Derailment-proof Thread

So far, the thread is not de-railed. It has no topic, therefore anything goes.

As long as someone changes the subject, nothing can settle in...


One way of derailing the thread might be to start a fight......though that might violate the Code of Conduct and get one of us banned.:)

Think of some insults, call someone a fool, jerk or an idiot, start a food fight, get beaten up. Blaspheme against the heavens......

Anyone like to volunteer? Maybe we could ask Brian to make exceptions on personal attacks as we experiment with a thread that allegedly cannot be derailed.

There's a possibility of some emotional damage being done as a result, which is why we're asking people to volunteer.....

The rest of us will cheer them on. Go X! Go Y! Two rounds left.....
One way of derailing the thread might be to start a fight......though that might violate the Code of Conduct and get one of us banned.:)

Think of some insults, call someone a fool, jerk or an idiot, start a food fight, get beaten up. Blaspheme against the heavens......

*Skates on back in and body checks salt*

What you talking about, that wouldn't work, you an idiot or something?!?!?! *shoves* ;) (lol just messing must be the hockey enforcer in me!!!)
*Skates on back in and body checks salt*

What you talking about, that wouldn't work, you an idiot or something?!?!?! *shoves* ;) (lol just messing must be the hockey enforcer in me!!!)

"yeah, well, YA MUM IS................"

thats about all i got as an insult, and it kinda works . LOL> The boys use it alot . now ill run away and hide behind some big man. lol:eek:
*Skates on back in and body checks salt*

What you talking about, that wouldn't work, you an idiot or something?!?!?! *shoves* ;) (lol just messing must be the hockey enforcer in me!!!)

I body check with a 1500 cc motorcycle, claws extended. Just a warning. ;)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
At home I never sit down we lay on the couch with the dogs piled ontop... Went out to get another external HDD today, and well the sofa store is next door! And with the big shiny sale stickers on the windows, how can you not go in?! Sat in a recliner for the first time...What a freaking wonderous invention... Ended up gettin a real nice 6 seater leather sofa with the two end seats electric recliners :D I shall live the rest of my days in the recliner lol... It took the sales assitances and my beloved ages to pry me from the seat... :D Anyway wanted to share that... :p If you don't own one... Get one.... They are awesome.
*Skates on back in and body checks salt*

What you talking about, that wouldn't work, you an idiot or something?!?!?! *shoves* ;) (lol just messing must be the hockey enforcer in me!!!)

**tosses a few dark chocolate covered almonds in the path of Alex's skates, to see if it might derail his intended plan....**

{turns away and whistles like nothing is going on}

**looks back and sees that Alex has landed on a curious leather sofa** :cool:
Found an online image of my couch :D Just it's in fabric or summink here... This is pretty much what I've bought but imagine it in deep dark/black purple leather :D Oh and this is a manual recliner not an electrical one.. And lacking a seat lol but apart from that EXACTLY!!!! The same one!

That's good... Right? Cause... I fell in love with recliners the moment I sat in one... They are one of those types of technology that in the coming times... I will not be able to cope without, (yet I did just fine before hand lol)