What is a Meek?

But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.psalm 37;11

(Matthew 5:5) “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.

(Psalm 119:165) Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, And for them there is no stumbling block.

Turn away from what is bad and do what is good,
And so reside to time indefinite.

For Jehovah is a lover of justice,
And he will not leave his loyal ones. psalm 37;27-28

That is fine if you rely on that old religious cop-out of an afterlife in which you are essentially the same person you are now. I believe that notion to be fanciful self-deceit and a fear of ones mortality. But it is wrong on a deeper level too as it acts to defer action in this life. Just be meek and passive and by golly you gona get some reward!! Bollocks!!

Things do not change without struggle. And any God worth his salt would surely want to see his creation succeed on every level. To eradicate poverty, injustice, corruption and to achieve a global harmony is achievable on this Earth. Religions that preach they know the way and theirs is the true religion are counter to such a goal. Its flocks are the sheep to the slaughter of a grand design to keep religious and political leaders in power. There is no truth in being meek helping you or anybody else. We are all worm food or greenhouse gasses and the only way we live on is genetically through our progeny. Why cant that be enough? To me that is beautiful enough and right. All this crap about eternity is really just the ultimate selfishness. And that you get it by handing out glossy pamphlets is frankly naive. Wakey wakey...smell the coffee. Life can be wonderful and beautiful here and now. If people were not so self-absorbed in things like fanciful religions. If globaly people were to spend the same hours working for heaven on Earth here and now, rather than on religions, then our planet could be transformed into a paradise indeed. But no... you will come back with some quote from an old tome of dubious merit and show my words to be satanic. And so the world will remain unjust, impoverished and corrupt.


That is fine if you rely on that old religious cop-out of an afterlife in which you are essentially the same person you are now. I believe that notion to be fanciful self-deceit and a fear of ones mortality. But it is wrong on a deeper level too as it acts to defer action in this life. Just be meek and passive and by golly you gona get some reward!! Bollocks!!

Things do not change without struggle. And any God worth his salt would surely want to see his creation succeed on every level. To eradicate poverty, injustice, corruption and to achieve a global harmony is achievable on this Earth. Religions that preach they know the way and theirs is the true religion are counter to such a goal. Its flocks are the sheep to the slaughter of a grand design to keep religious and political leaders in power. There is no truth in being meek helping you or anybody else. We are all worm food or greenhouse gasses and the only way we live on is genetically through our progeny. Why cant that be enough? To me that is beautiful enough and right. All this crap about eternity is really just the ultimate selfishness. And that you get it by handing out glossy pamphlets is frankly naive. Wakey wakey...smell the coffee. Life can be wonderful and beautiful here and now. If people were not so self-absorbed in things like fanciful religions. If globaly people were to spend the same hours working for heaven on Earth here and now, rather than on religions, then our planet could be transformed into a paradise indeed. But no... you will come back with some quote from an old tome of dubious merit and show my words to be satanic. And so the world will remain unjust, impoverished and corrupt.

Indeed, God can not stand a fence walker...
The meeks are going to inherit the earth. What does it mean to be meek?


Greetings Chris,
Meek has to do with gentleness and mildness. Translated from the Aramaic it reads: "Blessed are the gentle for they shall inherit the earth."

In following the Gentle Master we would hope to be gentlemen. Gentleness is not weakness and neither is it timidity.

Gentleness is a quality of Love:
1 Corinthians 13
Love is gentle -makes no demands, despite all wrong true love still stands.

Gentleness is more than meekness- it has a skill and artistry that is intelligent and determined.

Strive to be Gentle.

The paradox of Gentle is that it comes from Strength and not from weakness. Gentle is not flaccid, just tender. Gentle is deliberate, not hesitant. Gentle corresponds and responds very strongly, in order to be gentle. Gentleness and Strength belong together.

-the Brothers
Indeed, God can not stand a fence walker...
So you are the WBC of fence walkers?

Well a review of the history of fences including the Berlin fence, the Great fence of China, Troy, Castleguard, or more biblical fences like Jerico... I guess you could say there is a definite fate for those who build and walk or guard their fences.

That is fine if you rely on that old religious cop-out of an afterlife in which you are essentially the same person you are now. I believe that notion to be fanciful self-deceit and a fear of ones mortality. But it is wrong on a deeper level too as it acts to defer action in this life. Just be meek and passive and by golly you gona get some reward!! Bollocks!!

Things do not change without struggle. And any God worth his salt would surely want to see his creation succeed on every level. To eradicate poverty, injustice, corruption and to achieve a global harmony is achievable on this Earth. Religions that preach they know the way and theirs is the true religion are counter to such a goal. Its flocks are the sheep to the slaughter of a grand design to keep religious and political leaders in power. There is no truth in being meek helping you or anybody else. We are all worm food or greenhouse gasses and the only way we live on is genetically through our progeny. Why cant that be enough? To me that is beautiful enough and right. All this crap about eternity is really just the ultimate selfishness. And that you get it by handing out glossy pamphlets is frankly naive. Wakey wakey...smell the coffee. Life can be wonderful and beautiful here and now. If people were not so self-absorbed in things like fanciful religions. If globaly people were to spend the same hours working for heaven on Earth here and now, rather than on religions, then our planet could be transformed into a paradise indeed. But no... you will come back with some quote from an old tome of dubious merit and show my words to be satanic. And so the world will remain unjust, impoverished and corrupt.

the bible does not teach an AFTER-LIFE the God of the bible is gathering ones right now in unity who are being taught PEACE and yes it will be on the earth , and yes it is global . revelation 7;9-10

The prophecy of Isaiah 2:2, 3 and that of Micah 4:1, 2 pointed to the time when “the mountain of the house of Jehovah” would “become firmly established above the top of the mountains” and be “lifted up above the hills,” with people of many nations streaming to it. and yes its all happening right now those who are meek are willing to be taught by God.

(Psalm 25:9) He will cause the meek ones to walk in [his] judicial decision, And he will teach the meek ones his way.
Meekness is one of four things. 1:It is a state imposed on one by circumstance not allowing any other option. 2: It is being too dumb or uneducated to want to improve the world around you. 3:It is being aware but too selfish to do your bit. 4:It is being aware but too cowardly to make the challenge.

1.humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness; "meek and self-effacing"
2.very docile; "tame obedience"; "meek as a mouse"- Langston Hughes
I used a bible dictionary.
Meekness: A personality trait of gentleness and humility, the opposite of which is pride. Meekness does not refer to weakness or passivity but to controlled power. Aristotle described meekness as the middle position between excessive anger and an excessive lack of anger.

I believe that notion to be fanciful self-deceit…

Why? Because lots of people agree with you?

and a fear of ones mortality.

Christians have Eternal life. We are just learning how to be God’s people.
All this crap about eternity is really just the ultimate selfishness.

I would say the ultimate in selfishness is snubbing the God who created you and blowing off what he has offered you.

I state again tho just in case anyone is in any doubt one of its primary purposes is the Church/State telling you its ok to be a yellow bellied coward. Infact you are assured eternal salvation if you are!!

God Bless America! :D:D:D
This is the time to “seek meekness.” Or, “humbleness; humility.”How? By being submissive to God, humbly accepting his discipline and conforming to his will.
Zephaniah 2:3 is what we such listen too.
I used a bible dictionary.
lol...thats like getting a sicillian accountant to audit the mafia.
Aristotle described meekness as the middle position between excessive anger and an excessive lack of anger.

Why? Because lots of people agree with you?
Think you will find im in a minority group there.

I would say the ultimate in selfishness is snubbing the God who created you and blowing off what he has offered you.

You cannot snub that which does not exist except as a carry over from superstitious myth. What a waste of your "nature" given powers of logic and reason to believe in fairytales.


God Bless America! :D:D:D
Well only a mythical illusion could without feeling slimy :D:D:D
lol...thats like getting a sicillian accountant to audit the mafia.

… if he is an honest accountant, there should be no problem; although if the Mafia hired him and he didn’t do what they wanted him to, then we might have a problem.

I thought controlled power said it very nicely.

“meekness moderates anger” –Aristotle, Ethic book 4

Think you will find I’m in a minority group there
I hope so. So tell me why are you so convinced?

You cannot snub that which does not exist except as a carry over from superstitious myth. What a waste of your "nature" given powers of logic and reason to believe in fairytales.
Actually, there is much evidence to the contrary. At the risk of getting into a ‘rubber and glue argument”, I’d say you are the one dealing in fairy tales.
…talk about “wasted natures.” :D:D:D
I believe the Beatitudes were originally spoken by Jesus to people. (no feathers)

There are a lot of different kinds of birds that show up in early Christian and medieval iconography. Different species symbolize different aspects or attributes.

I hope so. So tell me why are you so convinced?

Because I have looked at the evidence. Or rather the lack of it. If you were to call faith a product that the churches sell then they would never be out of court on false advertising suits. I have explained at some length on other threads where I think the sense or feeling of "God" comes from and accept that it is a real feeling. However I firmly believe that the true nature of the cause is nothing like that the religions sell us. It is benign. It works on geological time not human time. It is slow ponderous and virtually unaware of us as individuals. Religion on the other hand panders to and perverts our own innate self-importance to its own ends. It hijacks common sense for what is really nothing more than foolish superstition. And it uses every psychological device in the book to these ends. Religion can bring comfort but that comfort is still built upon a lie. I would simply rather endure the fact of my mortality and enjoy each moment I have here to just simply marvel at what truly is. I will never know the answers to the big questions and neither will anyone else. So I am content to just fill my mind with that I can know, or at least observe, for that is awesome and more beautiful than any superstitious mythos. There is nothing I have yet come across that is not explainable without invocation of the supernatural. So I can be certain in my own mind, through my own study and travels and talking to people of all faiths that it is all a charade. A cultural hangover from times when we knew no better than to blame or thank the Gods.

So Tao, it seems this biological machine that is you, has somehow come to the conclusion that it is really just a machine, with no fanciful delusions that it might be something more. This magnificent logical computer you have, has come to the conclusion that the only program it runs is the one fed to it by nature. Manipulated by nature, evolving in response to it, there is no nature that it has not explained. How did it do that? How did your brain come to a conclusion? According to the computer known as you, there is no nature that it can not explain. Very well. That is an interesting machine you have. It seems to be defying the known laws of science by making decisions on its own. When that day comes that a computer concludes and tells me that it has determined from all of nature that it is really just a computer, or a machine that decides for itself that it is really just a machine, I guess I might just have to ignore or agree with it. It makes no sense to argue with a computer, or to converse with a machine. The cogs will turn and the transistors will flip, but I will find no reason to argue with its programming. Afterall, the computer is absolutely right... the computer is ALWAYS right. The computer always speaks a TRUTH about what is inside it. The machine knows, and I know that it knows. I could never convince it otherwise and neither would I want to. Your machine is always right, Tao. But with you Tao... for the you that chooses... I will give it an argument. If you choose, if your biological machine can choose, perhaps you could let those neurons crunch on my words for awhile. Don't be a pussy now... think it through. Apply every measurable law of nature. How did you choose, or make any decision?
....Religion can bring comfort but that comfort is still built upon a lie. .... I will never know the answers to the big questions and neither will anyone else. ...
Are all religions built upon lies or simply understandings which some characterize as misunderstandings? Is it that no one will ever know the answers or that when they do they fail miserably in explaining them to others?

I still see it like a Chinese person trying to explain nuclear science to an American Cowboy. Just because one can't understand the language nor the concept does not mean it is not being told correctly.

Or how about a barnstorming pilot being tossed into the dark ages without his plane. He speaks the same language, yet he'll still get burned at the stake.

I believe some folks do have the answers, it is just the hereafter does not translate well into the now. I believe people did receive enlightened thoughts, illumined moments, connections to all that is, however their intellect and vocabulary were as hindered then as ours is now.

Haven't you danced at the brink, drank from the well, overfilled with joy, bliss, understanding only to have it gone in a blink? Haven't you experienced the allness only to have awareness of the experience cause it to discontinue?

I believe most religions are based on these moments, and the desire to share, the thoughts are written inadequately and then modified by those who think they know, distorted by those who wish to use the words to control and enslave and we end up with less than admirable outcomes, but buried inside are gems which will allow those who play there access.
Hi Wil :)
Haven't you danced at the brink, drank from the well, overfilled with joy, bliss, understanding only to have it gone in a blink? Haven't you experienced the allness only to have awareness of the experience cause it to discontinue?

Yes I have and you are perfectly right to say that mere words cannot convey the experience. Twice in my life I have felt connected to every single bit of anything in the universe. Part of a huge whole that buzzed and tingled with life. And I believe the experience was real too, not just an hallucination. But there was no "God" there. No designer, engineer, judger, saver, condemner. No purpose, no reason...and no need for reason. It just was. And I suppose the rest of my life up to this point, my interest in theological thought, scientific enquiry, philosophical reason all stems from that first experience when I was 12 or 13 years old. The 2nd took place when I was 19. Both times I was completely sober in every respect. I was brought up in an Atheist home and I sort of considered that what happened to me was what people call a religious experience. And it was. It has taken me the rest of my life to remove the superstitious need to impose the fiction of something deeper, more profound than that I just tuned into the whole. The whole is not a God though. It is not divine. It does not watch and judge us with hypocritical human value systems. Simply it is not what religions describe in any way. But it is beautiful. And we are all a brief, transient part of it. And then we are not. Thats it. I can be happy that I existed at all without having to exist forever. Nothing is forever. No matter how you paint it, everything is lost sooner or later.
