Why the Palestinians fight

The Palestinians act like no other nation in the history of the world had ever lost territory in a war before.

Firstly it was not a war, it was more like Ashkenazi colonisation. Secondly, no other nation has been driven out of its land like this in recent history. Aryans, Germanes used to do it long time ago. More or less the same thing happened to Jews too. But the only people who are allowed to do it in modern times is Israel. And they call it "jewish right of return".

Well if a bunch of blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned "semites" have the right to return to a land that a bunch of full-blooded semites left 2000 years ago, then palestenians have got the same right too. If Israel has the right to kill 1000 lebanese & destroy half of country's infrastructure for the kidnapping of two soldiers in occupied territories, a few jewish women & childern blown up in a bus shouldnt hurt the so called global conscience. After all its a game of blood & real state.

The only thing peace process is supposed to bring is a legitimisation of apartheid. There can never be peace between one state with nukes, & the other with assurances.
i appreciate some people just can't accept that the israelis would do anything in good faith - perhaps they ought to question the palestinians a bit more closely when fatah (not even hamas) are saying one thing in annapolis and another to their own constituency - DURING the conference:

PMW - Latest Bulletins


I have been looking for this story in the international media but can't find anything. All I can find are blogs and every one seems to have the same title. Maybe I am googling the wrong keywords? Do you have any further links?

The allies following the fall of Berlin did not force out Germans and import another people.
In 30% of the formerly German territory, yes that is exactly what they did.
The remainder of the territory, Germans still lived there, but under military occupation, just like Palestinians live under military occupation. The difference, obviously, is that for most of Germany this state of occupation gave way to restored self-governance fairly quickly-- but as I say, the reason for that difference has much to do with the difference in how the Germans behaved.
Trying to compare what happened in Germany with what happened in Palestine is maybe meat for your own prejudices but that is all I can see.
What happened to the Germans was considerably worse, at first. It did not last as long, however.
You are a broken record of the poorest quality, a fascist, exterminationist, muslim hating bigot.
Exterminationist??? You are the one who makes excuses for the real exterminationists here. Nobody has ever tried to *wipe out* the Palestinians. As has been pointed out, they are multiplying quite nicely. The total number of non-combatant Palestinians killed by Israelis throughout the entire history is in the high thousands but not tens of thousands (precision, obviously, is impossible, but the order of magnitude can be determined): depending on your perspective that is either a large number (a few times as many as 9/11) or a small number (less than one day's work at Auschwitz), but spread over half a century it is too small to influence the population growth.
mw - you won't find this stuff in the international media, because they don't translate what gets said in the arabic media. organisations like pmw and memri (for all that they are explicitly intended to rebut palestinian propaganda and thus argue for a pro-israel stance) do this job rather well. there are plenty of opposing organisations that do the same on the other side, i treat both with caution, but thought it was worth pointing out how schizoid palestinian politics is - not that israeli politics is anything else!

farhan, if what you have obviously been taught is true, are you at all interested in the fact that half of the population of israel is made up of sephardim and jews from arab lands? iraq, egypt, libya, iran, syria, lebanon - they all expelled their jewish communities which had been there in some cases for 2500 years. do you support the right of the jews of iraq to leave israel and go back to iraq? will you support the restoration of their property and the restitution of their rights? because if not, then i think you are ignorant of the actual facts.

tao, you are increasingly sounding more and more hysterical, like you have taken leave of your senses. please try and calm down.


mw - you won't find this stuff in the international media, because they don't translate what gets said in the arabic media. organisations like pmw and memri (for all that they are explicitly intended to rebut palestinian propaganda and thus argue for a pro-israel stance) do this job rather well. there are plenty of opposing organisations that do the same on the other side, i treat both with caution, but thought it was worth pointing out how schizoid palestinian politics is - not that israeli politics is anything else!

Thanks for the info BB, my husband arrives tomorrow so I shall ask him to look it up in the arabic press.

I have no doubt both sides are schizoid, which doesn't leave me with much hope for peace.

I have been trying to read up on the 'peace' talks and keep reading that Israel is insisting that Palestine recognises Israel not as a state but as a specifically 'Jewish state' before they will negotiate. Do you know if this is true? I find the reports a little worrying as it sounds like ethnic cleansing waiting in the wings. Do your papers mention this?

mw, unless your husband reads a lot of the palestinian press, he won't pick up on this either. however, believe me, anyone who discusses the i/p question for any length of time is familiar with accusations of "genocide", "imperialism", "nazism", "ethnic cleansing", aimed at everyone and anyone. it does nothing to help anyone concerned and just polarises debate.

nonetheless, in the interests of honesty and transparency, suffice it to say there are a small number of parties in the israeli political system that advocate what they call "transfer", basically methods of ensuring a jewish majority inside the israeli borders, whatever they turn out to be. there's a spectrum, from the few loonies on the right who want to forcibly expel all non-jews from the west bank to those who try and influence the route of the security wall to put arabs outside and jews inside (known in the anti-israel lexicon as a "land grab") to those who advocate a wholesale border alteration to, say, include large west bank enclaves like gush etzion in exchange for the "triangle" region which is almost entirely populated by arabs, but inside the 1967 "green line". however, suffice it to say that there is at least 50% of the israeli population that would *absolutely* not permit such actions; they are not without morals or memory.

on the other side, there is a similar code for the ethnic cleansing of jews, which is termed, depending on who's speaking to whom, as "liberation of the *whole*of palestine" (ie, including the bits jews live in, which tends to be the line taken by pan-arabists and radical secular groups like the PFLP and DFLP) "liberation of islamic land" (ie, everywhere that's ever been part of a caliphate, from tel aviv to seville, popular with hamas and islamic jihad) or fatah's "soft" version, "the inalienable right of return of the palestinian refugees", which would necessarily involve a couple of million arabs moving to israel proper, which would be unlikely to be painless or peaceful.

needless to say, almost everyone in this debate appears to the other side to be negotiating in bad faith. like bob says, the palestinians seem to be the only group of the C20th that have maintained their refugee status (largely due to the rest of the arab world using them as a whipping boy for israel) and actually attempted to pass it on to their children rather than making the most of a bad job, like the germans of east prussia, the ulyensk cossacks, the jews of spain, the arabs of al-andalus, the turks of salonika and the greeks of constantinople who do not see return as feasible, workable or even particularly desirable and certainly not worth dying or killing for.

as i said to our clever friend farhan above, a just and equitable solution must necessarily involve the entire transferred population - not just the palestinian refugees, but the jewish refugees from arab lands who almost all live in israel now - which includes several hundred thousand egyptian jews, who lost everything when they were forced to leave after living there for more than 2,000 years. have you heard of philo? he was from alexandria, where there was a huge jewish community in the C1st BCE. is the egyptian government going to give them back their houses and property? i doubt it. could they compensate palestinians in place of this? you bet they could. but this is precisely how the palestinians are held hostage by the rest of the arab world. in fact, the fact that the israelis never seem to mention this issue of the jewish refugees from arab lands makes me think that either they're not interested in a real, equitable solution or they're saving it for such time as the palestinians are prepared to get serious and be realistic. it depends whether i'm feeling cynical or not.

in case you're interested, here is a site that commemorates the 1941 (note, before the establishment of israel) pogrom that marked the beginning of the end for the 2,600 year old jewish community of baghdad: The Farhud (Farhoud). MIDRASH ben ish hai lecture.

there are, in short, two sides to every story and i don't see the baghdadi community (to which i myself belong) queuing up to demand compensation and a return to iraq - so you'll understand why the ideological refugee-ism of the palestinians sometimes rings a little hollow with me, despite the undeniable, terrible and unjustifiable injustices that have been inflicted on them by israel among others, so don't think i am insensitive to this or dismiss it in any way, shape or form.



Thank you that was interesting reading.

I would have thought the arab press would run the story of the Palestinian tv programme with Israel no longer on the map, if only to whip up yet more support & hatred. (clearly I am in cynical mode today).

I wasn't really thinking of the right of return but more about the arabs that still live in Israel and whether they would be ejected from Israel if it was recognised as a Jewish state. The fact that there are now Jewish only roads leads to me to believe that may be the case.

It is all just such a mess.

I am afraid I have never accepted the view that others have accepted their fate so you should too. Two wrongs have never made a right in my book.

I just wish both sides would live their faith and stop fighting and shouting about it. There is right and wrong on both sides but constantly pointing to the other side as the black hat wearers, while thinking your side wears the white hat hasn't ever got them anywhere and I doubt it ever will.

Maybe I should take up knitting and forget about politics, it is all driving me nuts.

Hi...It used to be that the "memory hole" of history was very deep and wide. Many who desired knowledge about the "foundations" of any matter could explore the nooks and crannies of historical events in the "hole" and make their minds up for themselves, so long as they had access to a library.

I'm not saying that such things are no longer possible, as you BB so eminently and frequently show us all, but the the whole of the operations of the corporate and media controlled world have most of us sitting in the "short attention span theater" almost all of the time now. Sadly so are most of our leaders and their oblivious and unctuously obedient staff members who only watch the fluctuations of poll numbers.

These days the "memory hole" has been purposely been made shallower and shallower by greed and lust for power and control. And that has been magnificently accomplished by the advert-supported media and their global ability to switch the focus on important issues to shorter term considerations. The faster that happens, the less we all understand about the past. And that all puts the great mass of the world's people in Jeopardy. Now relatively very small events can put many of us at risk because of unresolved past conflicts which we know little or nothing at all about.

I don't knit. I'd rather be fishing in the pond at the"OF" Corral.

there are, in short, two sides to every story and i don't see the baghdadi community (to which i myself belong) queuing up to demand compensation and a return to iraq - so you'll understand why the ideological refugee-ism of the palestinians sometimes rings a little hollow with me, despite the undeniable, terrible and unjustifiable injustices that have been inflicted on them by israel among others, so don't think i am insensitive to this or dismiss it in any way, shape or form.
Namaste BB,

From the time US took down Bagdad, I remember exactly that being discussed. A quick search leads me to...

Point of no return: Iraqi Jews to demand compensation 'swap'

<Newsbull> Iraqi-Jewish expats to seek compensation for lost assets - Haaretz

War Without End :: View topic - Israel wants Iraq to pay compensation

Iraqi Jews who left Baghdad during the 1960's and 1970's

A friend of mine was born in India, 90% of those who meet him think him Indian. His family fled Iran prior to the Shah, when Jews were being kicked out of the country. A huge number of his community fled, and formed a community in India, many have since emigrated to states or UK, and with the current sabre rattling, they are discussing the possibility that they will either return or seek compensation should a new gov't be formed.
muslimwoman said:
I would have thought the arab press would run the story of the Palestinian tv programme with Israel no longer on the map, if only to whip up yet more support & hatred. (clearly I am in cynical mode today).
you'd probably see it on something like al-manar (hizbollah tv) or on that hamas-run channel that has a guy dressed up as mickey mouse who teaches kids to be suicide bombers. this was more about trying to convince the floating voters of fatah that they haven't gone soft - and while people play to the gallery like that they continue to perpetuate fantasies which encourage unrealistic positions and prevent compromise. it's a completely counterproductive strategy because it actually restricts their future options.

I wasn't really thinking of the right of return but more about the arabs that still live in Israel and whether they would be ejected from Israel if it was recognised as a Jewish state. The fact that there are now Jewish only roads leads to me to believe that may be the case.
i think you're getting a couple of things mixed up. firstly, israel has been calling itself a jewish state since 1948, but the fact that it is a jewish state is *not* synonymous with not letting other people live there - it's also multicultural and democratic. remember, non-jews can become citizens through the normal naturalisation channels, just like they can in other countries. spain is a "christian kingdom", but non-christians live there with equal rights. unfortunately, it is the so-called "islamic republics" that don't seem to be able to cope with the idea of multiculturalism. remember, arabic is a state language in israel, it is on official documents and road signs and israeli arabs are, at least in theory (unfortunately israelis are just as prejudiced as everyone else in the world), supposed to be equal citizens with equal rights; certainly universities and the job market are mixed. so is the national football team. and the druze, bedouins and circassians even serve in the army. nobody apart from the most right-wing nutters is suggesting that israeli arabs who pay taxes, vote and consider themselves loyal israeli citizens should be oppressed. secondly, the "jewish-only roads" are not in israel proper, but in the west bank only and they are there for security reasons and so jews don't have to go through checkpoints. i don't *agree* with this, of course, it is an immoral consequence of an increasingly unrealistic occupation; this is precisely why i advocate mixed neighbourhoods like they have in the galilee, not jewish settlements and arab villages like in the west bank. it's also why i continually point out that in a future state of palestine in the west bank, THERE MUST BE JEWISH CITIZENS - it is not feasible to expect israel to have equal arab citizens and voters but to consider it acceptable for palestine to be judenrein - if the palestinian state is not a multicultural democracy then not only the jews but the christians and other minorities will end up like they are elsewhere in the middle east - look at the iraqi christians or the zoroastrians in iran. unfortunately people on both sides don't want there to be any contact between jews and arabs.


you'll note that the links you give are hardly mainstream media and, moreover, they discuss compensation suits made by groups of iraqi-jewish refugees rather than the raising of the issue of jewish refugees from arab lands as a factor in the peace process by the israeli government or anyone else. that is what i'm talking about. the last link is one i'm actually personally familiar with, the guy they talk about in there who visited iraq recently is a friend, we used to live very near each other. he still does a lot of business in the middle east, as a native arabic speaker. incidentally, my own mother was born in india, though her grandparents were born in iraq.



I get what you are saying and I agree Palestine should also be a mixed state if there ever is a state of Palestine but what I am trying to understand is why this has become an issue now. It seems to be yet another obsticle in the way of seeking real peace, as though both sides have said 'what will the other never agree to - ok that is what we should demand'. Why can't it just be the State of Israel? How many people have died now on both sides just to get Israel recognised as a state, so why not accept that rather than moving the goalposts or has Israel always insisted it is recognised as a Jewish state?

"what I am trying to understand is why this has become an issue now"
Because the majority of Palestinians just chose as their leadership a group who doesn't accept that the Jews are going to stay there. It will not be enough for the Arabs to say "we recognize that there will be a separate nation-state within those borders" and still secretly mean "but we will expel all the Jews from those borders".
I was told i had gone a step too far in calling the ghettoisation of Gaza an act of inhumanity akin to what the Nazi's perpetrated on the Jews of Europe. But now Israel's leadership come right out with it for themselves. Calling for a holocaust on the people of Gaza.

" Matan Vilnai said Palestinians risked a "shoah", the Hebrew word for a big disaster - and for the Nazi Holocaust. " BBC NEWS

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Israel warns of invasion of Gaza

it seems there may be more to this than meets the eye immediately:

Media Blog on National Review Online

*nevertheless*, i am not defending the remark - this guy is a fecking *idiot*. what a catastrophic remark that will prove to be. i knew israeli politicians were stupid but this really takes the cake. i’m completely furious with this fool. with any luck he will be forced to resign by the outcry i anticipate from around the world.

i don't think israel's strategy and tactics are working. i think they're counterproductive, macho and hamhanded and, clearly, they are contributing to anti-israel feeling around the world.

what i don't understand is what exactly continuing the rocket attacks achieves, other than to make the israelis more determined not to back down. there have been 400 rockets this year *alone* and it's only march.

i guess what i'd genuinely like to know is what exactly do people like yourself think the israelis should be doing? how do you deal with people who don't mind using their own women and children as human shields and are not interested in negotiating? if this was the UK, the equivalent would be a welsh group firing rockets into bristol, day after day after day - it doesn't prevent retaliation, it doesn't do *anything* else, doesn't harm military capacity - what is the *point*? when they disengaged, hamas just used the extra space to move the rockets up to the border and hit further into israel.
the israelis have tried ceasefires, they've tried ramping it up, they've tried dialling it down - what are they supposed to do? they're not about to give up and emigrate, which is what hamas actually want.



I am afraid I dont quite share your appraisal of what the rockets actually mean, both in terms of strategy and the damage/loss of life they cause. The Palestinians of Gaza are those under siege, not Israelis or Israel. Palestine too has attempted a negotiated peace but in return has seen land grabs, destruction of Palestinian homes and infrastructure, including 1000s of acres of slow to mature orchards. Palestine is a minnow hitting back at a giant in the only way it can. They have killed 13 in 5 years, the average weekly death toll Israel takes using sophisticated American supplied helicopter gunships, and even land or sea based artillery. Angry Palestinians will not lay down and beg for crumbs at the foot of the table, which is what Israel and America has been demanding. They deserve their land back and restitution for the damage caused to vital infrastructure. If Israel was able to take that to the negotiating table then I'm confident Hamas would insure any militant cells that continued firing rockets would soon be dealt with. But as I have always said, its suits America to have an ally armed to the teeth in that region. So even if they go and wipe out Gaza it wont stop. They will just turn their attention to Lebanon or Syria instead.

Tao_Equus said:
The Palestinians of Gaza are those under siege, not Israelis or Israel.
look, tao, i know you've kind of made up your mind, but the inhabitants of sderot would disagree with you - they've had 400 rockets aimed at them already this year; in fact, if you don't consider over 7000 rockets fired to constitute being under siege, what exactly do you consider it to be? and what about the million homes evacuated in northern israel during the 2006 bombardment from hezbollah? was that a "siege", or just a tickling competition?

Palestine too has attempted a negotiated peace but in return has seen land grabs, destruction of Palestinian homes and infrastructure
excuse me, but you're speaking as if there's just one palestine here - of course fatah has been trying to some extent to negotiate (albeit as half-heartedly as the olmert government) but i'm not talking about them; i'm talking about hamas. there are for all intents and purposes two palestinian entities now, one of which is not interested in doing anything but fighting. israel is not destroying palestinian homes and infrastructure in the west bank - it's trying to draw a final border, not that it isn't cheating as well, but neither side is really acting 100% in good faith; however, hamas is another story.

They have killed 13 in 5 years, the average weekly death toll Israel takes using sophisticated American supplied helicopter gunships, and even land or sea based artillery.
look, as a friend of mine said the other day, if the criterion of rightness you work on is number of civilian deaths suffered, the palestinians "win" hands down. if the criterion of rightness is number of civilans intentionally killed, then israel "wins". of course, neither side *actually* wins. the thing is, i'm interested in a *solution*. what are you trying to do other than make rhetorical condemnations?

They deserve their land back and restitution for the damage caused to vital infrastructure. If Israel was able to take that to the negotiating table then I'm confident Hamas would insure any militant cells that continued firing rockets would soon be dealt with. But as I have always said, its suits America to have an ally armed to the teeth in that region. So even if they go and wipe out Gaza it wont stop. They will just turn their attention to Lebanon or Syria instead.
you can drive a coach and horses through the holes in this argument. ok:

1. the palestinians "deserve their land back" - which land do you mean? hamas mean *everything*, that includes tel aviv. what do you mean?

2. you're "confident" that hamas would ensure that any militant cells wold soon be dealt with? well, so far, they've not done anything to make the israelis be confident, have they? shouldn't they be doing something to deserve this level of trust? after all, the israelis disengaged from gaza and they had an opportunity to try and build their islamic state - and what exactly did they do about it?

3. So even if they go and wipe out Gaza it won't stop. They will just turn their attention to Lebanon or Syria instead.

really, like they did in 2006? despite the punishment they meted out, lebanon was damaged far less than it could have been had the israelis really hit it with all their might. all you're saying here is that the israelis could do a lot more harm than they have so far - i think we ought to point out here that hamas have done far less harm than they have tried to do largely for the reason that they are being prevented from doing so.

in short, your argument, as usual, whitewashes your favourite side whilst heaping all the blame on the people you love to hate. i'm trying to at least be fair. this is what fecks me off about your sort of people; you're all about the condemnation whilst doing absolutely sod-all to help the people you claim to care about.



I am biased!! I think not. In fact I think I make my case with about as much neutrality as I can muster. Rather I am outraged that Israel continues to be allowed to get away with what it has been doing. A country that has defied more UN resolutions than just about all other countries combined has already demonstrated it thinks itself above the law. Israel does not behave as a sovereign state with respect to international law but like some rogue nation that if it did not have the US backing it would have been dealt with far more severely.

I am going to try and avoid being dragged into a slagging match with you, a restraint as I rather enjoy the odd one of those, because I do feel this is far too important an issue to have clouded in personal vitriol. But I will say that if you think for one moment that I have no respect or compassion for people living in Israel then you are grossly mistaken. However, to create an analogy, if you are a paramedic arriving at the scene of an accident do you treat the guy with superficial cuts or do your treat the one with his leg blown off and an artery spewing blood ?

....if you don't consider over 7000 rockets fired to constitute being under siege, what exactly do you consider it to be?
This works out as there being 1 Israeli killed for every 538 rockets fired. Is it me or does such a statistic seem like a crock? We know the death toll is accurate but can we really believe that only 1 in 538 gets a kill? Or can we say with confidence that Israel is over egging the pudding in regard to playing the international sympathy game? Again if the US and its puppets were not backing Israel I doubt very much if we would allow Israel to get away with peddling such crap.

....and what about the million homes evacuated in northern israel during the 2006 bombardment from hezbollah? was that a "siege", or just a tickling competition?
Well again we have statistical discrepancies, The Guardian reported it as 10's of 1000s 'advised' to use air raid shelters. And this came about following two Israeli incursions, (again against International law), by the Israeli Air force to hit targets in Lebanon that were 'believed' to be housing Hizbullah leaders. Hizbullah used a rocket attack as a decoy while it attacked an armoured patrol and killed several soldiers and took 2 hostage. This is what outraged the Israeli's and led them to an unwarranted and barbaric assault on the people and infrastructure of Lebanon. Over 1000 Lebanese civilians died, many from Israeli cluster bombs dropped into civilian suburbs of Beirut. This is the response meted out by the fascist Israeli state for Hizbullah carrying out the kind of operation the Israeli's carry out every few hours. Israel holds some 30,000 hostages against international law, subject to military tribunals and not open court...so tell me BB...where the hell is there balance?

.....israel is not destroying palestinian homes and infrastructure in the west bank - it's trying to draw a final border, not that it isn't cheating as well.....
Final border... surely you mean "Final Solution"!!! I will let this Utube video from an American girl who died under an Israeli bulldozer tell it like it is. And you can tell me, do you think she showed a political bias?
YouTube - Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist

look, as a friend of mine said the other day, if the criterion of rightness you work on is number of civilian deaths suffered, the palestinians "win" hands down. if the criterion of rightness is number of civilans intentionally killed, then israel "wins". of course, neither side *actually* wins. the thing is, i'm interested in a *solution*. what are you trying to do other than make rhetorical condemnations?
And I thought a modern Jewish proverb was "Lest we forget" ! Again its "solution". I dont want to see an Israeli/American final solution... I want to see Justice! I want to see basic human rights respected. And what a chronically blind and arrogant disregard of the facts your friend displays. Every single Palestinian death at Israeli hands is intentional. It is Israeli policy to have absolutely no regard for the basic conventions of war and even less respect for the right to life of ANY Palestinian. Your friends statement displays perhaps one of the worst cases of naivety on this matter that I have seen posted here.

which land do you mean?
Any and all land settled by the 3 million immigrants that have been settled on Palestinian land since 1968.

in short, your argument, as usual, whitewashes your favourite side whilst heaping all the blame on the people you love to hate. i'm trying to at least be fair. this is what fecks me off about your sort of people; you're all about the condemnation whilst doing absolutely sod-all to help the people you claim to care about.
Sorry but you cannot whitewash so much spilled Palestinian blood. So many atrocities. It is you, Israel, America and many others if only in a collusion of silence who are attempting a whitewash. Not me. I do not hate Israeli people. I can appreciate they have a siege mentality being surrounded by people that hate them and so most of them are unable to fully appreciate the fact of what they have become. And there is a minority that are as horrified by what there government does in their name as I am. But as I said above I aint dealing with the guys with superficial cuts, not when someone else is bleeding to death.
As for what I do you have no idea. But I will remind you of one tiny thing I do, I do not let you get away with trying to divert the truth away from who is really suffering here. Gaza is a concentration camp. There is now no other way to describe it. Vilnai has called for the "Final Solution". Israel has become the monster it forever cites for the justification of its own fascism.
