurred in my life would that change?

I've said before I have a friend who has been able to forgive the nephew that murdered her sister... am I capable of that?
If something occurred in my life would that change?

I've said before I have a friend who has been able to forgive the nephew that murdered her sister... am I capable of that?

Isn't life a bit of a bugger at times Wil. I used to be very anti capital punishment, even when I sat in that room with Peter and his parents, of course I wanted to lock the monsters up and throw away the keys but I didn't think of capital punishment until we started interviewing the suspects and when you see them smiling and absolutely no remorse on their faces or in their eyes - something humane inside you just stops and you just want to rid the planet of anyone that could ever do that to a child again. I suppose we are individually simply a result of our experiences and in this instance mine are very unpleasant.
Isn't life a bit of a bugger at times Wil. I used to be very anti capital punishment
pendelum swings as pendelums do...
I guess there is only one way you will ever know....
:eek: yikes, have you heard the story of me sitting with my Buddhist Tai Chi instructor buddy...we are sittin at the curb one Sunday afternoon and I says well I've been workin on this unconditional love stuff...and I'm getting closer...but I am so far from understanding or being able to exhibit anything even closely resembling same with the mass murderer, pedophile, and Hitler types. He says...paraphrased...

"If you can't understand a principle spiritually and it troubles you, or your soul wants to learn it...than you must work on it mentally, intellectually, and if you can't understand it there and you desire to...then the universe will conspire to achieve your wishes and put it to you materially, physically to allow you to understand and grow.... I suggest you figure this out before it happens."

I wanted to clobber him. (I'll show you the sound of one hand clappin....right upside your head)...

That had to be over a decade ago...

You know, I tell that story at least 3 or 4 times a year...I experienced it. I tell it as I recall, couldn't possibly be close to the same words each time...

now I imagine stories like that being told and retold...pertinent stories in ones life...and then follks hearing it and retelling...and eventually 4 or 5 decades later somebody writing it down....I'm just truly amazed that a couple thousand years after the fact we consider those retold stories written down sometimes first hand but often second, third or fourth...that we call that gospel.... but that belonged on another thread...