The Garden of Eden



The Garden of Eden is a symbolic expression of the Kingdom of God on earth.

After the human fall A&E did not deserve citizenship in God's Kingdom anymore.
They were cast out in an un-godly realm. The living hell which was their own creation.

If A&E had obeyed God they would have grown up in the Kingdom.

My point is that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth was here to begin with.
I remember reading that the G of E story actually stems from the forced eviction of the nascent Hebrew people, who were a slave class, from the fertile lower Nile Delta to build a new city in the desert for the Pharaoh Akenhaten circa 1350 BC. As they believed their kings to be gods and the timeline is about spot on it is a compelling theory.
That is a compelling theory Tao. Is there somewhere I can read more about it?

Umm, Soliel, If earth is an ungodly realm, do you mean that God is not here, like cannot be here, or that it is unclean or something? Clarification if you will... pwease?
The Garden of Eden is one among many histories of a primordial perfection, a Golden Age, etc., every culture has one, and ever culture since reprises the ideals.

The enduring appeal of Atlantis, for example, or the idea of Arthurian England, Camelot, etc.

That is a compelling theory Tao. Is there somewhere I can read more about it?
Sorry it was many years ago that I read the book and I forget its title. I think any decent account of the reign of Akenhaten/Nefertiti should give you the background though.
Some details of the story, like the serpent and tree definitely stem from much older myths that originated in Mesopotamia some 5-6000 years ago. Indeed most of the beginning part of Genesis seems to have been stolen from the period/region. The book I read simply puts it into the context of Hebrew people working for Akenhaten in a timeframe that fits with the appearance of the Old Testament.
Here is a link to the older origins of the myths from Mesopotamia:
The Garden of Eden Myth (Serpent, Adam, Eve & God)
That is a compelling theory Tao. Is there somewhere I can read more about it?
Umm, Soliel, If earth is an ungodly realm, do you mean that God is not here, like cannot be here, or that it is unclean or something? Clarification if you will... pwease?

Rom 8:18-22 "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21that[a] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time"

The creation is waiting for us to be liberated . The fall has brought spiritual death to our first ancestors. Through religion God has desperately worked without stopping to bring his children back to the original point.

Humanity goes through different stages, from the early offerings of animals, through the 10 commandments in the old testament then the Gospel in the new testament, etc

All the shadows of sin must be removed for God to regain His position. Gods heart has been terribly hurt. By returning to Him on our free will we are also liberating God, our original Heavenly Parent
Gods heart has been terribly hurt. By returning to Him on our free will we are also liberating God, our original Heavenly Parent
But God is complete in Himself (Herself/Itself)
Nothing we could do would have any impact in the way you describe.
Disappointed perhaps.
Like oh, the cookies have burnt and taste like disappointing....better whip up some more batter.
It is not like He couldn't just start things over if we were such a miserable lot.
So there is more to the story.
You seem to have stopped at a plateau thinking it was the pinnacle, yet it is just a foothill in the mystical mountains.
All the shadows of sin must be removed for God to regain His position. Gods heart has been terribly hurt. By returning to Him on our free will we are also liberating God, our original Heavenly Parent

Doesn't that make God rather human and limited?
But God is complete in Himself (Herself/Itself)
Nothing we could do would have any impact in the way you describe.
Disappointed perhaps.Like oh, the cookies have burnt and taste like disappointing....better whip up some more batter.
It is not like He couldn't just start things over if we were such a miserable lot.So there is more to the story.
You seem to have stopped at a plateau thinking it was the pinnacle, yet it is just a foothill in the mystical mountains.

Our real father is God, but Satan usurped His role as Jesus said clearly. We carry Satan's blood
God has been mistreated and is overflowing with bitter grief. He has been robbed of His ideal and loving children and our world has become His enemy's plaything.
Genesis 6:6 clearly states God's condition. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

This is the sad reality. Even America claims to be a nation under God but is it really ?

God could have judged the entire world and even Satan with his almighty authority but He cant. God's loves His enemy, even Satan.
Jesus was the first one to defeat Satan and claim his position as God's true son.

Parents want to save their children even if they are guilty of a crime. If Jesus forgives people seventy times seven times, God forgive seventy times seven thousand times. That is God's heart.

God is very much alone. That is tragic.
Our real father is God, but Satan usurped His role as Jesus said clearly. We carry Satan's blood
God has been mistreated and is overflowing with bitter grief. He has been robbed of His ideal and loving children and our world has become His enemy's plaything.
Genesis 6:6 clearly states God's condition. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

This is the sad reality. Even America claims to be a nation under God but is it really ?

God could have judged the entire world and even Satan with his almighty authority but He cant. God's loves His enemy, even Satan.
Jesus was the first one to defeat Satan and claim his position as God's true son.

Parents want to save their children even if they are guilty of a crime. If Jesus forgives people seventy times seven times, God forgive seventy times seven thousand times. That is God's heart.

God is very much alone. That is tragic.

thats not what he said last night!!!;)
But God is complete in Himself (Herself/Itself)
Nothing we could do would have any impact in the way you describe.
Disappointed perhaps. Like oh, the cookies have burnt and taste like disappointing....better whip up some more batter.

And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them

When you feel so bad for what your own children did to the point that you are sorry that you even created them or are so angry that you are thinking of destroying them it is much more than cookies being burnt.

Why are we in such hurry to reduce the anger and broken heartness of God felt to "it is not a big deal, just a small thing." lets move on.

Why put Him on the un-reachable marble throne ?
The Garden of Eden is a symbolic expression of the Kingdom of God on earth.

After the human fall A&E did not deserve citizenship in God's Kingdom anymore.
They were cast out in an un-godly realm. The living hell which was their own creation.

If A&E had obeyed God they would have grown up in the Kingdom.

My point is that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth was here to begin with.
I thought they were shown the exit to reality, where they had to work for a living...I certainly don't recall their being escorted to "hell"...but then perhaps I missed something.
And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them

When you feel so bad for what your own children did to the point that you are sorry that you even created them or are so angry that you are thinking of destroying them it is much more than cookies being burnt.

Why are we in such hurry to reduce the anger and broken heartness of God felt to "it is not a big deal, just a small thing." lets move on.

Why put Him on the un-reachable marble throne ?
All the more reason to stop reading the Bible literally m8.
a-l-l-e-g-o-r-y = allegory = parable = metaphors.
All the more reason to stop reading the Bible literally m8.
a-l-l-e-g-o-r-y = allegory = parable = metaphors.
If you were there, then you could unequivicably state that...but you nor me nor anyone else was there, so we can't determine how much is mythos, or parable, or absolute historical fact.

Now before you state that it is too fantastic to be historically true...consider trying to tell people from the 17th century exactly how Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins left earth on a pillar of fire, circled a heavenly body, landed on it for a few hours, then flew back to earth...(man can't fly)...
Fair enough m8.
I think that some people just take things far too literally and they then discount the other aspects as they don't fit into their model of understanding.
Having spent many hours talking with relatives and others concerning christian matters I find this the norm (most people are literalists )
Yet Jesus himself said that if you don't understand parables you won't comprehend what he was getting at (my paraphrase).
Paul also said (concerning Abraham) that the work was allegory.